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The image of Xiao Zhan face flushed, slightly panting, with cum dripping out of his mouth turned Yibo on once again.

This along with Yibo's silence made Xiao Zhan frown "Was I no good? I thought you cummed. Why is it still hard?"

Yibo then pulled Xiao Zhan up. "You were good. So good. I cummed but you made me hard again"

Xiao Zhan blushed at Yibo's reply and pouted "My mouth is sore, can I use my hand this time?" Yibo shook his head and sat on the bed, pulling Xiao Zhan on his lap.

"This turned me on more" Yibo said as he palmed Xiao Zhan's erection. Seeing Xiao Zhan becoming erect from sucking him off turned him on too.

Xiao Zhan blushed as he thought it was hidden by the loose pants while Yibo chuckled at Xiao Zhan's flustered look.

Yibo stroked Xiao Zhan's cheeks lovingly. He never knew Xiao Zhan would be willing to suck him off. Yibo then removed Xiao Zhan's pants and boxers.

Meanwhile, Xiao Zhan was still a blushing mess. Since Yibo said not to use his hands... could it be... And this made Xiao Zhan blush even harder at the thought.

However, he was brought back to his senses when he felt a warm, big hand over his cock, while his cock was up against Yibo's larger cock.

Xiao Zhan slightly pouted. He thought they would do it last night but they ended up jerking off and it seems like they are jerking off again. So not using his hands meant using Yibo's hands?

Yibo noticed Xiao Zhan pouting and pinned him on the bed, kissing him while grinding their erections, then slowly started pumping the two together.

Xiao Zhan liked the way Yibo hovered over him, as if he was dominating him. It gave Xiao Zhan a weird sense of pleasure and he momentarily forgot about his disappointment.

Yibo used one free hand to tug at Xiao Zhan's shirt and Xiao Zhan helped him remove it, breaking their kiss. Soon, Yibo's lips were latched onto Xiao Zhan's neck and it explored the area.

Xiao Zhan wrapped his legs around Yibo's hips and moaned uncontrollably as Yibo left many hickeys while jerking them off.

With a hickey at Xiao Zhan's adam apple, Xiao Zhan moaned loudly and jerked his hips, making Yibo stroke even faster.

Yibo pulled Xiao Zhan into a passionate kiss as they released together and slowly rode the orgasm out.

"Do you feel satisfied?" Yibo asked and Xiao Zhan wanted to reply 'yes, very, but not really because I expected a *** session' but in the end, he replied "Yes, very"

Yibo kissed Xiao Zhan and cleaned the both of them up "Come on, let's bring them to the amusement park"

Xiao Zhan asked for a few kisses which Yibo gladly gave, before lazily getting out of bed. And when they went down, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were already waiting for them.

Wei Ying had a huge smirk on as he sat on Lan Zhan's lap with his arms wrapped around his neck. "Your had so much fun this morning, huh"

Xiao Zhan immediately blushed red and Wei Ying giggled "You should lock your door next time. I didn't mean to peep and hear"

Xiao Zhan pouted "Do you want to go to the amusement park or not?" Wei Ying immediately sat straight "Yes Yes! You're the best!"

Feeling the glare from Lan Zhan, Wei Ying immediately wrapped his arms around Lan Zhan's neck again "Hehe, second best"

Yibo then drove them to the amusement park. In the car, he drove with one hand as the other was busy with Xiao Zhan's hands. And the blushing Xiao Zhan looked out of the window as if nothing was going on.

Meanwhile Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were at the backseat being all snuggly and cuddly, especially Wei Ying because last night's events still echoed in his mind.

The moment they reached the amusement park, Wei Ying jumped out and squealed about, hugging Lan Zhan tightly and excitedly.

Yibo bought VIP tickets online so they just passed through the gantry without much problems. Once inside, Wei Ying got excited and squealed even louder.

Lan Zhan made sure to follow Wei Ying closely while Yibo and Xiao Zhan followed behind. Just then, a group of girls approached them.

"Hi! Would you four handsome guys like to join us?" A girl flirtily said while tucking her hair behind her ears and placing her arms closely together, with the others giggling behind.

Yibo and Lan Zhan saw the innocent smile on Xiao Zhan and Wei Ying's face and immediately stepped forward with a glare and coldly replied "No"

"Why not?" A second girl stepped forward shyly while the other two went towards Wei Ying and Xiao Zhan.

Wei Ying and Xiao Zhan glanced at each other, knowing their man are annoyed and might burst anytime. They wriggle their eyebrows at each other.

"Lan Er Ge Ge~~ Hurryyy~ I want to play now" Wei Ying whined and pouted as he went beside Lan Zhan and clung onto his arm, lightly rocking it.

Xiao Zhan did the same and whine "Bo Bo~ Why is your attention not on me? I'm quite upset~ Can we go play then eat~?"

Both Xiao Zhan and Wei Ying pecked their man on the cheek and Yibo's and Lan Zhan's ear flushed red. The girls 'oh' at wach other and whispered as they quickly left.

Yibo smiled "Zhan Zhan, that's so cute" and chuckled when Xiao Zhan huffed. Lan Zhan kissed Wei Ying on the lips and Wei Ying giggled, knowing Lan Zhan liked what he did.

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