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Wei Ying was waving goodbye to Yibo and Xiao Zhan when he felt two arms that he missed so much embracing him. "Wei Ying" Lan Zhan called out longingly.

"Who do you love?" Wei Ying asked and Lan Zhan immediately replied "Wei Ying. Only Wei Ying." Wei Ying then slightly nodded his head and asked "Will you ever hug others?"

"No, of course not. I will push them away and not let them hug me. Only Wei Ying can" Lan Zhan quickly explained himself. Wei Ying then turned around and hugged Lan Zhan.

"Lan Zhan, I missed you so much" Wei Ying said, feeling tears in his eyes. Now he knows how boring and plain and empty everyday was without Lan Zhan beside him.

"I played WuJi everyday, why didn't you come to me?" Wei Ying whined, almost crying. "Sorry" Lan Zhan whispered "Sorry I took so long"

Wei Ying sniffed a little and Lan Zhan brought him to a corner, caressing his face and giving him kisses. "Wei Ying, I missed you so much"

Wei Ying jumped on Lan Zhan and hugged him tight, squeezing him with his four limbs. Lan Zhan wrapped one arm around Wei Ying and the other lifted Wei Ying's face for a deep kiss.

Both of them didn't want to stop even when they were panting hard. They pressed their foreheads together as they breathed heavily, just to freeze when they heard moaning and skin slapping.

They looked into the alley to see a couple having sex. Wei Ying blushed as he realised how hard Lan Zhan already was. "Lan Er Ge Ge, people here are so daring"

Lan Zhan only nodded as all he could think about is Wei Ying. "Lan Er Ge Ge~" Wei Ying flirted as he grinded a little, making Lan Zhan shut his eyes to control himself.

"Let's go somewhere and do something we have missed for many days" Wei Ying said and Lan Zhan immediately stepped out and hailed a taxi.

Wei Ying told the taxi driver Yibo's address and Wei Ying chuckled to himself as he could see Lan Zhan's bulge.

Wei Ying's naughty hands couldn't help but sneak over, caressing Lan Zhan's bulge, making Lan Zhan's breath hitch "Wei Ying!"

Wei Ying glanced at the taxi driver who was still looking at the road and unzipped Lan Zhan's pants. Lan Zhan's eyes widened in horror but since he was sitting behind the taxi driver, he was safe from being seen.

Wei Ying laid his head on Lan Zhan's lap as he slowly pulled out Lan Zhan's dick and kissed it a few times before licking it and grinned as it was rock hard.

Lan Zhan was too nervous. Even if they weren't seen, Wei Ying always moans and they would be heard! Just then, the taxi driver halted "We are here"

Wei Ying pouted as he pushed back Lan Zhan's dick while Lan Zhan pretended to search for the money, then gave it to the driver.

Wei Ying held Lan Zhan's hand and pulled him to the bedroom he was staying in. Wei Ying closed the door, then knelt down and pulled down Lan Zhan's pants.

Wei Ying continued what he was doing in the taxi and started sucking it. Wei Ying's moans and the squelching sounds turned Lan Zhan on even more. Lan Zhan pushed Wei Ying against the wall and kissed him.

When Wei Ying was out of breath, Lan Zhan started biting, licking, kissing and sucking Wei Ying's neck while undressing him. Wei Ying moaned as he also tried to pull Lan Zhan's shirt off.

Once they were naked, Lan Zhan carried Wei Ying to the bed and started fingering Wei Ying. Wei Ying moaned as he said how much he missed Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan kissed Wei Ying, wanting more and more of him. "Lan Zhan, quickk" Wei Ying urged Lan Zhan on. Lan Zhan nodded and aligned himself, kissing Wei Ying as he slowly entered.

"Too tight..." Lan Zhan groaned as he pulled out a little before pushing in again. Wei Ying clutched Lan Zhan's arm as it hurt.

After a few mini thrusts, Lan Zhan managed to enter Wei Ying all the way. Wei Ying moaned a little then chuckled "Lan Er Ge Ge, you're so gentle today"

"I love you, Wei Ying" Lan Zhan said as he kissed Wei Ying. "Ahhhh... M-Me.... Me too!" Wei Ying moaned as Lan Zhan started thrusting into Wei Ying.

Soon, Wei Ying already came and Lan Zhan was on the edge. Thrusting even deeper a few more times, Lan Zhan released what he had been holding for weeks deep inside Wei Ying.

Wei Ying sat up a little and cum started dripping out "S-So much..." Wei Ying was surprised. Lan Zhan kissed Wei Ying and Wei Ying sat up, the cum dripping down his legs making him embarrassed.

Wei Ying held Lan Zhan's shoulders as he grinded against Lan Zhan and soon, he aligned himself before slowly engulfing Lan Zhan's dick.

Wei Ying bounced up and down on Lan Zhan's dick as he moaned while Lan Zhan held Wei Ying's hips, assisting him as he thrusted harder and faster.

Lan Zhan too, thrusted his hips upwards to meet Wei Ying's bounce. They both felt the peak of pleasure as Lan Zhan thrusted hard while stroking Wei Ying's cock.

They both released at the same time and Lan Zhan continued grinding to ride out the pleasure while slowing down the strokes on Wei Ying's cock.

Lan Zhan placed Wei Ying down and kissed him, then pampered his whole body. After he was satisfied with what he did, Lan Zhan turned Wei Ying around to leave marks on the back of his neck and body.

Lan Zhan spread Wei Ying's butt cheeks while leaving his marks and thrusted in again, making Wei Ying moan loudly. Lan Zhan was thrusting hard and fast when they were disturbed by the opening of the door.

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