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They ended up having dinner and after Xuan Lu and Zhuo Cheng left, Yibo backhugged Xiao Zhan "You abandoned me for soup"

Xiao Zhan chuckled "But you've tried it! Jie's soup is the best!" Yibo snuggled against his neck "What about me?"

"It's not like I can eat or drink you..." Xiao Zhan mumbled and Yibo turned him around with a grin "But I can eat you"

Xiao Zhan blushed. Yibo smiled and caressed his cheek before pulling him in "I'm joking, take your time. Don't think that I'm forcing you because I won't"

Xiao Zhan blushed harder and mumbled "You say that and act like you're totally not poking me with something hard down there..."

Yibo chuckled "That's because you smell too nice and look too yummy. Zhan, just imagining you without your shirt can make me like this.

In fact, I was imagining you cooking while wearing nothing but an apron... And that made me...-"

Yibo was cut short as Xiao Zhan slapped a hand over his mouth "Don't say such embarrassing things!"

Yibo gave a grin and kissed Xiao Zhan then ran off "I'll settle this and come back to hug you! Wait for me!"

Xiao Zhan was slightly stunned. He actually wanted... Nevermind... Xiao Zhan looked about and an idea came into his mind.

Xiao Zhan started cutting up some side dishes for the next day. He heard some noises and looked up just to see Yibo staring at him wide eyed.

Yibo immediately walked over and backhugged Xiao Zhan "Zhan Zhan, you're doing this on purpose right?"

Yibo started grinding his crotch against Xiao Zhan's bare ass. What he imagined moments ago is right in front of his eyes!

Xiao Zhan wearing nothing but an apron! His sides and back are completely exposed while the front is hanging quite low.

Xiao Zhan responded with low moans and Yibo was biting his lip to control himself. He reached his hand to the front and sneaked under the apron, stroking Xiao Zhan's cock.

Xiao Zhan moaned harder as he tilt his head back, letting Yibo feast on his neck. Yibo left hickeys all over and Xiao Zhan couldn't help but move his hips against Yibo's.

Yibo turned Xiao Zhan over and used the precum to prepare his hole, making Xiao Zhan's legs quiver as he leaned on Yibo, hands clinging tightly around his neck.

"It's ready" Xiao Zhan moaned but Yibo kissed him "Not yet. I'm only on the second finger"

Xiao Zhan moaned and squirmed about and his hands creeped down to Yibo's pants, getting more excited when he heard a groan.

He started caressing the bulge, then slowly unzip his pants and pulled down his boxers so his dick could spring free.

Xiao Zhan stared at it in slight embarrassment, then turned around and leaned on the kitchen island, showing his ass off to Yibo.

Yibo felt more blood pumping into his erection "Zhan..." Xiao Zhan turned his head back a little and pleaded "Yibo, please... now"

Yibo couldn't hold back anymore. He grabbed Xiao Zhan's hips and aligned himself, before thrusting in.

After three thrusts, he managed to go all the way in. "So big..." Xiao Zhan moaned as he had his arms crossed on the table and his head resting on it.

Yibo grew slightly bigger from the praise as he started thrusting slowly, enjoying the tightness of Xiao Zhan's hole while teasing him.

"Zhan, you're so tight" Yibo groaned as he moved slowly, enjoying the feeling of the walls clenching and unclenching around him.

The teasing worked, since Xiao Zhan started pleading for more. Yibo was more turned on by Xiao Zhan's pleads and efforts to meet his thrusts.

Snapping his hips, Yibo couldn't hold back anymore and fucked him hard, thrusting into him mercilessly.

"Urgh... Zhan, you're so tight" Yibo groaned as he thrusted as quick as he could, making Xiao Zhan moan louder.

They did the deed in the kitchen, against the walls, on the sofa, in the bedroom and they went for many many rounds till Xiao Zhan was too tired and fell asleep.

Quite similar to how Lan Zhan and Wei Ying ended up fucking on the sofa, at the dinner table, on the stairs and in their room.

The next morning, Yibo got up first and he smiled happily, seeing Xiao Zhan fast asleep in his arms. He placed a kiss on his forehead.

After staring for some time, Yibo was about to get up when Xiao Zhan hugged him tighter. Snuggling against him, Xiao Zhan groaned "Don't go..."

Yibo smiled wider and hugged Xiao Zhan tight "Zhan Zhan, I'll get ready first then wake you up"

Xiao Zhan shook his head and mumbled "Together..." Yibo chuckled pulled Xiao Zhan towards him, hugging him tight as he gave in.

A few seconds later, Yibo carried Xiao Zhan to the bathroom and placed both of them in the tub, the slowly filled it with water.

Xiao Zhan woke up to find himself naked in the bathtub with water filling it, while leaning against a warm body.

And he turned around to see Yibo grinning at him. "You said to get ready together so here we are" Yibo answered his questioned gaze.

Xiao Zhan blushed and turned back, enjoying the warmth behind him and the arms that wrapped around him, knowing what was going to happen.

He didn't say anything, since he wouldn't change the outcome. Well, he wanted it too and scolded himself for being so greedy.

Xiao Zhan wriggled around and Yibo chuckled, yet did nothing. Xiao Zhan shook his head in defeat.

"Bo Bo... Help me?" Xiao Zhan blinked with his big innocent eyes and immediately after, his wish was granted as his hips were lifted, then slammed down, sending thrills throughout him.

Xiao Zhan moaned in satisfaction and asked for more, which Yibo gladly gave.

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