Not the same damn mistake anymore!

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My mind is blurry as I take huge steps towards the bathroom. I'm so worried that I really don't see anyone and I hit so many people on the way. I hear their voices behind my back, most probably cursing me, but I can't make out a word and I don't care, either.

When I arrive at my destination, my senses somewhat come back to me in time. As a result, I halt before entering the stinky place. This halt is different with my previous time. It's me waiting for the right time to strike.

Right off the bat, I'm sure it's empty of anyone else besides Jin and Taehyung because there's no sound coming from inside. I peek my head and I see how Taehyung is staring into a mirror, one hundred percent definite waiting for his target to come out of one of the toilets.

When Jin comes out, he almost jumps into the air to see the bastard there. His first reaction is to run away as fast as possible, but Taehyung grabs his arm and pins him to one of the toilet's doors, making him hiss out in pain.

"You little bitch! You think now that you have Jeon, you have a fucking shelter to go to? Sorry to disappoint you, but I believe you forgot about these pics, little shit!"

The moment Taehyung gets the pictures out of his jeans' pocket, I know it's my shot to set Jin free from him for good. The only reason I haven't done anything until now is due to those damn nude pictures.

I take the distance sneakily and snatch the pictures out of the bully's hand harshly. Taehyung flinches a little, but then composes his features quickly as though it's no big deal.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Taehyung?" I ask in a dangerously low tone as I throw daggers at him with my burning gaze.

"You can see what I'm doing, Jungkook!" He replies me boldy and I expect nothing else from him, too.

"Why do you keep harassing Jin, ha?" My question sounds stupid and I realize that myself, but then at some point for someone who has actually never been in a real fight, it's just all new to me. I do fight with my opponents almost everyday, however they're all friendly and for the means of practice.

"I don't know! Maybe because he just likes to ruin our moods with his nerd shit."

I don't know how act to that response at first. However, Taehyung tells me exactly what to do when he opens his filthy mouth once more.

"But honestly, I'm just used to it now. It's just so fun to bully this weak faggot!" Taehyung's smirk is so ugly on the contrary with his handsome face that it just maximizes my rage.

My blood starts boiling in my system and before I can even control myself, my fist acts on its own. I throw a punch at his face with nothing but full rage.

He holds his cheek and takes some steps backwards. I use the chance and push the pictures into Jin's hand who's rooted to his spot in shock. I can't trust my pervert mind. If they stay with me, I may check them later!

Taehyung glares at me with fiery eyes and he tries to attack me back rushingly, but I surprise him with one of taekwando's kicks in his very gut. After all, the sport is all about these great kicks for god's sake!

This time, I pin him to a door, grabbing his collar and hovering over his pathetic frame.

"Do you enjoy this now?! I'll show you what to enjoy!" I raise my hand again to teach him a good lesson, but Jin takes it from behind.

"Please stop it." He almost begs me and that tone just makes me more confused about his strange request. He must be now gloating in pure happiness.

"Why? The bastard deserves this." I look back at him with a frown. I really can't relate to him in any possible way.

"No, nobody deserves this." He furrows his brows, answering me in an almost rough manner. But then, his true self comes back to the scene when he utters the following words with pleading eyes.

"Please, you don't be him." It's like somebody slaps me hard over my cheek when the words reach my ears.

The effect of them makes me release Taehyung's collar in an instant. I stare at his face for some time, and just the imagination of being him makes me want to pull my hair out one by one.

"Let's go." Jin tries to hold my hand, but I prevent him from doing so.

"You go. I have things undone with this fucker. I'll join you later." I let out in an emotionless voice.

"We've got the pics. Nothing more to-"

"Just leave, Jin. I promise I won't do something bad." I cut him off and I can clearly see the turn in his expression. He leaves the bathroom resentfully.

"Good way to get him out of here. So, now you can punch me as much as you want!" Taehyung mutters the words in between his gritted teeth. He can't even take the pain from my previous actions, let alone my new ones; he looks absolutely weak to me right now.

"I don't intend to do that. And I also don't intend to breathe the same air as you for a long time. I just stayed because I wanna warn you if I see you or your other stupid friend around him, I won't be this kind next time!" I exactly use the same words he used when he tore Jin's notebook in this place.

"How are you so sure I don't have another copy of the pics?!" I pity him for the way he's trying to get back to me, but this time, I have the best answer for him; the answer I've experienced myself just some moment ago.

"Because you don't think before you act. You just use your large, arrogant demeanor to scare people, but you're not smart." The way his eyes widen tells me he even thinks the same. His cover is blown up by none other than me.

"And also make sure we never cross past each other, too, Kim Taehyung." I spat at him and leave the bathroom in nothing but pure disgust.


So what you think, guys?

Edit: One thing I must add is that Taehyung may have the copies, but the words... They hold power!

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