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"It feels like a whole eternity to me. Don't you agree?"

I can't help but seek confirmation from the guy I missed with my entire being, even though we've been in the same city for three months now.

"Yeah, I agree." Jin answers me with a breathy tone and directs a beautiful smile towards me.

Unlike any kind of silence we've shared this while, the one that is flowing now reminds me of old times in high school. It's comforting; one we don't need any word to tell what has been going on in our hearts. The quietness will tell us the needed words.

It was like a miracle when Jin texted me last night for us to meet. Summer is almost over, and this is practically the first time I get to see him alone after the party night.

He chose the same old park in their neighborhood for our appointment. It was supposed to be at four sharp, but I was so excited that I was there an hour sooner, basically baking under the hot sun.

"Do you have any idea why I texted you now, Jungkook?" Jin finally breaks the silence, getting me out of my line of thoughts. I look at him for a while before shaking my head.

"I've got all the news." Jin lets out shortly, and even in his voice I can hear the happiness his entire features show me.

"What news, Jin?" I ask him dumbly as I really have no clue about what he's talking about.

"The important news!... About you. Your mom informed me about everything." Jin utters calmly, his eyes are focused on mine with every word that comes out of his mouth.

It's like he wants my whole attention which he doesn't even need to do that for. My attention has always been with and on him.

"What are the things she told you about me?"

I can't bring myself to say anything else. During these three months without him but still with his help, so many things in me and in result in my life has changed that I myself even have lost count of them.

"Well, she told me all I wanted to hear. Now just like you said it before in the party to Jimin, if we never get a chance, I won't be sad or regretful cause I know I did my job right. A-at least I did my influence."

Jin tries hard to keep his smile, but this time his eyes betray him as tears find their ways into the corners. He turns his face away from me to hide them.

"You'll be a hella incredible teacher, Jin! Do you know that?" I let out in a joking manner to lighten his mood a little. However, as a very emotional person myself, my own tears flow. I wipe them immediately with my sleeves.

I see how more tears slide over Jin's cheeks, but from the heavenly smile he's held onto, they're not for certain due to sadness. He's joyful which makes me want to be in that state, as well.

"Jin?" After making sure my voice is not shaky, I call his name. He hums in answer and turns his face towards me again.

"I don't wanna lose you anymore. I love you that much to not let that happen once more because of my stupid mistakes." I utter with a serious tone. He nods and puts his hand on my thigh ressuringly.

"Me too. I love you too, Jk." He uses the nickname intentionally with a giggle, reminding me again of high school times. I really missed him!

"W-will you..."

I halt a little as I don't want to stutter like a shy teenager. I want to go for it like an adult. That's why I take a deep breath and let the question roll off my tongue easily, "Will you officially be my boyfriend?"

Jin watches me with a weird expression for a while, but suddenly he grins widely and takes my hands in his in blinking of an eye.

"I wish you could know how many ungodly times I dreamed of this moment to happen." He closes his eyes as he speaks in bliss.

"Oh, I know! Actually, I dreamed more afar." I let out boldy and he opens his eyes, staring at me in a daze. Nonetheless, the smile is still there to give me enough courage to continue.

"I thought about the future where you're my husband. I pictured our kids. We'll adopt two because one will feel alone. I pictured our house with all the details in it. I'm looking for one in case you didn't know, but we must think about your parents, too. I pictured our fights and then our talks later. I..."

Before I could finish my long speech which only god knows when it had an end, a pair of sweet lips peck mines, making me stunned for a decent amount of time.

"You forgot about our pets!" He mumbles shyly and watches me from the corner of his eyes with his doe glossy orbs.

"And you forgot this is not the way to do it!" I blurt out while crossing my arms over my chest in fake annoyance. He gazes at me with confusion as he reaches his hand to point at my locked arms, probably about to ask the reason for the posture. Still, I'm fast enough to grab it and pull him towards myself, capturing his lips in a proper kiss.

He gasps in surprise for an instant, somehow a little tense at first. That makes me retreat my face, but this time he's quick enough to cup my cheeks with his hands, stopping me from breaking the kiss as he starts moving his pair gently.

I wrap my arms around his small waist, flushing our hot bodies together. I want to devour him right in there, especially with the little sounds he makes every time I nibble his plump, bottom lip with my teeth lightly.

At the end, I decide against it as I don't want him to think I'm some sort of a monster or something of that nature, which honestly I am when it comes to him. I mean I'm beginning to feel the hard I used to feel in high school!

Jin arches his back, and his loud moan is swallowed by my mouth when I creep my hand under his white T-shirt, rubbing his lower back with my palm. His flawless, hot skin doesn't do any good to my poor dick, and I have to put one leg over the other to cover my now obvious bulge.

Even though my lungs are slowly starting to lose function just like myself, I still bring myself to keep on more until he's out of oxygen and break the kiss first.

It seems like Jin has the same plan as me because when he parts, his flushed, cute cheeks and his spit swollen lips which he uses to let his ragged breaths come out are enough to tell me he kept it more than he actually could bear.

"I will!" He suddenly lets out in a rushed breathy voice when I'm about to close the short annoying gap once more, still both panting loudly.

"You will what, Jin?!" I ask him with squinted eyes, but attack his lips like a horny animal when he more rushingly than before replies to my question.

"I will be your boyfriend, Jungkook!"


This story is close to its end, too, guys.

He Isn't the Nerd for Me! / Jinkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now