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"I should have sent you a message or gave it to you directly. I was so upset that night" Yibo said and Xiao Zhan pouted "If I knew it I would definitely show up"

Yibo smiled back "It's fine. You being here right now makes everything alright" Xiao Zhan giggled "Yibo, you're not only shameless but very cheesy"

"I'm talkative too" Yibo said and Xiao Zhan let out a snort "I know. I never knew you can actually hold a conversation till we got closer. And I'm thinking you can talk way more"

"I can talk about anything and everything with you" Yibo said as he pulled Xiao Zhan even closer and kissed his cheek. Xiao Zhan chuckled "And why did you end up as the cold prince?"

"It's romantic" Yibo replied and seeing Xiao Zhan's confused face, Yibo smiled "It's for the one person I fall in love with. Everyone else don't get this treatment from me. Only my special one. Another reason was I thought I was asexual and simply didn't like others. Till I met you"

Xiao Zhan blushed as he hid himself in Yibo's chest, making Yibo chuckle. "I like it" Xiao Zhan mumbled and Yibo who did not hear asked "Hmm?"

"I-I said I like it..." Xiao Zhan said as he looked up and Yibo's heart skipped a beat. So cute. Yibo kissed Xiao Zhan on the lips.

"Zhan, you're so cute. And so easily flustered" Yibo kissed Xiao Zhan again before Xiao Zhan managed to hide in Yibo's chest.

"S-Sleep" Xiao Zhan said and Yibo hugged him tighter as he replied "Mn". Xiao Zhan glanced up to see Yibo staring at him and turned around.

Yibo chuckled at Xiao Zhan's shyness and spooned him as he gave Xiao Zhan a kiss on the neck, making Xiao Zhan stiff.

But Yibo's warm arms that wrapped around Xiao Zhan protectively made Xiao Zhan relax and soon, fell asleep. Yibo leaned over and kissed Xiao Zhan's cheek again before falling asleep too.

Xiao Zhan woke up feeling so comfortable. A comfortable bed, a strong protective arm over him, the heat of the person he loves enveloping him, Xiao Zhan loves it.

Xiao Zhan snuggled against the pillow and wriggled about till he froze. Well, something hard was poking him from behind. "Y-Yibo?"

Light breathing could be heard from Yibo, telling Xiao Zhan that he is still sleeping but Xiao Zhan thinks (knows) that a part of him is very awake.

Xiao Zhan tried turning around but this only made the arm around him tighten and press him closer to Yibo's body. Xiao Zhan felt the heat rising up his face. "Y-Yibo..."

Xiao Zhan turned his head back and kissed Yibo's lips, sucking on them. He intended to wake Yibo up but instead Yibo's lower part was the one who woke up even more.

Xiao Zhan bit Yibo's cheeks, making Yibo frown and groan before opening his eyes. Seeing Xiao Zhan who just woke up in front of him, Yibo felt tingles travelling through him.

With a smile, Yibo leaned in and kissed Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan blushed before turning back as his neck hurt like hell just to wake Yibo up. "Yibo, move your arm, I can't turn" Xiao Zhan said as he wriggled about to prove his point.

What Xiao Zhan didn't expect was a groan from Yibo. "Zhan..." Yibo breathed out and Xiao Zhan slightly froze as he blushd harder. "Y-Yibo... you..."

"Zhan, you shouldn't wriggle your ass like that. You're inviting me you know?" Yibo teased and Xiao Zhan felt the heat radiating his face.

Feeling Yibo's grip around him loosen, Xiao Zhan ran to the bathroom to freshen up while Yibo laid there chuckling before hurrying to join him.

Yibo squeezed the toothpaste for the both of them and back hugged Xiao Zhan. "We're really like a married couple"

Xiao Zhan blushed and squirmed about, trying to loosen the grip but the groan from Yibo made him freeze as the two started brushing their teeth in that position.

After brushing, Xiao Zhan turned around "Why are you still hard?" Yibo placed a kiss on Xiao Zhan's cheek and teased "It's all because of my boyfriend"

"Then you should ask your boyfriend to help you" Xiao Zhan teased back and Yibo buried his face in Xiao Zhan's neck and murmurred "Why are we competing for the shameless title..."

"Come, let your boyfriend help you" Xiao Zhan said as he giggled and Yibo stood up, stepping back "It's alright, I can handle it myself"

Xiao Zhan smiled and leaned in "Oh? Is my boyfriend getting scared of me now?" Yibo pat Xiao Zhan's butt and squeezed it, making Xiao Zhan flinch and blush.

Yibo chuckled and kissed Xiao Zhan "It's fine, your boyfriend can handle this" However, Xiao Zhan did not want to lose, hence he dragged Yibo into the bedroom.

In a flash, he pulled Yibo's pants down, making Yibo's eyes widen. "Zhan..." Xiao Zhan gave Yibo a smile before pulling down his boxers too, making Yibo's breath hitch.

Xiao Zhan knelt on the floor and interlocked his hands with Yibo's as he kissed Yibo's erection. Yibo shut his eyes for a millisecond before looking at the scene in front of him again.

Xiao Zhan kissed the tip and the sides a few times before he started licking it, as if it was an ice cream melting badly. Yibo felt the heat radiating off his body as Xiao Zhan pleasured him.

Xiao Zhan smiled as Yibo held his hand tightly, liking the fact that he could affect Yibo this way. Xiao Zhan then hollowed his cheeks and sucked on Yibo's cock, making Yibo groan.

After bobbing his head a few times, Xiao Zhan placed Yibo's hands on the back of his head and told him "No need to hold yourself back"

That made the control in Yibo snap as he held Xiao Zhan's head and thrusted in his mouth, though not too deep as he didn't want Xiao Zhan to choke.

Yibo started increasing his pace and Xiao Zhan knew he was close, hence he jerked his head forward too, deep throating Yibo.

Xiao Zhan almost gagged but he liked the feeling and he wanted it. Hence, he continued doing so and soon after, Yibo couldn't help but release in his mouth since Xiao Zhan didn't want to let go.

Xiao Zhan smiled and looked up "Was I good?"

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