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The next day, Yibo and Xiao Zhan came to work with Lan Zhan and Wei Ying. Immediately, phones were out and they were surrounded by people.

Lan Zhan held Wei Ying tight, glaring at whoever dare touch his husband. Yibo wanted to hide Xiao Zhan and stop him from smiling politely at others but he had to shoo the people away too.

After a few minutes, Mr Bob came with a few security guards. "I apologise, I did not expect such a thing to happen"

"It's fine, we weren't hurt" Xiao Zhan said and Wei Ying was enjoying the attention, waving to them.

However, Yibo and Lan Zhan disagreed. How can people surround their lovers and touch them all over? And Lan Zhan wasn't very happy with Wei Ying's flirtings.

In the lift, Wei Ying finally saw the Lan Zhan's expression and squeezed the hand he was holding. Lan Zhan didn't look at him.

Wei Ying pouted then placed a few kisses on Lan Zhan's cheek. Lan Zhan turned to Wei Ying and his expression softened. He then pulled Wei Ying's hand closer and kissed his lips.

Xiao Zhan who turned behind to check on Wei Ying and Lan Zhan immediately turned his head again. He made a mental note that they would be fine wherever they go and did not need any checking up on.

Yibo saw Xiao Zhan's reaction and curiously turned behind, then smirked as he pulled and kissed the shocked Xiao Zhan.

Poor Mr Bob heard a few kissing sounds and tensed up, not daring or wanting to turn his head back.

They reached level 60 and out came a pale Mr Bob, a blushing Xiao Zhan, a grinning Wei Ying and the proud Yibo and Lan Zhan.

They went into a meeting room where they signed contracts and discussed the leave with the management.

The management agreed to letting them take a 1 year leave but they have to appoint a substitute team leader.

During this 1 year, they would also model and take up advertisements to promote the company.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying went off for their little date before heading home while Yibo brought Xiao Zhan to an empty meeting room.

They sat down, facing the blank screen while holding hands. Yibo smiled "Zhan, I remember seeing you here for the first time"

"Me too, you looked so cool and handsome when you walked in. I thought you were the CEO" Xiao Zhan giggled.

Yibo laughed "And you were so cute that I felt like kidnapping you away. I dislike that you had to show your smile to everyone"

Yibo's smile turned into a frown as he also remembered this morning's incident "Zhan Zhan, do you know how to be rude?"

Xiao Zhan looked at him with a slight frown, asking him if he is serious. Yibo sighed "Zhan, you need to learn to be rude"

Xiao Zhan laughed "Bo Bo, what are you talking about? We shouldn't be rude! Anyway, we have to go back to work"

Yibo pouted. Why so soon? He sighed and got dragged by Xiao Zhan, knowing that protesting would not help.

Xiao Zhan called Ji Li over and chose him as the substitute team leader. Ji Li shook his head "I can't, I can't!"

Xiao Zhan smiled "Ji Li, I know how capable you are. You just like keeping it low. And thank you for making the anonymous post and saying good things for us"

Ji Li rubbed the back of his head "Zhan Ge, you're even smarter to find out that it was me. How did you know?"

Xiao Zhan smiled "My computer has access to your internet histories as a safety for fraud and I accidentally saw it"

Ji Li only chuckled and they talked further, with Ji Li accepting the position but telling Xiao Zhan to come back sooner and take over.

Meanwhile, Yibo handed his job over to his right hand man who was trustworthy enough as they had worked together for a few years.

And finally, it was time to go home. Yibo gladly picked his things up, said goodbye to his team and went over to Xiao Zhan's team.

A week passed and the handover was smooth. The two also closed off the deals they were handling without much issue.

Yibo hugged Xiao Zhan as they settled in the couch "Zhan Zhan, let's travel the world and occasionally come back to China for any scheduled photo shoot sessions"

Xiao Zhan nodded his head as he grabbed his bag, pulling out a notebook and pen. They then started listing down things they want to do.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying joined them and they laughed when Wei Ying said he wanted to go see a huge swimming balloon and long jumping fishes.

They figured Wei Ying was talking about whales and dolphins and included that in their activity list.

Soon, pages were filled and Wei Ying had fallen asleep on Lan Zhan's lap, while mumbling "Balloon fish... Worm leg monster (Octopus)... Squeeze cow..."

Lan Zhan smiled at Wei Ying and signaled to Yibo and Xiao Zhan before carrying him up. Xiao Zhan grinned "They are so sweet"

He then uploaded a picture of Wei Ying sleeping on Lan Zhan's lap online. Yibo hugged Xiao Zhan "Let's take one too"

They took a few selfies and uploaded them. Xiao Zhan was squealing over how cute the pictures were while Yibo felt proud of himself. 'We don't lose to that couple'

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