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Yibo saw Xiao Zhan's look and wanted to go over to hug him. But before he could, Mr Bob continued talking.

"First, let's congratulate our team leaders for finding love in WangXian Company. Mr Wang and Mr Xiao, please do invite us to your wedding"

Xiao Zhan looked up in shock. How did he know about Yibo proposing? Were there pictures of that too?

"As all of you know, we are recently supporting the LGBT community and the higher ups are pleased to know of this relationship.

Mr Wang and Mr Xiao, we hope that you can spare some time to model for our new project" Mr Bob said with a smile.

Xiao Zhan was still processing the information while the others started clapping and cheering them on.

Meanwhile, LingJiao was not happy. She couldn't believe everything she did did nothing but make the two get acknowledged more. And they even have a fanclub.

Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo in disbelief, who gave him a cheeky smile. "Meeting dismissed, Mr Wang and Mr Xiao, hope you accept our offer"

Yibo walked over to Xiao Zhan and hugged him. Xiao Zhan looks so cute havng a confused and innocent face.

Yibo pulled out his phone and clicked on their office website, showing Xiao Zhan an anonymous post on the website.

The caption read "Did Team Leader Wang said he proposed to Team Leader Xiao?! I want to go to their wedding!" and the video was a video about them this morning.

Another anonymous post was then uploaded "Look! I found the proposal video uploaded on Weibo by this person called WeiYing_loves_LanZhan"

Xiao Zhan blushed, knowing Wei Ying was the one who uploaded it. Maybe he teached Wei Ying a little too much on how to use the phone.

Because the next few posts were pictures of four of them "Team Leader Wang and Team Leader Xiao's twins are dating each other too!"

There were many comments under that by both employees and customers, saying many supportive things.

And Mr Bob came up to them. "Yibo, Zhan, the two of you have twins?" Yibo and Zhan didn't know how to reply so they nodded.

Mr Bob smiled "The higher ups just asked if they can take part in the photo shoot too! Please consider and I hope to hear good news!"

Xiao Zhan and Yibo looked at each other, then chuckled. Xiao Zhan hugged Yibo "Wei WuXian would be very excited"

Yibo nodded "Lan WangJi would be jealous if he knows his husband's face will be placed everywhere to be ogled at by many people"

Xiao Zhan burst into giggles "Bo Bo, this turned out great, I thought they might fire us"

"I would love to retire with you. I have enough money" Yibo said which earned a smack from Xiao Zhan "Be humble! We're only nearing thirties and you want to retire?"

"Didn't you say you'll travel the world with me?" Yibo said "Let's retire for a few years, before Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian goes back"

"You think they'll go back?" Xiao Zhan asked and Yibo shrugged "They might, since they suddenly came here"

Xiao Zhan nodded "I already know I miss them. Wei WuXian is so humorous and Lan WangJi is such a gentleman"

Yibo frowned and covered Xiao Zhan's mouth "No praising other men" Xiao Zhan who was shocked giggled and teased Yibo by licking his palm.

Yibo's ears turned red and Xiao Zhan was surprised when Yibo pulled him by the waist and kissed him. "Not here!" Xiao Zhan exclaimed as he smacked Yibo's arm.

Yibo only responded with a smirk as he sneaked a few more kisses before they walked back to their desks.

Somehow by lunch break, many new accounts popped up and Weibo, showing the cutest twin couple of the year and fan made accounts because the four or them are so handsome.

Xiao Zhan chuckled "Yibo, imagine if we break up. Wouldn't all this seem funny and stupid?"

Yibo frowned and squeezed Xiao Zhan's cheeks with his two hands as he kissed Xiao Zhan, not caring that there was an unchewed chicken in his mouth.

Yibo finally let go a blushing and glaring Xiao Zhan. "Why would we break up" Yibo huffed and stabbed his food, chewing unhappily.

Xiao Zhan pouted "I only said imagine... Not that we would..." Yibo thought that Xiao Zhan looked too cute and kissed him again, not caring about the phones pointed at them.

"You two look so cute together! We support you!" A woman and her group of friends went up to them shyly.

Yibo interlocked his fingers with Xiao Zhan's and slightly showed off their rings, then politely said a "Thank you"

The group of woman gushed about how cute that was while Xiao Zhan wanted to bury himself in embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Wei Ying was comfortable on Lan Zhan's lap. "Lan Zhan! Look! I have so many followers now! That means I'm an idol! I have so many fans!"

Lan Zhan frowned and looked in the screen. "What's an idol?" Wei Ying shook his head and sighed.

"Lan Er Ge Ge, you need to be updated! You see, idol is like a celebrity, those famous people you see on that square thing over there(television)"

Lan Zhan frowned, not liking the idea of Wei Ying being famous while Wei Ying was giggling and replying to the comments left on his posts.

Lan Zhan started frowning deeper, because Wei Ying had been staring at this small rectangular thing for the past hour, talking to it. It was the live function Xiao Zhan showed Wei Ying.

Wei Ying giggled and Lan Zhan took the chance to snatch the phone away. "Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying protested loudly, but Lan Zhan carried him up into the bedroom.

Luckily Lan Zhan went up to the bedroom, or the puzzled live viewers would end up hearing moaning sounds and might see something not for their eyes.

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