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The bottle of wine dropped on the floor as Xiao Zhan was stunned by Yibo's confession. Yibo immediately tightened his hold around Xiao Zhan's waist, lifted him a little, then turned him around, away from the glass shards.

Xiao Zhan was blushing furiously. Did he hear right? Yibo loves him? And liked him from the first time he saw him?!

Xiao Zhan immediately turned around after realising he dropped the bottle of wine "S-Sorry!"

"Don't go near it" Yibo said while placing his hand out protectively. Xiao Zhan panicked as he was flustered and he just dropped a bottle of wine!

"I-I... I'll go get a broom and dustpan!" Xiao Zhan said before running to the door. "E-Eh?" Xiao Zhan gasped as he pulled the door.

Xiao Zhan tried pulling at it till Yibo came over and asked "What's wrong?" Yibo's voice sounded right beside Xiao Zhan's ear.

Xiao Zhan flinched and moved away, his face totally red. "T-The door can't be opened" Yibo raised a brow and tried pulling the door.

Indeed, the door could not be opened. Yibo saw Xiao Zhan rubbing his shoulders and immediately took off his suit, wrapping it against Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan blushed harder and Yibo gave a slight smirk as he took a step towards Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan gulped and took a step backwards.

This carried on till Xiao Zhan's back hit the wall, though Yibo placed his hand behind Xiao Zhan's head before it could hit the wall. And this made Xiao Zhan blush even harder.

"You haven't answered me" Yibo said and Xiao Zhan gulped "W-What?" Yibo leaned closer "My confession"

Xiao Zhan blushed and turned away and Yibo felt a pang in his heart. Removing his hand, he slowly back away "I see. Sorry"

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened as Yibo turned around and walked away. Before he could think, he found himself jumping on Yibo and wrapping his arms tightly around him, as he started mumbling whatever.

"I-I love you too! Since the first time I saw you I was also attracted to you! And I admired and liked you more and more but I always thought you disliked me because you always frowned at me!

I-I was so happy that we took that project together and got closer and seeing Lan Zhan and Wei Ying being so affectionate always makes me jealous, always makes me wish that it could be you and me instead and I... I..."

Xiao Zhan was interrupted by Yibo's laughter. Yibo turned around with a sweet smile "I got it. Do you even know what you're rambling about?"

Xiao Zhan lowered his head with a blush "I... I was just... I love you, Yibo" Yibo smiled and hugged Xiao Zhan tightly, who responded the hug equally tight.

Yibo pulled away as he placed his hand against Xiao Zhan's cheek "I'm so happy now. I've never felt this way before. I'm so happy I want to give you a peck on your lips. Can I?"

Xiao Zhan blushed but nodded his head and closed his eyes. Yibo smiled and caressed Xiao Zhan's cheekbone before leaning in.

"Click" The door opened and Xiao Zhan who was startled pushed Yibo back hard. Yibo mentally cursed. Which asshole stopped him from kissing Xiao Zhan?!

Xiao Zhan was a blushing mess and tried to cool himself as an employee walked in. The employee was under Xiao Zhan's team. "Zhan Ge, I wanted to find you"

"Ah, whats's wrong?" Xiao Zhan asked back. The girl tucked her hair behind her ear before giving a smile "I... have something to tell you"

Yibo immediately glared. Not only did she disturb that kiss but she is trying to seduce his Xiao Zhan and confess to him?! He already disliked how she called Xiao Zhan.

"What is it?" The oblivious Xiao Zhan smiled at her, making Yibo frown more. The girl glanced at Yibo awkwardly then beamed at Xiao Zhan, shoving him a movie ticket.

"I have an extra ticket to the movies and I was wondering if you would like to go with me" The girl said as she played with the edge of her shirt.

Xiao Zhan looked at the movie ticket but before he could respond, Yibo spoke "Ah, he's watched this already"

Xiao Zhan frowned a little and said "I haven't watched-" but was interrupted by Yibo who covered his mouth with his palm.

Yibo took the movie ticket from Xiao Zhan's hand and returned to the girl "He's not free tomorrow"

"Ah" The girl bowed with disappointment and quickly left. Xiao Zhan widened his eyes as the door was closing again "The door!" Xiao Zhan barely said before his lips was pressed against Yibo's.

Xiao Zhan blinked a few times before his face turned beet red and Yibo smiled at that. Yibo gave Xiao Zhan another peck on the lips.

"Yibo... the door..." Xiao Zhan said but Yibo held his hand. "Zhan, don't you know that girl was trying to invite you on a date?"

Xiao Zhan laughed "Yibo, have you watched too much dramas? She told me that she has a crush on someone already!"

"Who?" Yibo asked and Xiao Zhan thought about it "She only said he is tall, friendly, handsome, understanding and is the kindest guy on earth. Oh yeah! Apparently he works in this company. I should have asked her who"

Yibo mentally facepalmed as he thought 'And you don't realise she is talking about you?'

"Whatever. Don't get too close to her" Yibo said and after some time, Xiao Zhan gasped with an "Ah"

Tilting his head down a little, Xiao Zhan shyly smiled "Yibo... could it be, you're jealous?"

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