Who am I and who is he?

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Hi, everyone. My name is Jeon Jungkook. It looks like a weird way to begin a story with, but believe me! It's not weird for weird people to start their stories with weird ways!

I'm seventeen years old, and am in my last year in high school. All my classmates are eighteen, or they'll be eighteen in some months later. The reason why I'm younger than all of them is because I skipped a grade. Actually, I was home-schooled most of my life.

My mom is a teacher. Therefore, she just decided to do the job herself. She taught me and had been my teacher in home. I don't have any sibilings. That's also unfortunately another reason as to why my parents are so deeply focused on me.

My father is a physician. He really loves his job, and somehow he wants the same path for me which I'm not interested in one bit!

I can say that we are counted as a rich family; well not that rich, but we're in a lot better condition than so many other people, I guess.

Well, now I want to say more about me, about my both appearance and personality. I'm not tall; I'm not muscular, and I'm just not the way I want myself to be. The bad thing is my personality sucks even more. I'm not that antisocial, but I'm a shy person in total. I only have two close friends in school.

I'm not really able to communicate with people normally. And above all, I'm worst when things come down to showing my emotions. I think it's all because I've been home-schooled nearly most of my life, and when you're not around people and pupils as much as you should be, you'll turn out to lack in so many areas, including communicating skills.

There are only two places I can let myself be myself. The first one is among my two close friends Jimin and Hoseok. These two are the only people who can understand me the way I am.

And the second place is in books. Yeah, you heard right! In books. Obviously, I'm a bookworm. I'm not the top student in my class, however I'm not a terrible one, either. I spend two hours or maybe more in a day reading novels and daydreaming.

I read any types of novels. I just really enjoy imagining and embodying myself as the protagonist of the books. In novels, I'm strong, I'm confident, I'm handsome. In novels, I can be whoever I crave to be; or if I'm not like that at first, I can be at the end!

I'm also somehow good at sports. I don't work out or something, but the P.E that I have to do in school doesn't challange me as much as it challanges some students to death.

When I first entered my new class, I was scared as hell because everyone was older than me, and I didn't see a place for me in there. Thank god Hoseok and Jimin got to be my classmates.

I knew Jimin before then. Actually, I knew Jimin before school. Our families are close, and that's how I got to be friend with him. Naturally reuniting with Jimin made me befriend Hoseok for Hoseok is Jimin's bestie, and now he's my bestie, too.

We have some trouble maker in our class like every school has to have one or more. Don't ask me! I've just reached to the terms that there won't be a class if we don't have one or two of these students.

The leader of this gang is Kim Namjoon. He's handsome, and he's all tough and buff. Almost every girl and even some of the boys in our school are drowning in their drools for the guy, given the fact that he doesn't give a shit about any of them. Of course he plays, but he doesn't mingle.

His right hand and closest friend is Kim Taehyung who is somehow worse than him both in handsomeness and playing around.

They have other friends, but they don't let anyone get that close to know their dirtiest secrets. These two also bully others a lot. My friends and I are not in their bully list because we try to get as far away as possible from them. Basically, we behave.

Considering all these things, I assumed I would have a peaceful time in the last year of high school. However, my thoughts shattered into pieces when he transferred to our school in the second month.

Kim Seokjin, the nerdest of nerds and the hottest of hots... The boy is clever than any other students I've ever seen. The exotic part about this boy is that even though he's beyond handsome, he's the loneliest. Nobody, practically nobody wants him as their friend. They call him pretty bad names.

And now the funny thing is that despite the fact that he's a nerd, the boy is a fighter. He fights with anyone who dares to throw craps at his direction. He doesn't even fear Namjoon or Taehyung. And for sure, they are enemies by blood! Namjoon and Taehyung enjoy teasing and bullying Jin like how Jin enjoys studying!

I'm still in daze how patient somebody can be as Jin doesn't spend a day in school without being humiliated. Namjoon and Taehyung have made everyone else hate him, too. If someone tries to get close to the boy, they are gone long.

Suffering from the symptoms of a curious mind, I'm always dying to know how can Jin survive the severe loneliness. I'm not good with people, but I can't let myself be alone for a minute. I know I'll go crazy.

However, Jin doesn't mind it one bit. He seats in a corner alone in the class studying most of the time. He has his lunch alone in the school, and yet he's just so peaceful. He never tries to get to know someone. The boy literally doesn't speak or ask anything from anyone.

Apart from all of this, he's the teachers' pet. They love and adore him like they do for their children. To be honest, I think even more than that.

There's also someone else who secretly in his heart of heart loves him. Someone who daydreams about the boy even in his nights although he doesn't know whether he's gay or not!

Someone who never got, and gets annoyed or bored with his nerd plays! Yet, also someone who's just less than a coward to confess all of these to his face.

That miserable someone is me...


The first chapter of this story, and I'm so excited for it. 😄

And all of the songs in 7 are just killing me. I just can't stop listening to each one of them. 😫

Q: Should I name the chapters instead of using numbers for WIL? 🤔

And I was about to forget 😲... How's this first chapter?

Also, I want you to pay attention to the question who am I and not who I am (which is not a question). Jungkook uses this, and I wanna show something about him. I like to see your comments about this. What do you think?

He Isn't the Nerd for Me! / Jinkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now