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Another week had passed and Wei Ying was going crazy. He started looking around in the vicinity as Yibo had taught him how to call for a taxi. Lan Zhan searched futher for Wei Ying.

Xiao Zhan left a document at home and asked Lan Zhan to bring over while Yibo promised to bring Wei Ying out for lunch, seeing how moody Wei Ying became.

Xiao Zhan was waiting at the reception area when he received a call from ZhuoCheng. "Zhan, someone bumped into Jie and made her fall. She miscarriaged and is in operation"

Xiao Zhan was horrified. Xuan Lu was so happy about getting her second baby and Xiao Zhan was so excited as he was overseas when Xuan Lu gave birth to Pei Xin.

Xiao Zhan walked out and when he saw Lan Zhan who looks like Yibo, without thinking much, he ran forward and cried while hugging him. Lan Zhan was surprised but after a little hesitation, he reached forward to pat Xiao Zhan's back.

Wei Ying climbed out of the taxi and saw his Lan Zhan that he had been finding and missing for so long, hugging another man. Wei Ying's jaw dropped as he felt his heart receive a stab.

Lan Zhan looked up to see Wei Ying staring at him "Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan called out feeling relieved and happy but Wei Ying turned around and ran away.

Lan Zhan then realised he was hugging Xiao Zhan. Lan Zhan looked at Xiao Zhan who was still sobbing uncontrollably. Lan Zhan looked up and called "Wei-" only to realise Wei Ying had disappeared.

A tear fell from Wei Ying's eyes as he ran past the corner where he was supposed to meet Yibo. Yibo was surprised to see a crying Wei Ying running towards him. Wei Ying stood in front of Yibo with his head lowered, biting his lower lip to stop more tears from falling.

Yibo did not know what to do. He placed his hand on Wei Ying's shoulder "Something bad happened?" Wei Ying nodded his head. Yibo placed the helmet over Wei Ying's head and helped him sit behind.

Yibo wrapped Wei Ying's hand tightly around his waist and said "I'll bring you somewhere, hold tight" Wei Ying didn't say anything but Yibo could see him nod through the mirror.

Yibo let a small smile escape as he found the way Wei Ying replied cute, especially if Xiao Zhan were to react like that to him. Yibo cleared his throat and said "You can lean on my back if you want"

Wei Ying didn't say anything but did so as he felt like he needed some support. Wei Ying leaned his head against Yibo's back and closed his eyes, feeling some warmth. Yibo started the engine and drove off.

Lan Zhan finally calmed Xiao Zhan down as Xiao Zhan muttered "Sorry, thanks" Lan Zhan was still looking around to see if Wei Ying would appear, and Wei Ying did.

Lan Zhan couldn't see Wei Ying's face but felt something pierce his heart as he saw how Wei Ying clutch another man tightly, head leaning against the back of that man.

The clothes Lan Zhan saw from earlier and Chen Qing gave Wei Ying away. Lan Zhan clenched his fist as he watch Wei Ying go further away while holding onto another man.

Yibo brought Wei Ying to a secluded corner at the beach. "Somehow no one comes here, but it's the best part of this beach" Yibo said as he got off the motorbike.

Wei Ying got off too and removed the helmet, then cleaned his tear stained face. Yibo brought him to the edge of the beach. "Isn't it nice here?"

Wei Ying took a deep breath, calming down even more, then nodded his head. Yibo internally smiled as he thought 'Now I'm the one talking the whole time'

"Shout it out" Yibo said and Wei Ying looked at him weirdly "Try it. Shout everything that frustrates you"

Yibo showed him an example as he faced the ocean, took a deep breath and shouted "XIAO ZHAN, I LOVE YOU"

Wei Ying was taken aback as he eyeballs almost popped out. "Y-You... You shouted! You actually shouted!" Yibo smiled a little "It's my secret side. Your turn"

Wei Ying then faced the sea, taking a few deep breaths, then shouted "LAN ZHAN! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME?! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! ONLY A FEW WEEKS AND YOU'RE HUGGING ANOTHER MAN?! YOU EVIL MEANIE ASSHOLE..."

Wei Ying continued shouting all the new vulgarities he recently learned from the television and the taxi uncles.

Yibo sat on the beach and when Wei Ying was finally done, he went to sit beside Yibo. Wei Ying rubbed away the tears that poured out while he was screaming and sighed.

"Thanks, Yibo. That felt good." Wei Ying smiled. Yibo nodded his head in response and Wei Ying pouted "Come on, I prefer the secret you"

Yibo raised his brows then carefully asked "You... met Lan Zhan?" Xiao Zhan nodded his head and pouted "He was hugging another man in front of your office..."

"Maybe it was a misunderstanding" Yibo said as he was always misunderstood by people. Wei Ying pouted as he poked the sand "Maybe... but it hurts me so much. I haven't seen him for so long and when I finally found him, he was hugging another man!"

"You hugged me too" Yibo stated and Wei Ying was surprised "Since when?!" Yibo internally chuckled at Wei Ying's reaction "Whenever you ride my motorbike"

Wei Ying scrunched his nose and rubbed it with his index finger "How can you count that?" Yibo raised his brows "So Lan Zhan can hug others when he ride the motorbike?"

"Of course not! I just... Hmph!" Wei Ying hmphed as he did not know what to say. Yibo found it fun to tease Wei Ying. "So, are you hungry?"

Wei Ying grinned sheepishly "Yea... very..." Yibo got up and pat his butt and Wei Ying did the same thing, then they went to grab lunch.

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