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Yibo cupped Xiao Zhan's face "I am. Very", making Xiao Zhan who didn't expect that response to blush "S-Shameless..."

"I learnt it from your past self" Yibo said and Xiao Zhan pouted "Speaking of which, why didn't you tell me about Wei Ying"

This time Yibo smirked and wrapped his arms around Xiao Zhan's waist "Zhan, you're so cute when you pout and when you're jealous"

"Who's jealous..." Xiao Zhan huffed and Yibo smiled "I thought you disliked me. Wouldn't it be weird if I came up to you and tell you a guy that looks like a replica of you appeared in my house?"

Xiao Zhan nodded slightly as it indeed sounded weird and Yibo asked him back the same question "And why didn't you tell me about Lan WangJi?"

"I-I thought he was my imagination b-because..." Xiao Zhan mumbled and Yibo asked "Because what?"

"B-Because... Because I liked you too much! I thought I started imagining you and stuff" Xiao Zhan said, feeling embarrassed.

Yibo smiled and gave Xiao Zhan a peck on his lips "Zhan, I love you so much. You're so cute"

"What are you saying..." Zhan mumbled but hugged Yibo back. Yibo then pulled away "And don't call him Lan Zhan. His name is Lan WangJi."

"Then don't call Wei Ying either!" Xiao Zhan pouted "Call Wei WuXian" Yibo smiled and peck his lips "Okay. He is Wei WuXian"

Xiao Zhan then smiled "And he is Lan WangJi" They chuckled before returning to a tight embrace.

After some time, they then broke apart and settled down at the corner of the room. Xiao Zhan pouted "Why did you let her close the door... Now we can't go out"

"Sorry... I thought you wanted to chase after her" Yibo shrugged then looked at Xiao Zhan "Zhan, you can whine"

"W-What?" Xiao Zhan asked and Yibo explained "I love you for you. Feel free to act like yourself. I love how you whine, like you do to your siblings"

"Ah" Xiao Zhan said then slowly shifted his butt down and slowly leaned on Yibo's shoulder. Yibo smiled at this gesture and Xiao Zhan took a glance at Yibo before snuggling against his arm.

"Yibo~... We're stuck now... I'm cold and hungry" Xiao Zhan pouted with a whine and Yibo smiled. Xiao Zhan yelped as Yibo pulled him onto his lap.

"Sorry, but I've held back for so many years. Can I kiss you again?" Yibo asked and Xiao Zhan shyly turned away "You don't have to ask"

Yibo smiled and Xiao Zhan gave him a quick peck, making him smirk. Yibo cupped Xiao Zhan's face and lightly caressed his cheek before pulling him into a deeper kiss.

Warmth spread throughout their bodies, making them feel more comfortable. When they broke apart, Yibo held Xiao Zhan's hand and Xiao Zhan asked "So now we are...?"

"What do you think we are?" Yibo asked back and Xiao Zhan pouted "That's unfair, I asked first, you should answer"

"Hm... I don't really know" Yibo replied and Xiao Zhan got a little upset. He huffed and got up, wanting to walk away to any area in this confined room, just not near Yibo or on his lap.

Yibo immediately stood up and hugged him "Zhan, I'm joking. I love you, we're boyfriends, lovers and each other's confidant. And anything you want us to be"

"You could have just said that earlier" Xiao Zhan whined and Yibo smiled as he hugged him.

As the both of them held each other, they had the same thoughts. The same happiness of being in each other's embrace, of their feelings being reciprocated.

Yibo stared into Xiao Zhan's eyes and they were about to kiss when they were interrupted once again, with Xiao Zhan pushing Yibo away again.

Ji Li who was under Xiao Zhan's team came in. "Brother Zhan, the higher ups are looking for you and Mr Wang"

"Ah, Ji Li, you're here!" Xiao Zhan awkwardly chuckled and quickly grabbed the door handle. "Erm, then I'll go first and erm a bottle of wine dropped further in! Please help me settle it! Settle the door too! There's a problem with the lock"

Xiao Zhan then quickly ran out in embarrassment while Ji Li went to check out the broken wine. Ji Li turned around but 'click', the door closed.

And Wang Yibo had ran out after Xiao Zhan. Ji Li gasped with widened eyes and ran to the door, banging it.

"Brother Zhan! Mr Wang! Brother Zhan! Why did you leave me here alone? Brother Zhan! Mr Wang! Come back! Hey! I'm still here!" Ji Li shouted.

Meanwhile, Xiao Zhan was about to walk into the reception hall when he was pulled back. "Y-Yibo..." Xiao Zhan stuttered but was surprised when Yibo kissed him.

Without waiting for Xiao Zhan to react, Yibo licked, sucked, and lightly bit Xiao Zhan's lower lip. Licking his mole, Yibo then released Xiao Zhan and walked out calmly.

Xiao Zhan was left frozen, staring bankly till his face turned tomato red. What just happened? He quickly shook his head and used his hands to cool his face down as he walked towards Yibo and the higher ups.

Xiao Zhan was awkwardly standing there but Yibo seemed totally cool and composed. Xiao Zhan mentally sulked at the thought that he was the only one affected.

Little did he know, Yibo is controlling himself from jumping on Xiao Zhan who is unconsciously slightly pouting. And he is trying to control the smile that almost makes its way onto his face.

And he is also trying to calm his racing heart from everything that has happened in the last hour. Xiao Zhan actually likes him back and they got together.

Their in charge noticed that the two team leaders weren't paying him much attention and sighed "Rest well, we'll talk on Monday"

Xiao Zhan blinked as he realised he wasn't paying attention "Yibo, did you catch what he said?" Yibo nodded "He said we can go home and we'll talk on Monday"

Xiao Zhan frowned. Isn't that the last thing he said which brought Xiao Zhan to his senses too? "And what did he say before that?"

Yibo kept silent for a moment then grabbed Xiao Zhan's hand "Let's go home and rest. You must be tired"

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