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"I love you too, Yibo" Xiao Zhan smiled and pulled him down for a kiss. Xiao Zhan played with Yibo's hair while Yibo undressed the both of them.

Yibo paused to look at Xiao Zhan's body and Xiao Zhan frowned, covering his body with the blanket. That snapped Yibo from his imaginations "Zhan, what are you doing?"

"S-Stop staring... Let's off the lights" Xiao Zhan mumbled, only peeking out of the blankets, making Yibo chuckle.

"Zhan, how do I touch you if I can't see? Besides, I want to see" Yibo shamelessly said, making Xiao Zhan blush. "I..."

Yibo grabbed the blanket and removed it with one tug, mkaing Xiao Zhan yelp. "Zhan, it's alright, we can start getting used to this because we'll do it everyday"

"Everyday?!" Xiao Zhan widened his eyes in disbelief. Yibo placed a kiss on his lips "Look, we only confessed to each other last night but we can't keep our hands to ourselves already. Of course we'll be doing it everyday!"

"We'll see later..." Xiao Zhan blushed and looked away making Yibo snuggle his face in the crook of Xiao Zhan's neck, tickling him.

"It's alright, I'm prepared. I'm sure you'll want it everyday" Yibo said as he held Xiao Zhan's cock, making him moan.

Yibo then grabbed the bottle of lube which he placed on the table before he went to dinner and squeezed a large amount on his hand.

"Excuse me" Yibo said before kissing Xiao Zhan as he poked his index finger into his hole. Xiao Zhan winced at the intrusion but all moans and groans were covered by Yibo's kisses.

"Relax" Yibo said each time he inserted another finger in, carefully lubing enough and rubbing slowly.

"Ahhhh... Y-Yibo.... Hmmmm.... Mnnnn... Ahhhh..." Xiao Zhan moaned as his legs trembled, making Yibo harder just from the sight of it.

Yibo gave kisses while fingering him and the more Xiao Zhan moaned, the harder Yibo got, making him thrust his fingers harder.

Yibo hit Xiao Zhan's prostrate and Xiao Zhan cummed with a loud moan. Yibo grinned, satisfied at what he did.

Unable to hold back anymore, Yibo grabbed Xiao Zhan's thighs, separating them as he lifted Xiao Zhan's hip.

Yibo was about to enter when he remembered the condom and reached for it, when Xiao Zhan held onto his hand "Don't"

Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan, surprised. Xiao Zhan looked away with a blush "It's both our first time... I want to feel you..."

Yibo breathed out heavily as he kissed Xiao Zhan before readying himself. "Relax" Yibo said as he took in a deep breath, slowly entering Xiao Zhan.

"Nghhh..." Xiao Zhan moaned as he arched his back. This was like adding one more finger on top of the three fingers!

"Relax" Yibo said again as he slowly pushed in, giving some time for Xiao Zhan to adjust to his size.

After a little while of kissing, Xiao Zhan broke the kiss "Aren't you moving?" Yibo smiled "No, I love the way you keep clenching on me"

Xiao Zhan pouted with a slight blush "Please?" Yibo contained his smirk "Say it again"

"Please move, Yibo?" Xiao Zhan blushed harder, feeling very shameless. Yibo smiled as he started moving, immediately inviting moans from Xiao Zhan.

A few moments later... "Ouch!!!"

"Zhan..." Yibo slightly frowned "Why did you pinch me so hard? It hurts..."

Xiao Zhan huffed "First you don't want to move, next you move so slowly, this is the last time we're doing it!"

"Ahh, Zhan, I'm sorry" Yibo said as he thrusted hard, making Xiao Zhan gasp. "I just wanted to... tease you a little" Yibo explained as he continued thrusting.

The sudden thrusts made Xiao Zhan unable to speak, clenching onto Yibo's arm tightly as he gasped for air.

Yibo smiled at this as he thrusted faster and harder, feeling the peak of orgasm. "Ahh!" Xiao Zhan moaned as he was about to cum.

Yibo dived in to kiss Xiao Zhan and thrusted deeper, making Xiao Zhan cum continuously in between their bodies.

Xiao Zhan laid there panting while Yibo continued thrusting. "Zhan... I'm... cumming..." Yibo said in between thrusts.

Yibo was about to pull out when Xiao Zhan hugged him tight, wrapping his limbs around Yibo's body, especially his legs by tightening them around Yibo's waist.

"Zhan!" Yibo groaned as he couldn't help but cum inside. Yibo then slowly rode out the orgasm and laid on top of Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan chuckled and felt like being shameless "How was it? Did it feel good cumming inside me?"

"Shit!" Yibo cursed as he grew harder, diving in to attack Xiao Zhan's lips, then neck. Xiao Zhan moaned as he clutched onto Yibo, still feeling sensitive.

At the end of the second round, Xiao Zhan decided to tease Yibo only after pulling out. But before he could, Yibo kissed Xiao Zhan and asked back "How was it? Did it feel good when I'm inside you"

Xiao Zhan blushed and lightly smacked Yibo's shoulder, making Yibo chuckle. Seeing the cum dripping out of Xiao Zhan's hole made Yibo's cock twitch again.

"Zhan, I think we should go for another round" Yibo said and without giving time for Xiao Zhan to reply, he collided their lips and thrusted into the well-lubricated hole again.

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