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Thankfully, Jin and I get to see each other often in a corner in the school yard or classroom when nobody is around.

Listening to my mom's advice was both a great idea and the worst! Great because Jin seems to enjoy the short time we spend together; worst for it makes me more impatient than what I am. I mean having him sitting next to me and I just still have to have him in my imaginations rather than my lap is so nerve-wracking!

Apart from all these jokes, I've noticed one important matter, and it's that Jin never talks about his parents in any possible way. He always finds a cunning way to change or even skip the subject like they don't even exist.

As the coward boy, I never dare to ask why and I think I'm doing good by this as it can ruin the little thing we have for the time being.

Another good thing is that Taehyung and Namjoon have decided to let Jin breathe for a while, and gotta admit I have a role in this!

It was hard at first to convince Jin, but at the end, he budged to my beggings! I really had to get on my knees for him to stop some of his nerd games, and right now it sounds like he enjoys this bully break time more than the nerd games!

With Jin, nothing came to my life but greatest things! I never once asked him to help me with any of my lectures, however he's always willing to help me which makes me more in love.

I never asked him to soothe me from my insecure mindset I hold, but he always does without asking why I'm even like this. He knows when Imy down by mood like he's been my friend for an eternity.

"Jungkook, can you stop this weird, creepy stare?!"

When Jin opens his mouth, I remember that I actually wore a daze expression in his presence one more time again, but at least, it wasn't for sexual reasons this time!

We're in the classroom at our break time and he's sitting next to me on a chair, in a very dangerous, close distance I must mention.

"I'm sorry." I mumble under my breath and he giggles lightly.

"What are you thinking about in that little head of yours?" He asks another question which the answer to it is something that's going to make him run away from me and never look back!

"I-I... I think about so many random things." I almost take the relief sigh, but I really forget sometimes how far he can go with being smart, and I really hate his sexy brain in moments like this!

"Random things like?!" He asks playfully and takes my hand. I've learnt that he's a touchy person and it was a bad thing for me. My member had a hard time getting used to his touches!

"Like how we ended up like this! I mean I used to peek at your direction all the time."

"Jungkook, shut this loose mouth of yours!" I scream at myself mentally, but nothing can help when I'm with him. He sucks the little sanity I have in my entire system!

"Why did you do that?" Jin squints his eyes in confusion and I would exactly make that face if I was in his shoes.

"I don't know the exact reason. Maybe it was just because you're always full of mysteries, Jin. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact how you can be so different with anyone I've ever met before.

You don't look like the nerds I've seen; you don't look like anyone at all!" I let my tongue to get it out all freely as I know if I struggle, I'll make a clown out of myself more than being the honest guy.

"You used you're!" Jin mutters under his breath, and I raise my brows at him for I'm mixed up as hell.

"You didn't say you were full of mysteries, Jungkook. You said you are which means you still think I'm full of mysteries. Am I right?" Jin explains for me, and even though his way of speaking is different and weird, but it's still understandable and I nod at him.

"What makes me a mystery to you, Jungkook?" He asks me in a beautiful voice that brings tingles to my heart. I feel guilty for the way I'm assuming things about him, but I can't help when I literally know nothing much about him even now when we're supposed to call each other friend.

"It's that... Please, promise me you won't get hurt by what I'm about to say. I wanna be honest with you, Jin." This time I actually take his hand, and it makes me damn surprised that I initiated this.

"I promise I won't get hurt. You can tell me, Jungkook, with a free mind." He assures me with his calm behavior, and I want to throw myself at him in that moment, but hey! Control yourself, Jeon Jungcock!

"We've been friends for about two weeks and while you almost have every little detail in my life on full screen, I know so little about you.

I mean I don't say I want you to tell me those things, but again they make me so curious, Jin. I hope you get what I'm referring to here." I tell him and I see how he spaces out this time instead of me. He's deeply engrossed in his thoughts that I have to wave my hand in front of his face to get his attention back to myself.

"You wanna know about me, Jungkook?" The moment he's back to reality, he catches me off guard with this question.

"Jin, I d-don't... I..."

"Please, be honest like before." He cuts off my stuttering sternly and I've never seen this side of him before. It's actually pretty scary.

"Yes. I want to know, but that doesn't mean you have to tell me!" I become serious on instinct, too.

"I want you to know. I was afraid of this moment the first time I let you in, but I think you're right. It's not fair." Jin utters and I can almost see he's one step close to lose the string in front of me.

"You don't have to, Jin." I whisper in a breathy tone. He immediately shakes his head in disapproval.

"No, I want to. Do you have time tomorrow night?!" He blurts out, totally ignoring my previous words.

"I do." I reluctantly answer him. I always have time for him. I free all the time in the world for him if I have to. However, I don't want to be a cause of stress for him. And I do actually hate myself for this moment.

"I want you to come to my home this time. You can see everything for yourself then. I come in the evening to pick you up."


I've never had so much difficulty with updating a chapter! I clipped my nails, and it's so hard to type with short nails. 😫😂

Btw, the real course is gonna start from now on in here. 😉

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