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On the photoshoot day, Wei Ying was jumping around, making friends and asking what this and that were while Lan Zhan followed closely behind him.

Yibo took the chance and back hugged Xiao Zhan as they watched from the side. "What's wrong?" Xiao Zhan asked as he placed his hand over Yibo's.

Yibo shook his head "I'm happy, I can't wait to travel the world and get married to you in Canada"

Xiao Zhan turned around and cupped Yibo's face, giving him a peck on the lips "I love you so much Bo Bo"

"I love you too, Zhan" Yibo said as he kissed Xiao Zhan back. Yibo placed his hand on Xiao Zhan's butt and would have went further if not for the staff who disturbed them.

"We'll continue this later" Yibo smirked as he dragged the blushing Xiao Zhan over.

"Good! Good! Very good! Well done! Another!" Many compliments were thrown out by the director, photographer and the other staffs.

Is it possible for couples to look so cute and so perfect together? Whatever they did just showed how cute, lovely and charming the four are.

The photoshoot was dragged on, not because there weren't any good photos, but because the whole crew could not help but want to take more.

Not a single person complained about working overtime and the editors would have a very hard time choosing the pictures.

After the photoshoot, the director was so satisfied that he treated everyone to barbeque, which Wei Ying immediately persuaded Lan Zhan to agree.

In the barbeque session, there were drinks too. The crew wanted to get closer to the 4, which the friendly Wei Ying and Xiao Zhan happily responded.

However, Lan Zhan and Yibo kept sending death glares to anyone who dare touch or get too close to their lover.

Thinking that alcohol will make them loosen up, the crew forced Lan Zhan and Yibo to drink, which Wei Ying and Xiao Zhan helped in.

The crew were amused when both Lan Zhan and Yibo fell asleep. They were about to get close to Wei Ying and Xiao Zhan when they felt shivers travelling through their spine.

They look to the side to see Lan Zhan and Yibo, sending even greater death glares. Lan Zhan immediately placed Wei Ying on his lap, to which Wei Ying giggled and enjoyed.

Yibo on the other hand, grabbed Xiao Zhan's shoulder and pulled him close, placing kisses on his cheek and neck, to which Xiao Zhan blushed and tried escaping.

Dinner ended when Lan Zhan carried Wei Ying and headed out. Xiao Zhan quickly said goodbye to the crew and chased after them, with Yibo who kept clinging onto him.

The next day, the whole internet was in an uproar and the two couples took up the highest search rankings.

"ShiJie! I missed you so much!" Wei Ying cried out as he ran to hug Xuan Lu. Lan Zhan frowned but controlled himself.

Cao YuChen stood right beside Xuan Lu, occasionally faking coughs. Wei Ying finally let go of Xuan Lu "Hi peacock"

YuChen glared at him and Wei Ying shrugged as he went back to Lan Zhan. "Jie" Xiao Zhan greeted as he hugged his sister.

"Zhan Zhan, take a seat" Xuan Lu patted Xiao Zhan before going to the kitchen to grab some drinks.

"Pei Xin! Come here" Xiao Zhan called and when Wei Ying turned, he gasped and shouted "Baby Jin Ling!"

Wei Ying started crying again as he hugged Pei Xin who was frowning and trying to escape from Wei Ying.

"Lan Zhan... B-Baby Jin Ling... I didn't get to see him grow up" Wei Ying cried as he hugged Lan Zhan tightly.

"Mn" Lan Zhan pat Wei Ying's back and brought him to a corner, letting him sit on his lap while humming 'Wu Ji' to him.

Pei Xin ran to Xiao Zhan "Uncle Zhan, you have a clone! Is it a magic show?" Xiao Zhan chuckled and nodded his head "Now you have another Uncle, okay?"

Pei Xin nodded his head and played with Xiao Zhan as Yibo watched lovingly, imagining him and Xiao Zhan with their kid.

Xiao Zhan noticed and placed Pei Xin on his lap "Pei Xin, this is Yibo, do you want him to be your other Uncle?"

Pei Xin stared for a few moments before shaking his head. Yibo frowned while Xiao Zhan giggled "Why not?"

"He is so mean and scary! I saw him hitting your butt just now! Uncle Zhan, he is bullying you, right?" Pei Xin asked.

Xiao Zhan chuckled while Yibo rolled his eyes and got closer "Kid, I not only smack him but I eat him too"

Yibo then opened his mouth wide and bit down on Xiao Zhan's lips, softly. Pei Xin's eyes widened as he tried pushing and kicking Yibo away "Monster!!!"

Yibo released a blushing Xiao Zhan with a smirk "If you don't want me to be your Uncle, I will gobble up your Uncle Zhan now!"

Pei Xin jumped off Xiao Zhan and ran to Xuan Lu, complaining and asking her for help. Meanwhile, Xiao Zhan lightly hit Yibo's chest and glared at him.

Yibo got closer to Xiao Zhan and hugged his waist, giving him a few more kisses. "Look, mama! Monster is eating Uncle Zhan! Quick, save him!"

Yibo pulled Xiao Zhan into his chest and hugged him tight while giving an evil smirk, making Pei Xin scream "Monster!!!"

Wei Ying giggled while watching them "Lan Er Ge Ge, they are happy" Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying and smiled softly, giving him a kiss on his temple "Mn"

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