Night comes to my day

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Mature content, I'm warning you all from the bigenning. 🔞🔞🔞

"Nevertheless, everything on her is freshness, gentleness, youth, soft, matinal clearness. Oh, Fantine, worthy to be called Marguerite or Pearl, you are a jewel of the purest water."

Could Seokjin be like Fantine? Could he be pure; pure from the impure image I've made out of him in my mind?

Am I like Félix Tholomyès? Am I the man who used Fantine and left her after he got what he wanted?

Or maybe I'm worse. I've made love to Jin over and over, nonstop all in my mind. I don't have the plan to leave him like Félix left Fantine, but I also don't have the plan to make all my fantasies real. I'm just living in a world with him but in reality without him...

Laying him down slowly on the bed while hovering over his perfect body, I put the back of my hand over his soft cheek in a feathery touch. His warm unreal smile puts my already fallen heart on a sizzling fire.

I slowly bring my face closer to his without breaking eye-contact. His lips capture mine, and he closes his eyes along with me.

His lips brush over my hungry pair, wetting them gently but at the same time with a passion gathered from any person living, once lived, or going to live in the future in this huge, huge world.

While our lips are moving gently, I use the chance to touch every part of his naked body under me. His skin is unbelievably smooth, and the contrast between his milky pale skin and my tan one makes my insides stir in excitement.

Finally, the lack of oxygen makes him part away from me, but not in his heart. I continue my gentle kisses on his jaw and his beautifully shaped collarbones.

I swear the sinful sounds coming out from his mouth are getting me closer and closer to the edge, and I can just explode and see heaven right there.

At last, I reach to his sensitive parts, his perky red nipples which are demanding for attention from me. And who am I to disobey? I make sure to look up straight at the mirror of his soul while engulfing one of his buds in the warmth of my mouth.

His hooded eyes go into complete darkness as he lays his head back on the pillow, letting out a loud moan. The sound takes any sanity left from me, and I halt for a long time to just devour that surreal sight with my greedy eyes.

He opens his doe orbs after seeing I couldn't recover from my daze. A smile carves its way up to his luscious lips again, revealing the gorgeous lines around his eyes, showing how much he loves me, too.

He gets up a little and props his body on his elbow under me. I see how a sly grin finds its way to his innocent features, and with his free hand he takes my aching member.

I can't stop my wild groan the moment his hot, sweaty palm makes contact with the sensitive skin of my girth. He strokes my shaft with an unbearably slow pace and shows me glimpses of paradise with the slightest movements of his wrist.

He grinds my member over his cleft, making me throw my neck harshly back due to the now two sides pleasure given by him only to me.

I see the veins in my neck are popping out, and I furrow my brows while he enjoys every moment of teasing me like this. He sees my cries for mercy and guides my poor member to his entrance.

"Make me yours, Jungkook..."


"Jungkook! Jungkook! He's fucking with you!" Hoseok's whispering words next to my face gets me out of my amazing and picturesque dream.


"Jungkook, why don't you give us the honor? Come here to the board and show your classmates how brave of a man you are!" Mr. Han, our math teacher's loud confident voice makes me realize what Hoseok wanted to say all this time by hissing next to my ear like an intrusive insect.

"We don't have all day, Jungkook. Come here now, boy." Mr. Han reminds me of the task I'm supposed to do; the task I don't even know where to start to get it solved. I stand up from my chair.

"Mr. Han, I-I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?! Listen to all those ladies gigglings spreading into the air because of you. Make some impression, boy! Maybe one will mingle with you later on." Mr. Han is different with any other teacher I've ever had or even seen in my life.

He tends to joke around with us to make our moods lively. He tries so hard pour touches of interest in the boring subject called math. His efforts actually have had some good effects on us, well only in some of us!

I try hard and painfully to be among those some, and I was making some good progress in the game before Jin intruded my mind and got any sense and reason out of me.

Speaking of him, I make a mistake and look at his direction. His eyes are straight on my puny figure in a way that for a moment I believe there's a bit of worry in his expression for me. My teacher's movement catches my attention towards him once more.

"Mr. Han, I haven't done the assignment you gave us. I-I tried to, but couldn't get it done. I'm sorry." I mumble under my breath and lower my head. The girls in our class start giggling and making fun of me for real.

"I'm so confused about you, Jungkook. You were doing so great for a while, but I think you have started slacking off again. This time I won't call for your parents, but I don't wanna see this shy boy in front of me another time.

I want you to be confident, my son. Now sit down." I plump my body down on the seat, not daring to lift my head to look into the teacher's eyes. I feel too ashamed.


"Hey, man! you ok?" Hoseok catches me when I try to run away from the classroom the moment I hear the bell ringing.

"I'm fine." I croak and for hell my tone is not even enough to convince a simpleton, let alone a sharp person like Hoseok.

"Kookie, we know you're sad. We would be like you if Mr. Han called us to the board, too." Jimin stands next to Hoseok and pats my shoulder in a soothing manner.

"Guys, please stop it! I'll join you during lunch time. For now, I just need some alone time."

They stare at me for a moment and when they see I'm dead serious, they both nod in sync.

"Ok, see you then." Hoseok says and just when I'm about to move my foot, his scream stops me in my place once more.

"Don't forget to bring the snacks today for our night over and don't forget to bring yourself, too!" I can't help but smile faintly at his silliness.

"I don't."


The first paragragh is a part of Les Misérables by Victor Hugo, the novel that I'm in love with more than my crushes!

I used a different font for some of the words. What's your impression of those?

What do you think about this emotional chapter? (Mostly how do you feel for poor Jungkook?) 😔

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