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Today, Yibo sent Xiao Zhan home relatively early so Xiao Zhan invited him in. To their surprise, when they entered, they say a man on the sofa.

"Zhan Zhan!" Chu Yue cried as he ran and hugged Xiao Zhan tightly. Yibo furrowed his brows at that.

Chu Yue then gave Xiao Zhan a kiss on the cheek and Yibo noted that it was very close to his lips. Chu Yue then saw Yibo and frowned as he hid Xiao Zhan behind him.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Chu Yue glared and Xiao Zhan held his shoulder "Yue, be nicer"

Yibo felt his heart broken enough "Zhan, I'll go first" Xiao Zhan quickly stepped forward "Eh? Yibo, wait"

However, Yibo had already went out the door, climbed on his motorbike and rode off. Xiao Zhan pouted as he watched Yibo go.

Chu Yue rested his chin on Xiao Zhan's shoulder "Who was that?" Xiao Zhan turned and glared at Chu Yue "My longtime crush!"

"Oh, he's the one?" Chu Yue casually said as he closed the door. "Why did you kiss me and when did you come back?" Xiao Zhan asked.

Chu Yue slung his arm over his shoulder "It's a normal greeting! And I came back today. Don't you miss me?"

Xiao Zhan pouted "I miss Yibo" Chu Yue put on a hurt expression "Zhan Zhan, you are so mean! How can you do this to me"

Xiao Zhan huffed "You are so mean! I wanted to spend time with him!" Chu Yue stood up "Zhan Zhan, you're really mean! I just came back from overseas!"

Xiao Zhan pouted and Chu Yue chuckled and whined "Alright alright, I'm hungry. I miss your cooking so much!"

Xiao Zhan shook his head and started cooking for him. Meanwhile, Yibo rode around, getting some wind and fresh air to clear his mind.

He wouldn't want to go home seeing their lookealikes being lovey dovey which would make him even more jealous.

Yibo sighed as he stopped by an unknown street. Why can't he be brave and more vocal with his feelings? But he also did not want to spoil their relationship now.

To Yibo, it is a miracle that they actually managed to become friends and this close. Yibo grumpily rode around the city a few more times before going back home.

The next day during lunch break, Xiao Zhan nudged Yibo "What's wrong?" Yibo glanced at him then looked away "Nothing"

"Oh... Erm, yesterday..." Xiao Zhan started to speak but Yibo spoke up "Yesterday I was quite tired and since you had company I left"

"Ah, Chu Yue is my childhood friend. He just came back from overseas" Xiao Zhan said as he felt a need to clarify. Yibo pretended he didn't care but he was feeling relieved.

"And he has the key to your house?" Yibo asked as it was something he couldn't get out of his mind.

"Mn, he used to come over often" Xiao Zhan replied as he continued eating while Yibo thought 'I come over often too right? Almost everyday...'

"Yibo, should we... Yibo. Yibo? Yibo? Hey, Bo di" Xiao Zhan said as he snapped his fingers. Yibo then realised he was staring at Xiao Zhan. "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

"Mole" Yibo mumbled and luckily Xiao Zhan didn't hear it. "What?" Yibo shook his head and looked at his food "Nothing. What were you saying?"

"Ah, I was saying we should bring Wei Ying and Lan Zhan to the amusement park. Wei Ying saw a video on it and wanted to go" Xiao Zhan continued what he was saying.

"Mn" Yibo nodded his head, caring more about the point that he will be going to an amusement park with Xiao Zhan.

"Is Saturday alright?" Xiao Zhan asked and Yibo nodded with an "Mn" Xiao Zhan smiled, feeling excited too "Alright, let's tell them later"

The next day however, they were informed that there is a banquet they have to attend on Saturday. The company is hosting and as the top 2 general managers, they have to be there.

"Sorry Wei Ying" Xiao Zhan said and Wei Ying pouted "How about Sunday?" Xiao Zhan shook his head "We're not sure how late we'll come back and we probably have to drink"

"Drink? Why will it be affected if you drink?" Wei Ying asked confused and Xiao Zhan laughed "Drink wine"

Wei Ying gulped as his eyes widened "Wine? I love wine! How about bringing me there too!" Lan Zhan held Wei Ying's hand "Wei Ying" and Wei Ying pouted.

Xiao Zhan chuckled and leaned in "I'll bring you to my house one day. My house has many wine too" Wei Ying immediately nodded his head and Lan Zhan was worried. What if someone tried stealing his Wei Ying away by bribing him with wine?

Yibo then sent Xiao Zhan home on his bike. Once they reached, Yibo grabbed Xiao Zhan's wrist "Erm, Zhan, would you like to stayover on Friday night? Then I can just drive us to the party later on"

"Ah, sure, that would be great" Xiao Zhan said shyly. Yibo smiled "Okay, have a good rest. See you tomorrow"

"See..." Xiao Zhan smiled and said but was interrupted by someone jumping on him while shouting "ZHAN!"

Yibo's smile immediately turned into a frown. "Oh Yue, you're here" Xiao Zhan said as he steadied himself. Chu Yue hung his arm around Xiao Zhan's shoulder.

Yibo got on his bike, waved to Xiao Zhan and sped away. Xiao Zhan watched Yibo riding into the distance "I didn't get to say bye yet..."

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