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Xiao Zhan and Yibo ended up having a mini date since Wei Ying and Lan Zhan fell asleep after thier activity.

Yibo and Xiao Zhan took a break on a bench in the amusement park as they held hands. Xiao Zhan leaned on Yibo's shoulder.

"Isn't spring nice?" Xiao Zhan sighed. "Hm" Yibo agreed "You really hate summer afterall"

"How did you know?" Xiao Zhan sat up with widened eyes, making Yibo smile "You always wear thinner clothes and you have your portable fan with you whenever you go out for lunch"

"I guess you really noticed me..." Xiao Zhan blushed, feeling a little shy. Yibo let out a slight chuckle "Of course, you so naturally catch my attention"

Xiao Zhan laid on Yibo's lap and started giggling uncontrollably when Yibo turned all stiff "Bo Bo, you're so shy"

Yibo's ears turned red at the nickname and to hide it all, he bent down to kiss Xiao Zhan on the lips, effectively shutting him up and making him the blushing one.

"Why are you so flexible..." Xiao Zhan mumbled to himself, making Yibo smiled. Yibo stroked Xiao Zhan's hair as they enjoyed each other's company.

"Let's go to the beach during summer" Yibo broke the comfortable silence and Xiao Zhan groaned, at the idea and because he almost fell asleep.

"No, it'll be too hot, I don't wanna" Xiao Zhan whined. Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan "It'll be fun, I'll bring frozen popsicles"

Xiao Zhan immediately blushed at the mention of popsicles and Yibo let out a smirk "Zhan Zhan, what are you thinking"

Xiao Zhan pouted and glared at Yibo "It's all your fault! Now I can't properly think of my popsicles and ice creams!"

Yibo chuckled then suggested "Or we can go to the water park" Xiao Zhan thought for a little then nodded "Either is fine if you promise to buy me ice cream and cold drinks"

"I can buy those for you anytime" Yibo proudly said and Xiao Zhan smiled "How lucky of me to have a handsome man buying me drinks and ice cream"

"And how lucky of me to be able to buy ice cream and drinks for the cutest and most charming man in the world" Yibo replied.

Xiao Zhan let out a snort despite feeling very happy "Bo, I wanna go snowboarding in the winter"

"Mn, I have tried it once, I can teach you" Yibo grinned and Xiao Zhan hmphed "Don't think I don't know you went with your team!"

Yibo stroked Xiao Zhan's hair "You have no idea how glad I am. I would be very jealous if you and your team went instead. There are so many people eyeing for you in you team"

"And you think I'm not jealous?" Xiao Zhan pouted and crossed his arm "Cheng Xiao posted a photo of her clinging onto your arm!"

"Zhan! I pushed her arm away immediately! She still managed to get a picture though" Yibo immediately explained.

Xiao Zhan still pouted with his arms crossed and looked away. Yibo held his hand while the other stroked his hair. "You're so cute when you're jealous"

Xiao Zhan was speechless then huffed as he said "Whatever, we definitely have to go there together"

Yibo smiled "Of course. I want to travel the world with you, Zhan" Xiao Zhan widened his eyes "Really?"

Yibo nodded and Xiao Zhan abruptly sat up to cheer, but accidentally collided into Yibo's lips.

Xiao Zhan awkwardly shifted, his cheers died down as he mumbled "I want to travel the world with you too"

Yibo smiled and pulled Xiao Zhan over, tightly hugging his shoulder "And you're so cute when you're flustered"

Xiao Zhan lightly smacked his thigh then gasped "Shall we bring those two to Canada during Autumn? I want to see the maple leaves fall!"

"And catch a falling maple leaf beside you" Xiao Zhan mumbled but Yibo heard it and a big smile appeared on his face.

"Zhan, we're already in love. We should catch a falling cherry blossom together" Yibo said as he held up their interlinked hands and kissed it.

"Y-You want to marry me?" Xiao Zhan gasped with eyes wide and for a moment, Yibo's heart skipped a beat "You don't want to?"

"Are you proposing now?" Xiao Zhan pouted and Yibo chuckled "No, I'll see how"

"What do you mean see how!" Xiao Zhan glared at Yibo who grinned "I have to consider a little more. Marrying is a big issue after all"

Xiao Zhan pouted and shrugged Yibo's hand off, walking away. Yibo immediately ran up and placed his arm over Xiao Zhan's shoulder, who shrugged it off again.

"Aw, Zhan Zhan, don't be angry" Yibo said but Xiao Zhan ignored him. Yibo quickly grabbed a rose from a stall they were walking past and pulled Xiao Zhan's hand, kneeling down the moment he turned.

"Well, Zhan Zhan, will you marry me?" Yibo asked, squeezing his hand. Xiao Zhan blushed at the suddenness and Yibo reached his hand behind his back pocket and took out a small box.

"W-Wha..." Xiao Zhan gasped as Yibo opened the box. "Zhan, I've started loving you since the moment I saw you and I won't stop loving you. Will you marry me?"

Xiao Zhan blushed furiously "Get up..." Yibo shook his head "I was wondering if it might be too rushed for you and how I should make it big, grand and a surprise.

But I know that you are the only one for me and since we crossed this subject, while I can still make it the biggest surprise for you, I'll ask now. Will you marry me?"

They say catching a falling maple leaf means you'll fall in love with the person you're walking with while catching a falling cherry blossom means you'll marry your first love.

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