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Wei Ying grabbed a balloon in happiness and the waitress who saw them had her jaws hanging. "Hi! This is the first time I see two pairs of twins together! This is amazing! We are having a couple promotion! Are your couples?"

Xiao Zhan was about to protest when Wei Ying nudge his shoulder, making him stumble to the side where Yibo caught him. Wei Ying then hooked his arm around Lan Zhan's and grinned "Yes, we are!"

Xiao Zhan blushed as Yibo helped straightened him. He didn't dare look at Yibo whose ears were bright pink. The waitress could be seen fangirling as she brought them in "I'll be back in a moment to take your orders"

When they were done, they got 50% off their orders and they received a $200 voucher off an expensive restaurant. "Oh oh! Yibo, look! It's the sushi place I brought you too!" Xiao Zhan excitedly said as he grabbed Yibo's arm to look closely.

Yibo tensed as his face was inches away from Xiao Zhan's. "Click" The both of them look up to a grinning Wei Ying. "Ooh! Lan Zhan! It works! They are inside the phone now! Hahahaha"

Xiao Zhan blushed as he kept the coupons away. On the way to the car, Wei Ying sneakily brought Xiao Zhan to a side "Isn't the picture nice? How do I send it to you?"

Xiao Zhan was shy but he took Wei Ying's phone and sent it to himself, then whispered "Thanks" as he quickly got into the car.

Wei Ying grinned and followed what Xiao Zhan did, except to Yibo. Wei Ying heard Yibo's phone ring and proudly smiled 'As expected of the genius me'

Lan Zhan kissed his naughty husband who is trying to matchmake their future selves. The same naive guy who was oblivious to both their (LZ & WY) feelings.

They then went to Xiao Zhan's home. Yibo immediately took note of everything in here. He wasn't a stalker but he wanted to know everything about Xiao Zhan.

After dinner, they played a few board games. Wei Ying got bored then he started laying his head on Lan Zhan's lap "Lan Er Ge Ge, I'm good at this right?"

"Mn" Lan Zhan replied as he stroked Wei Ying's hair. Wei Ying happily giggled then got up and settled between Lan Zhan's leg.

Yibo's eyes slightly widened while Xiao Zhan blushed. After a few more rounds, they decided to stop playing. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying went to bathe.

After Yibo and Xiao Zhan cleaned up, Yibo was getting ready to go when Xiao Zhan tugged his sleeve. Xiao Zhan wanted to hold his arm but missed and only caught his sleeve.

Yibo on the other hand thought that this was such a cute gesture. Xiao Zhan looked down "Erm... Yibo, if you don't mind... it's late and you can stay here..."

Xiao Zhan glanced at Yibo then took back his hand and looked down "If you want you can take my bed and I'll take the sofa! I only have one guest room..."

"We've slept in the same bed before. Do you mind?" Yibo pointed out and Xiao Zhan slightly blushed at that, though he was scolding himself for being so shy.

"I-I don't" Xiao Zhan replied. Yibo and Xiao Zhan then took their respective baths and got ready to sleep.

Yibo and Xiao Zhan's hearts were beating quickly. They had become closer but it was still awkward especially since they know they have feelings towards the other.

They laid in bed and after a while "Mnnn... Ahhh, Ahhhh..." Xiao Zhan blushed hard while Yibo gulped. "L-Lan Er Ge Ge!"

Xiao Zhan slightly sat up "S-Sorry, my walls aren't soundproof" What made it worse was that the rooms were right beside each other. Yibo followed and slightly sat up "It's fine..."

After some time Xiao Zhan couldn't stand hearing them while lying beside Yibo anymore. "Yibo?" Yibo was surprised Xiao Zhan called him "Hm?"

"Are you able to fall asleep? Do you happen to want to watch a movie or something?" Xiao Zhan asked. Yibo's heart was thumping. Late night movie together? Of course! "Yea, sure"

Xiao Zhan brought Yibo to a room further away. There was a couch, pillows and blankets, a very huge bean bag, a big tv screen and some gaming things.

"Nice room" Yibo commented and Xiao Zhan nodded as he turned the tv on "I don't come here often though. Make yourself comfortable. What do you want to watch?"

They chose a movie and sat beside each other on the very huge bean bag as they got comfortable. After some time, "Hm... Yibo..." Xiao Zhan said softly. "Yes?"

Yibo turned to look since Xiao Zhan dis not reply but realised that he was sleeping. Yibo felt his ears getting red. Was Xiao Zhan dreaming about him?

Yibo smiled as he watched Xiao Zhan, thinking 'So cute'. Suddenly, Xiao Zhan's head tilted more and more and Yibo closed the gap between them.

He placed Xiao Zhan's head properly on his shoulder and had to control himself when Xiao Zhan snuggled against his arm.

Yibo covered Xiao Zhan properly with the blankets but Xiao Zhan seemed to prefer the human heater beside him as he wrapped his arms and legs around Yibo.

Yibo tensed and only relaxed after admiring Xiao Zhan's face. Yibo wanted to kiss Xiao Zhan so badly. Just the forehead will do. However, he can't take advantage of him.

Yibo used his cheek to lean on the top of Xiao Zhan's head and smiled to himself. He then took out his phone and looked at the picture Wei Ying sent to him.

Yibo smiled a little wider then turned off his phone and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of Xiao Zhan beside him while it lasted.

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