A usual day in school

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The moment I breathe the air of our school, my lungs stop functioning. I feel smothered and out of breath. I part from Jimin to get some water to wash my face with and get freshed.

The school bathroom is a ghost town as usual when I enter. The toilets are so filthy that everybody avoids this place unless the matter has passed the red line, and matters become emergency.

I, aka the person who has to be a weirdo in every possible way I have, come to this place twice a day during school time. The thing is I have to come here to wash my mind off from him or sometimes deal with a tight problem in my pants!

I splash my face with the cold water harshly like I make it ready for skinning later on the next step. I look at my reflection in the mirror, and it says nothing and nothing! Just boring and dull as always.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of the flush in the toilet along with closing door behind myself, and then someone comes out. I don't know if I should say I'm lucky enough or that I'm just a beyond miserable kid because Jin even makes eye contact with me from the mirror.

I look down at the flowing water, not wanting his eyes to ruin me once more. However, I somehow can say that those beautiful eyes are more glossier than usual, and they are also bloodshot; something that tells he has probably been crying.

The boy comes next to me and starts washing his hands in complete silence which I have never expected more from him, anyway. For the first time, my mind isn't on how his presence next to me this close can make me hard, but it's on his eyes.

I'm dying to know why and who has made him cry. I want to warm him in my arms and shower him with my love, but I don't dare. I follow his back with my eyes until he's totally gone, and here I am with my stupid feelings burning my throat and heart from inside.


"Were you pooping or rebuilding the whole place?! For a moment I thought the gas of all those shits and farts got you and you must've fainted!"

I really wish for a day my friends and I communicate like normal people. It's our first time seeing each other in the day, and that's what I get from my best friend Hoseok.

"I'm back now, you piece of shit. I think I faint here in the gas you spread into the air!" I spat back at him.

"I'm older than you, fetus! I'll tu..."

"Guys, class is gonna start in less than ten minutes. If you two wanna keep this on, it's better to leave here."

Jimin is always the peace maker angel who disgusts Hoseok and I with his sweet talkings. Again as I said before, that's the way I am with my friends.

"Oh Park, what's wrong with you?! At least, we have some shit here to entertain us!" Yoongi- the guy whom his presence and absence are the same in the class as he always sleeps in every class- blurts out.

"Oh shut up, Yoongi, and just go back to your sleep!" Jimin's sweet side has a limit too, I believe!

Yoongi puffs as though he was smoking and lays his head on his desk, opting exactly for what Jimin told him. Finally after all the drama, I take my seat and get my stuffs out of my backpack. I space out to my dreamland sweetly again that I don't realize when he actually comes to the class or when Taehyung reaches for him. A shouting voice makes me startle as hell. Thank god nobody payed attention to me!


If it was anyone else, they would piss themselves by Taehyung's roaring, but Jin doesn't mind it a bit.

He takes his pencil case out of his backpack without giving a glance towards Taehyung's direction. His action makes Taehyung furious. He raises his hand at Jin, but Namjoon stops him in time.

"What you all staring at, losers?! Back to your fucking business." Namjoon roars at all of the students and drags Taehyung to his seat with a lot of difficulty.

Just in that moment, Mrs. Lee, our geography teacher, makes her grand entrance to the class. Everyone dashes to their seats in blinking of an eye.

Rightfully, she's known for her stinking manners and the low grades she gives us for just sighing in her class! And yes! The only student who is dismissed from all of these is for sure Jin again. I gotta be honest! If I was a teacher myself, I'd adore Jin, too; not that I don't do enough now!

"Hello, everyone. Jin, what are we supposed to do for today?" She lets out short and fast. Mrs. Lee forgets her plans for the next class, and she always asks them from Jin for she knows he tells her everything in total honesty every time.

"We are supposed to read about Seoul. However, you told us to gather some pieces of information about our capital and write them down in a sheet of paper."

I can't help but look back at Taehyung who grits his teeth in pure anger in the back.

"Then everyone, assignments on your table now!" Mrs. Lee comes to all of us with the class list. Everyone except Jin gets highly scolded.

"Practically among twenty-five students, one just has done it. Shame on you! If you're not interested in school, why do you waste your time and also mine in here. I can just sit and give my lessons to Jin, and you can do whatever you wanna do. Oh gosh! My headache is getting intense again. Open your books. Jin, start reading, please."

With that, everyone looks down at their books without any sound coming out from any of our mouths.

While everyone is focused on their books, I take a glance at Jin's face while reading the book out loud for us, and again all I see is indifference. There's not the slightest feelings of happiness or satisfaction in his expression. He must be glad now that he was praised by the strictest teacher our school could ever offer.

"Eyes on your book!" Our teacher yells and I immediately get that she was with me.

I look down at my book, but my mind starts making his face in the pages the moment I let myself imagine. And funny, this is how I live a day in my school.


Guys, don't those scenes look familiar to you?! 🤔

What do you think about this story?
In so many ways, it's special and personal to me.

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