Getting to know

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A week passed after my I declared my readiness inviting Jin, and honestly it felt like it took forever. Finally, he dragged me to a corner and announced me the date; it's tonight and you know what? I'm not prepared!

I mean I told my dad to buy snacks and my mom is going to cook delicious foods for us. These are the things they will do and me... Well, that's why I don't see myself ready.

I've thought about some topics to start conversations with him, but they just all look dull to me. Jin doesn't look like a picky person about these stuffs. I noticed this in our previous short encounters, but the first problem is that he's shy just like me, and imagine putting two kids like those in a room together... I'm almost certain the outcome won't even turn out to be nearly good.

The second problem is me. Locking you in a room with your crush must be suffocating. I'm worried about how my body will react in the presence of him. I told Jin to come for a night over, but he said he won't stay for the night, and now I don't know if I should curse my luck, or thank god for this!

Right now, I'm pacing back and forth in my room while clipping my nails with my teeth! I can't stop chewing on them as nervousness has taken me all over. I wrote down our address for Jin in a piece of paper, and it's now or a minute he'll come.

The bell rings and I almost faint on the floor! I climb down the stairs sneakingly to check the situstion, and my mom's cheerful tone gives me some courage to step on the last stair.

"Oh dear Lord! Son, are you a human?! Jungkook, he looks stunning." Mom tells me and I can definitely see Jin blushes as his cheeks take a beautiful hued color of pink and his ears turn red visibly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Jeon." He utters and bows at her politely. If it wasn't for my mom, Jin and I would awkwardly stand in there till the night ends!

"You two can go to Jungkook's room for now. I'll call you when the dinner is ready." She puts Jin's hand in mine and I feel numb the second! After recovering for a bit (just a bit!), I take Jin to my room.

"Should I leave the door open?" Jin asks me, keeping his hand on the handle.

"I don't know, however you like." I wished that never slipped over my tongue because he closes the door and I'm officially a goner now! Bye bye me!

I'm in so much of a daze with my thoughts for survival that I don't realize that Jin is still standing there, waiting for me to tell him what he should probably do, or in this case where he should sit.

"Uh, sorry! Please, sit on my bed." And how that comes out silly! I just really need to zip my mouth.

"So,... are you gonna gawk at me like that forever, Jungkook?" Jin lets out jokingly and with a lot of difficulty, I put myself to sit down next to him on the bed, but of course with distance!

"Was it hard to find here, Jin?" I take a deep breath and open up this case of embarrassment to find out how it's going to get the shit out of me at the end of the night!

"No, it was actually pretty easy." He immediately states, and I just nod my head at this.

"By the way, you really have a nice home and your room is great, too." Jin can obviously guess it's not going anywhere with me, so he gets on action himself.

"Thank you."

"Don't you have siblings, Jungkook? This house is, you know, a bit big for just one child." He asks me, and I kind of feel a little relaxed now when I see he's more comfortable around me than I thought.

"I'm afraid I'm the only one in here, and believe me or not I'm enough!" I want to slap myself, but when Jin chuckles at my poor attempt to make him laugh, I smile too.

"Do you have siblings?" I dare to proceed the chat.

"I do, but he doesn't live with us. My brother is older than me by ten years and..."

"Ten years?! That's a lot!" I know I cut him off, but I couldn't help myself. Ten counts a big number when it comes to age gap between siblings and also for children!

"Yeah, it is. He's married and he even has a little girl. I'm an uncle this early." He replies, raising his brows playfully.

"Good for you!" I roll my eyes at him for his way of showing off is quite exceptional.

"It's not... I mean it is when you get to see your niece more often, but I don't unfortunately. They're living in Ilsun and they don't pay visits much. I mean they can't." Jin's tone saddens me. He lowers his head, tracing the patterns on my sheet with his index finger.

"I see." Silence takes over us, but Jin doesn't let it to take long.

"Your mom is so energetic. I like women like her." Does that sentence mean he's straight?!

"Yes, she brings joy to all of us. So, you like energetic girls?! Do you have a girl in mind?" I know it's not my business, or maybe it's too early for this, but I can't bring myself not to question about it.

"I'm gay, Jungkook." I take a sigh out of relief in my mind, but now what about a boy?!

"So, you have or had a boyfriend. That's why you know you're gay. Am I right?!" I'm scared that he's going to get out of this house any second for my nosy ass doesn't know the meaning of stop or limit.

"No, but I never could look at women in sexual ways and I don't. So, I know I'm gay or that makes me gay, I guess! What about you?" He asks me and I gulp evidently.

"You can deny this if you don't wanna answer." He raises his hand towards me. Gosh, he's so damn polite for me! I dug through his whole sexuality life just now and he tells me I can not answer if I feel uneasy. How would I stop my dick from getting a boner now?!

"No, it's ok. I'm gay, too. And just like you, I've never been in a relationship." I chirp out with a stupid grin. It's like I'm announcing him I'm single and ready to mingle!

"What about your friends?! I thought you're with the short one. I don't know his name. He's always by your side when my eyes land on you guys." He blurts out with confused eyes, and I laugh freely for the first time in the evening.

"Jimin... Pfff! No way. He's clingy in nature, but we don't have a thing for each other."

He smiles and now that I have my sanity back, I actually notice something important.

"How come you know my name, Jin, but you don't know my friends'?" His eyes widen and he laughs nervously.

"T-that day in the class Mr. Han called you to the board. I-I remember your name because of that."

The slight hope in me fades away... Mr. Han, of course he knows me because of that terrible day. After all, he's a nerd and a dope student makes a good, funny memory in his mind.

How stupid of me to think that maybe he secretly likes me too...


This night will be continued in the next chapter :)

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