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"Zhan, want to come over to my house for dinner?" Yibo asked, feeling nervous under his calm face. "Sure!" Xiao Zhan replied, trying not to express himself as overly excited.

Hence, after work, Xiao Zhan got on the back of Yibo's motorcycle. "Hold on tight" Yibo said as he placed a special helmet he kept for when one day Xiao Zhan would use over Xiao Zhan's head.

Even though Yibo told him to hold on tight, Xiao Zhan wasn't sure of where to hold. Yibo put on his helmet and turned back, then grabbed Xiao Zhan's arms over his waist.

"You can lean on me if it's too fast" Yibo said cooly though his heart was beating faster than ever. Xiao Zhan was blushing at this closeness as he tightened his hold around Yibo's waist, not knowing Yibo's heart almost jumped out at that.

Xiao Zhan slowly leaned his head on Yibo's back, making Yibo feel the happiness bursting in his heart. 'So cute...' Yibo tried to calm himself and his bursting heart.

Xiao Zhan was glad there was a helmet over his head or Yibo would see his tomato red face and the smile he can't contain.

When they reached, Xiao Zhan looked around Yibo's house with great interest. He felt so happy and honoured to be invited to Yibo's house.

They then went to Wei Ying's room and Yibo opened the door. Immediately, they were greeted by moans and squelching sounds and the sight of Lan Zhan thrusting fast into Wei Ying.

Both Yibo and Xiao Zhan blushed as their jaws dropped and Yibo immediately shut the door after getting back his senses. They just saw their lookalikes having vigorous sex!

Both their hearts were beating quickly. "S-Sorry... The rooms here are soundproof..." Yibo mumbled. Xiao Zhan shook his head and stammered a little "I-It's nothing"

Both of them were feeling awkward and shy, especially after seeing their lookalikes having sex. Xiao Zhan couldn't stand the heat creeping up his neck and asked for cold water.

After calming themselves, Yibo brought Xiao Zhan around the house. Xiao Zhan looked at the fridge "You don't cook much?"

Yibo shook his head "It's easier to grab food on the way to work and on the way home" Xiao Zhan nodded then said "Let's go get some groceries!"

Yibo didn't want Xiao Zhan to be tired. "No, we can just order food" Xiao Zhan pouted "Outside food isn't as healthy. Or... you don't trust my cooking?"

Yibo shook his head "I don't want you to be tired" Xiao Zhan slightly blushed at Yibo's caringness "It's fine, tomorrow is Saturday and you'll help me right?"

They then headed to the nearby supermarket and bought rice, maggie mee, cup noodles, eggs, luncheon meat, cheese, some bread and spreads, canned food, fruits and some snacks like potato chips and others.

They felt like a newlywed couple coming out to buy groceries. They enjoyed their time together and when they were home they cooked together. Yibo did the washing of ingredients and preparation while Xiao Zhan did the cooking.

Soon, there were four plates of luncheon meat fried rice, each topped with a sunny side up. There was also fish and vegetables with chicken chunks and a few more dishes.

Yibo went up to call them, so he knocked the door loudly, slightly opened it to hear them still having sex. As Yibo didn't look straight into the room, he didn't see anything that would make him feel guilty.

However, his eyes met with Xiao Zhan's who was also surprised at the still ongoing love sounds made by the couple. Yibo cleared his throat and looked away.

"The food is ready! Come and eat!" Yibo said before shutting the door and walked past a frozen Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan quickly followed Yibo back to the dining room.

They both sat there waiting for the two but after 5 minutes, they were not done. "Let's just eat first" Yibo said.

Xiao Zhan wanted to tell him to wait a little more but Yibo had already taken a spoonful of fried rice and chewed on it. Yibo's eyes slightly widened. "It's good"

Xiao Zhan smiled widely "Eat more" and he happily started eating too. Yibo ate every dish and nodded in approval.

Xiao Zhan chuckled as he watched Yibo munching down on the food he made. Yibo finished his plate and wanted more fried rice with egg so he took another plate on the table.

Xiao Zhan was about to say he only cooked four plaes but he couldn't bear to stop his crush when his crush was eating the food he made so eagerly.

Yibo was contented. Xiao Zhan's food was so good that even when he was full, his mouth still wanted more. 'I can eat this my whole life while looking at you' Yibo thought as he watched Xiao Zhan chew with his bunny cheeks.

Xiao Zhan was also hungry so he ended up splitting the other plate of fried rice with Yibo. In the end, the two of them wiped out the dishes on the table, though Yibo did most of the job.

Yibo's instinct made him want to hug Xiao Zhan and give him a kiss, then thank him for the dinner but he held himself back. "Thank you, it was very delicious" Xiao Zhan smiled happily "I'm glad you like the food I made"

Yibo thought to himself 'I love it...' They then sat on the couch as Yibo said "It's been a long time since I've ate homemade dishes. My cooking isn't that good"

Xiao Zhan slowly nodded "I can come and cook more if you want... I cook often anyway" Yibo was happy to hear that as he straightened up without looking too happy "Really? I would be very thankful"

Xiao Zhan only "Mn" in response then got up to grab the remote control. As he walked back to the couch, he tripped over the table's leg, making him crash into Yibo's wide chest.

Xiao Zhan looked up as he made eye contact with Yibo and the two of them froze, not saying anything nor moving. Thoughts ran wild in both their minds as their hearts beat quicker than ever.

"OOOOOH" A loud exclamation startled the both of them as Xiao Zhan scrambled off Yibo, and ended up landing on the floor.

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