My first sin

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This chapter has mature contents, guys! 🔞🔞🔞

Another day starts and I should make myself ready for boring speeches presented by our more boring teachers! I wake up lazily from my bed and wobble my way towards the bathroom.

My mom used to wake me up for school as I slept like a rug and the alarm wasn't just enough to wake me up from my deep, I mean really deeeeep slumbers.

In the end, she got tired and threatened me that she would rat me out to my friends. I was already a case to provide the needs of laughter for Jimin and Hoseok. Adding the fact that I couldn't wake up on my own was just to ruin me. So with so much difficulty, I taught myself to revive back to life after my deadly sleeps!

The next thing after entering the bathroom is I turn on the shower and let the warm water replenish my body. As I pour some shampoo over my palm, my mind goes back to him, his face, his soft voice, and at the end focusing straight on his lips; those luscious lips which any girl envies him for them.

I let the shampoo be washed away without putting it on my scalp. Then, I close my eyes leaning my head against the shower wall. I imagine those plump lips wrapped around my member. That's the beginning of my daydreaming about him mostly everyday. That's how I commit my first sin, and it's all his fault!

I grab my member thinking in the back of my head he brings his hand and circles it around my girth slowly. I stroke it while I believe he does so. After the slow pace for some time, the burning sensation starts popping up in my lower stomach and I speed up, stroking my member harshly while in my mind it's him who destroys me.

With the final stroke, I see stars while letting my seed paint my body and the floor for a second as the water from the shower washes my artwork away. I stay like that for a while panting and regretting all of it again like I always do. Yet, the thing is I just can't stop. I can't think rational; I don't think at all when it comes to him.

After the shower, I put on a white T-shirt and dark blue jeans. We're not obliged to wear uniforms in our school all the time. We just wear them for particular occasions like some stupid ceremonies and other stuffs that are held in a prison called school.

Still again, somebody has to just be different with everyone, and that person is none other than Jin. He always wears uniform, and I've never seen him with casual clothes once since I've met him. He's the only person in the entire school who wears uniform.

I set up my backpack and get out of my room heading for the kitchen. My room is in the second and also last storey in our house. My parents think that way I can have a peace of mind and study my lessons without being disturbed.

However, they don't know one thing; I'm disheveled in the second storey, the first, in the school, and just eveywhere. I have a crush on someone that I don't even find myself the man for him. With a heavy sigh, I climb down the stairs while dragging my backpack on the floor.

As usual my mom is the first to greet me with her cheerful smile shouting "Good morning." at my face. I just smile back faintly at her. Dad is in the bathroom showering. He does it everyday just like me to get to work. I hope he doesn't commit sins like me, though!

"Baby, I'm planning to make some eggs. Do you want some, too?" My mom asks me while picking a frying pan from the cabinet.

"No, thanks, mom. I'll just have some toast with jam." I answer while pulling out one chair for myself and sit on it.

"That's all you wanna have, a growing teenager, and above all a BOY! Jungkook, you recently eat so little, and it's just practically nothing. You've gotten so skinny. I'm starting to worry about you."

"Mom, I'm fine. That's just all I can take for the time being." I whine and exactly in that moment, dad comes to the kitchen toweling his hair.

"Awww, my boy is annoyed! Please stop bothering him, honey."

Dad sits next to me while embarrassing the shit out of me with his words. He wraps the towel around my head playfully. I throw it on the empty chair next to myself and just eat my toast in complete silence.

I listen to my parents talking about business and stuffs. I used to argue with my dad about the cute behavior which turns my stomach for the extent of its cringingess is just unbearable. He would say ok and the next moment, he'd start doing it again. He would even say that "OK" with puckery lips!

As I pick up my only dish (which had the toast on it) to the sink, we all hear the bell ringing.

"Jimin is here. Don't make him wait for long, baby. Go now." Mom tells me while patting my shoulder to go.

Jimin and I always walk to school together. His house is a little farther than ours. So, he just comes and picks me up every weekdays. Even though I never admit it to him, but I really enjoy the short time we spend together before we get to school.

I rush for the entrance door without saying goodbyes to my parents. I trip a little on my way as I'm not watching my steps. When I get there, I drag my sneakers with my toes near myself. Then, I open the door with a hand while I lace up my sneakers bending my body.

"Hello, Kookie! How are you doing?" Jimin's excited voice which is after I unbend and face him startles me.

"Hey, Jimin. How many times should I tell you for god's sake?! Stop calling me that thing."

And that's my method to greet the too happy boy for this entire world everyday!

"You mean Koookie? Oh, come on! It's cute. you're cute. Cute name for the cute boy!" Every time he says "Kookie" and "cute" I cringe as hell.

"Oh dear Lord! What am I supposed to do with you? Why am I even stuck with you?!"

"And yet you can't even leave my side at school. You ungrateful brat!"

"Ok, sorry! But, seriously stop it."

"Don't worry. You know I don't call you that in the presence of others. Ok, maybe just Hoseokie, but no one else."

"Let's just go, Jimin." I mutter with a bored expression and get out of the house.


This story may have more mature scenes in it in comparison to the other stories I have, but it's all important. It's not like I just like writing smuts. In fact, I hate stories with so much smuts in them and without any purpose.

Now about this chapter... What's your opinion about Jungkook?

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