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"What's wrong?" Lan Zhan asked when Xiao Zhan finally calmed down. Xiao Zhan only looked down "My sister lost her baby and is hospitalised..."

Lan Zhan then remembered what a hospital was as he walked past it before. "Shall we visit her?" Xiao Zhan was surprised but he would be more than glad to have a company "Sure"

When Lan Zhan walked into the room, his jaw dropped. Xiao Zhan noticed Lan Zhan's surprised reaction but signalled him in. "This is my Jie. Jie, this is Lan WangJi"

Xuan Lu smiled and held Xiao Zhan's hand. Xiao Zhan felt like crying again "J-Jie... are you alright?" Xuan Lu smiled and nodded her head as she replied "Mn, don't worry"

Xuan Lu stared at Lan Zhan then pulled Xiao Zhan in and whispered not so softly "Isn't this your crush, Yibo?"

Xiao Zhan blushed but shook his head. "He came from a long time ago. Back when XiCheng Town was around."

Xuan Lu did not really know how to react but then chuckled "Then he might be the past Yibo" Xiao Zhan only nodded at that possibility.

"Jie, do you feel pain anywhere?" Xiao Zhan asked and Xuan Lu shook her head "Don't worry, I'm really alright"

Xiao Zhan hugged her "It's fine, alright? Don't take it to heart too much" Xuan Lu nodded and the nurse came in, telling them that Xuan Lu has to rest.

Xiao Zhan waved goodbye "Take care of your health! Tell me if that arrogant husband of yours bully you, I'll visit you again!"

Once they were out, Xiao Zhan asked "Lan WangJi, you know my sister?" Lan Zhan shook his head "She looks the same as Wei Ying's adoptive sister"

Xiao Zhan "Ooh" in response, then said "I'm also her adoptive brother!" Lan Zhan froze and did not know what to say but Xiao Zhan just continued walking like it was nothing.

The next two days, Lan Zhan waited outside Xiao Zhan's office or loitered around nearby, in hopes that he would be able to see Wei Ying walk past again.

On the third day, Lan Zhan who was opposite the street saw Wei Ying coming out of the taxi and his heart immediately jumped in happiness.

But the next thing made Lan Zhan frown deeply. Wei Ying was waving happily at a motorcycle parked in front. Before Lan Zhan could get there, they had already driven away.

Lan Zhan immediately hailed a cab and gave chase. If only he had his spiritual powers, he would not care about anything and rode his sword instead.

As Wei Ying was on a motorbike, Lan Zhan soon lost sight of them. Turning a few corners, Lan Zhan saw the motorbike and immediately got off.

Lan Zhan looked through 3 stores and finally, at a restaurant, saw his Wei Ying smiling at a man before eating his food.

Lan Zhan immediately walked over and stood behind the man, facing Wei Ying. "Wei Ying" Lan Zhan called out, panting a little.

Wei Ying looked up in surprise "L-Lan Zhan..." and when Yibo turned, it was Yibo's and Lan Zhan's turn to be surprised.

They both stared at each other till Wei Ying awkwardly chuckled "Lan Zhan, this is Yibo. Yibo, this is Lan Zhan"

Lan Zhan frowned at Yibo then went over and grab Wei Ying's wrist, wanting to bring him out but Wei Ying immediately protested. Yibo seeing this, stood up. "You shouldn't treat Wei Ying like that"

This made Lan Zhan very angry and stare daggers at Yibo. Why does he call Wei Ying by his birth name? Why do they seem so close? Wei Ying immediately stepped in front of Lan Zhan "Lan Zhan! Don't be rude!"

"Wei Ying, let's go!" Lan Zhan said with a little desperation. "No!" Wei Ying shouted back. "Why? You like him more than me?!" Lan Zhan exclaimed.

"Hanguang Jun, you dare say that when you hug another man?! All I want is to eat! Why won't you let me eat?!" Wei Ying snapped back.

Lan Zhan then realised Wei Ying was staying because he haven't finished his food. Lan Zhan grabbed the plate and placed it on the table beside, then made Wei Ying sit there and sat opposite him.

Wei Ying and Yibo were stunned. Lan Zhan then wanted to explain to Wei Ying. "Wei Ying, what you saw-"

Wei Ying covered his ears "I'm not hearing anything." Lan Zhan felt a little angry "Wei Ying!"

"Lan Zhan! All this while Yibo took care of me! Why must you treat him so rudely?" Wei Ying said then continued "If you treat him nicer, I'll hear your explanation"

Lan Zhan grit his teeth but compared to losing Wei Ying, he would rather treat the man that looks like him nicer.

Lan Zhan stood up, turned to the side and bowed "I am Lan Zhan. Thank you for taking care of MY Wei Ying"

Yibo nodded his head awkwardly "I am Yibo..." Wei Ying clapped "Great" and then started digging in.

Lan Zhan quickly sat back down, thinking about how to explain himself when he heard a familiar voice. He and Yibo turned around at the same time.

"Xiao Zhan!" Lan Zhan called out before Yibo could go over and say hi. Yibo frowned as Wei Ying looked up with a frown too, just to see someone who looks like him.

Xiao Zhan slowly walked over, trying to figure out what was going on. There was Lan Zhan and Yibo and a guy who looks the same as him... Wei Ying?

Xiao Zhan walked over with a smile "Hi, you must be Wei Ying. Lan WangJi was going crazy, searching everywhere for you everyday"

Wei Ying felt happy hearing that. Firstly, Lan Zhan didn't give his birth name and secondly, Lan Zhan had been searching everywhere for him.

Xiao Zhan looked at Lan Zhan then back to Wei Ying "Ah, I must apologise for hugging your husband. My sister lost her baby and I wasn't sure of her condition, so I cried till I bumped into him" Xiao Zhan lied a little as he felt bad.

Yibo frowned even harder. Xiao Zhan was crying while hugging another man?! Lan Zhan saw this and understood how he felt.

Wei Ying found it weird to be angry at his lookalike "I want to talk to this guy alone" Wei Ying said, then looked at Lan Zhan and Yibo.

Lan Zhan and Yibo then went outside where Lan Zhan asked if Yibo likes Xiao Zhan. "Ah, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Xiao Zhan" Xiao Zhan said before he sat down.

"Why did you hug Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying asked and Xiao Zhan thought a little before confirming that Lan Zhan was Lan WangJi.

"To be honest, I love Yibo so when I saw him, I hugged him. Sorry" Xiao Zhan apologised. Wei Ying pouted a little "Alright, but no next time okay? Next time you can hug Yibo instead"

Xiao Zhan chuckled a little before nodding his head as they continued talking, leaving the two men outside.

After finishing their food, they then remembered that Yibo and Lan Zhan were still outside. Hence, they went out and Lan Zhan immediately called out nervously "Wei Ying"

Wei Ying didn't even look at Lan Zhan, making Lan Zhan feel hurt. What made it worse was that Wei Ying talked to Yibo first "Yibo, you can go back to your office first. I'll call for a taxi"

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