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Xiao Zhan brought Yibo to his favourite sushi restaurant and asked for buffet. "Yibo, order as much as you want!"

Yibo nodded his head but he was still feeling reserved. In the end, Xiao Zhan ordered a whole chunk of food.

Yibo was shocked but kept his calm look. Xiao Zhan whistled like a kid waiting for a present and Yibo couldn't help but smirk.

Xiao Zhan froze "Erm, Yibo... why do you alwa ys... glare at me?" Xiao Zhan whispered the last three words. Yibo blinked a little then replied "You always give me a fake smile"

Xiao Zhan was stunned. Yibo could tell? "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I thought you disliked me so I was smiling hesitantly!" Xiao Zhan explained himself.

"What makes you think I dislike you?" Yibo asked and Xiao Zhan looked away a little "When we first entered the company, whenever I smiled at you, you would ignore me and walk away quickly..."

Yibo wanted to smack himself. He was just too shocked by the beauty and knew that he needed to run away before he did something "It's not like that."

Xiao Zhan nodded his head then smiled widely "I'm glad to hear that." Yibo had to contain his smile. This genuine wide smile Xiao Zhan gave was directed to him and him alone.

"So, are we cool?" Yibo asked and Xiao Zhan grinned with a wide nod "Yes!" Yibo smiled back and Xiao Zhan blushed a little "You should smile more..."

Just then, the food came. Xiao Zhan's eyes sparkled as he happily bobbed around. "Yibo, just eat whatever. We can order more!" Xiao Zhan excitedly said and Yibo was stunned.

So much food and he wants to order more? Yibo "Mn" in response as Xiao Zhan grabbed food to put on Yibo's plate before putting on his own.

Xiao Zhan stuffed his mouth and "Mnnn" in content. "Yibo! Fhish ish f-really goof! Fry it!" Xiao Zhan said and Yibo replied "No talking when eating", making Xiao Zhan pout.

Yibo cleared his throat and corrected himself "No talking when chewing" and Xiao Zhan smiled as he swallowed his food "Yibo! Eat up Eat up!"

After half an hour, almost everything they ordered had disappeared. Xiao Zhan quickly ordered more. "How is the food here?"

"Very nice" Yibo replied and Xiao Zhan nodded his head furiously in response. Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo then whined "Hey, don't look at me like that. Is it because I eat too much?"

'So cute' Yibo almost blurted out but managed to keep his mouth shut. He shook his head and was thinking of what to say. Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo who wanted to say something yet didn't want to.

"Hey, just say it out. We're cool now right?" Xiao Zhan said with a pout and Yibo mumbled out "Interesting..."

"What?" Xiao Zhan asked as he didn't hear it. Yibo looked at him, cleared his throat then repeated louder "You're interesting" then quickly looked away and continued eating.

Xiao Zhan froze there, his cheeks turning slightly pink "Y-You're interesting too..." Yibo contained his smile as he chewed on his food.

After dinner, Yibo stopped Xiao Zhan. "Give me 5 minutes" Yibo then went to get some spicy mala chicken with rice as takeaway and drove to his home.

"Hold on here" Yibo said and went in, making Xiao Zhan a little disappointed. Not only did Yibo not invite him in, but Yibo was staying with someone. Parents? Siblings? Or perhaps... a lover?

Xiao Zhan shook his head, trying not to think too much. Meanwhile, Wei Ying was very happy to see Yibo. "Hey! I'm starving!!" Wei Ying shouted as he jumped up from the couch.

Wei Ying grabbed the food happily while Yibo stood at the door. "Yibo? Why are you still standing there? Quickly come in!"

Yibo placed $100 on the table beside the door "Wei Ying, I have to stay in the office late. If I'm too late or anything, get some food. If you're lost or need help, call me."

Wei Ying pouted "Alright" and Yibo headed back to the car. Wei Ying sighed as he was bored the whole day but the food Yibo bought brightened Wei Ying up as Wei Ying digged in.

Yibo went back to the car to see Xiao Zhan in a daze. "Xiao Zhan?" Yibo called out as he waved his hand in front of Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan woke up from his daze and stared at Yibo 'If only you know how much I like you'

"What's wrong?" Yibo asked and Xiao Zhan looked forward "Ah, nothing. Let's head back quick." Yibo nodded his head with an "Mn" and drove off.

Going back to the office, the two of them enjoyed their time in the meeting room, working silently side by side, exchanging a few conversations, Xiao Zhan making fun of Yibo or cracking jokes.

Soon, it was 3am and Yibo looked up to see Xiao Zhan asleep. Yibo smiled as he snapped a picture and placed his jacket over Xiao Zhan's shoulders, then snapped a few pictures again.

Yibo laid his head next to Xiao Zhan, wanting to stare at him for a little but he accidentally fell asleep. After half an hour, Xiao Zhan woke up feeling a little sore but did not get up.

Why would he when the moment he opened his eyes, he sees Yibo sleeping, face facing him. Xiao Zhan's heart pounded as he smiled widely.

It's this feeling. Only Yibo has given it to him. This wonderful feeling of happiness spreading throughout the body. Xiao Zhan reached his hand out, wanting to touch Yibo but realised that Yibo's jacket was on him.

Xiao Zhan smiled and pullet the jacket in, inhaling Yibo's scent and enjoying the warm feeling it gave him. Xiao Zhan whispered a 'sorry' as he took a selfie and smiled to himself, then placed Yibo's jacket back on Yibo before continuing his work.

Yibo woke up 3 hours later, to find Xiao Zhan engrossed in his work. Yibo called out "Zhan" and almost laughed as he saw poor Xiao Zhan jump in fright.

"Yibo" Xiao Zhan whined as he rubbed his heart. "Scares aren't good for my heart" Xiao Zhan complained as his mind complained even more 'Scares aren't good but your raspy voice calling my name is worse'

Yibo went to the toilet to wash up then sat beside Xiao Zhan "Breakfast?" Xiao Zhan peeked at Yibo then uttered "S-Sure"

"Come" Yibo said as he patted Xiao Zhan's back, making Xiao Zhan's heart jump. Xiao Zhan then obediently followed Yibo before the other staffs could stream in.

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