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"Of course" Xiao Zhan choked out and Yibo broke into a big grin, standing up to hug Xiao Zhan tightly.

"Zhan Zhan, you made me ask three times" Yibo chuckled and Xiao Zhan chuckled in between his sobs.

"Geez, why are you crying" Yibo stroked his hair while still hugging him tight. Xiao Zhan wrapped his arms around Yibo.

"I just... feel so loved... And I'm so happy it's you who makes me feel this way" Xiao Zhan mumbled out as he hugged Yibo tightly.

'So cute' Yibo chuckled in his mind as he lifted Xiao Zhan's face to give him forehead kisses, then a kiss on the lips. "I love you, Zhan"

Xiao Zhan smiled "I love you too, Yibo" They were busy staring at each other and smiling when the stall owner interrupted them. "Congratulations, young man, but you haven't paid for the rose!"

Yibo immediately paid for it then turned back to Xiao Zhan and put the rings on both their ring fingers.

The two smiled at each other and were about to walk away when their 'twins' appeared in front of them.

"Aww, Lan Er Ge Ge, they're so cute! Luckily I was videoing the scenery and captured the moment" Wei Ying giggled as he hooked Lan Zhan's arm tightly.

"Congratulations" Lan Zhan slightly nodded and Wei Ying grinned "Now the four of us are a pair of husbands!"

Yibo and Xiao Zhan just smiled at each other while Wei Ying created a group chat and sent the video to them.

They four grabbed lunch together before checking out of the hotel and returning to Yibo's house.

"Are your fine staying alone till tomorrow?" Yibo asked and Wei Ying grinned "Of course! We are used to things here already"

It's true. Wei Ying had even ordered a hotpot delivery before. Other than the streets, the two are fine on their own.

"Your can go ahead and be lovey dovey, no need to worry about us" Wei Ying grinned then burst into giggles as he held onto Lan Zhan tight.

Xiao Zhan blushed and Yibo wrapped his arm around him "Thanks" Yibo said to the two before going to his room to pack a few of his stuff.

As they were coming down, Wei Ying grinned and waved to them "See you tomorrow!" while Lan Zhan waved.

Yibo and Xiao Zhan waved goodbye, then placed the luggage in the boot of the car. Yibo then gasped "I forgot my toothbrush"

Xiao Zhan nodded and the two walked to the door, opening it just to see Wei Ying grinding on Lan Zhan while Lan Zhan removed Wei Ying's clothes.

Yibo immediately shut the door, not wanting Xiao Zhan to see another man's body. Xiao Zhan blushed then stammered "I think... I have a s-spare toothbrush"

"Mm" Yibo nodded then they awkwardly got into the car. That was fast... When they were leaving, Wei Ying was seating on Lan Zhan's lap.

A minute or two later after they left and the two already got into action. "Yibo? Aren't you driving?" Xiao Zhan waved his hand.

Yibo snapped out of it and nodded his head as he stepped on the gas "Zhan, remember what you said before sleeping last night?"

"Goodnight?" Zhan asked and Yibo went speechless for a moment. He then said "You said we'll do it tomorrow and everyday after that"

The traffic light turned red and Yibo leaned towards Xiao Zhan, whispering "That tomorrow you said last night and that means today"

Xiao Zhan blushed red and slapped Yibo's thigh lightly "Focus on driving" Yibo chuckled at his reaction.

When they reached Xiao Zhan's home, Yibo took in a deep breath then back hugged Xiao Zhan "I love this so much"

Xiao Zhan let out a chuckle as they waddled their way to the sofa. Yibo plopped down on it and Xiao Zhan ended up seating on his lap.

"Zhan, did I pressure you too much in accepting the proposal?" Yibo asked, a little unsure if Xiao Zhan accepted from the pressure.

Xiao Zhan turned around with a smile "No, Yibo, I have only ever imagined being with you and when I say being with you it means spending my whole life with you"

Yibo smiled and kissed Xiao Zhan's cheek "Thank you, Zhan" Xiao Zhan giggled at the ticklishness "Thank you, Yibo"

Xiao Zhan was suddenly flipped with a yelp and he ended up being pinned under Yibo, slightly blushing.

Yibo kissed him "Let's have an early consummation night" Xiao Zhan blushed and covered Yibo's lips which were about to land on his.

"We haven't had dinner yet..." Xiao Zhan looked away and Yibo chuckled "You said you were full in the car"

"I..." Xiao Zhan was speaking when a scream sounded "Ahhhhhh!"

Xiao Zhan jolted and Yibo wanted to chuckle at his reaction but got up. "Ahaha... Jie... Zhuo Cheng..." Xiao Zhan greeted with a huge blush on his face.

Xuan Lu chuckled "I see that you two got together. Zhan Zhan, your birthday, christmas and new year wishes for 3 years straight are all fulfilled"

"Jie!" Xiao Zhan complained with a pout and Yibo smiled. That's what Xiao Zhan has been wishing for?

Yibo pulled Xiao Zhan into a hug making Xiao Zhan blush and smack his hand but Yibo refused to let go. Not when his lover is being so cute.

Zhuo Cheng rolled his eyes "Stop flirting or you'll have no more soup" Xiao Zhan immediately jumped out of the sofa.

"Jie! You made soup? I missed your soup so much!" Xiao Zhan started whining while Yibo was slightly jealous. Did Xiao Zhan just abandon him for soup?

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