Palace Nightmares

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"I swear to you my life" Nyx chanted. Her eyes were steadily planted on the brown pair across from her, glints of sparkling lights from the destruction behind her were reflected in his eyes.

"You've lied before, you can lie now. You've betrayed me before, and you are capable of no different" his low voice was resonate, the ground beneath her shook.

"I speak the truth, Sir. I will prove to you my loyalty in any way you wish, and for as long as you wish shall I serve" she explained, knelt in front of him, internally pleading him to believe her.

His eyes narrowed in question, then he slowly nodded his head as he came to terms."I understand" he said.

Nyx gazed up in anticipation and invaded his thoughts. She listened to his plans, what he wished to do with Nyx if what she pledged was true, then finally she understood what needed to be done.

She smiled.

"Your request will be granted" she nodded, getting to her feet as slow as possible to prevent the man across from her initially reconsidering his trust in her. She got to her feet and turned, her back now to the brown-eyed man she pleaded for forgiveness. The ruins he left behind were evidently sprawled across the battlefield. Broken buildings crumpled into a pile of technology, live wires dying out at the contact of the suddenly stiff air, the bodies being burned in the distance were making a dark black smoke in the air that smelt of burnt flesh and rotting intestines, and the look on Lokis face from afar was heart-clenching.

She slowly made her way to him, a knife threateningly placed at the apple of his throat. He was begging in his mind, he kept asking her to stop and reconsider, he kept pleading with his life that they could somehow get away. She continued to walked to him.

The knife was lowered but there remained two alien-like people standing around him in pursuit to stop him from escaping if necessary. Nyx made it to him, pausing to lift her hand to caress his face. His skin was stained with blood, splattering across his cheekbone and making him look even more ill than he had before. His eyes were a brilliant blue, staring back at her with both fear and desire. She sometimes wondered if it weren't for her charming ways that maybe Loki wouldn't look at her the way he did now.

"Please..." he begged, whispering the single word, so soft it made Nyx melt at the sound.

She smiled sadly back at him and ran her thumb over the blood on his cheek, wiping away the hurt that painted his face with her touch. It reassured him and yet how tragic it was that the meaning meant something completely different.

His breath hitched in his throat and Nyx leaned in, so close to his face that goosebumps coated his fragile skin at the contact of her nervous breath. He craved her touch on more than just her hand on his cheek. He imagined how sweet it would feel to be with her, somewhere safe, somewhere not on that planet.

She leaned closer and abruptly a sharp obsidian dagger appeared in her other hand and quickly she gritted her teeth, the dagger sunk into Lokis chest. A sickening 'thunk' sound came the wound as the blade slid pasted Lokis skin, then the muscle, and finally reaching the object pumping blood through his exhausted body.

"We both know how this is going to end" Nyx whispered into his ear as he limply sunk to the ground.

Nyx bolted upright, now sat in her own bed. She felt her heart racing, the beat pulsing at her fingertips, the muscles in her throat contracting and stiffening her breaths. Her cheeks were rubbed raw and tears were running down her face. Her muscles were still sore from recent events in Jotunheim but she felt capable of holding herself up now.

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