Apology, really?!

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"Come on! Smile. You don't look so appealing with that scowl if you ask me!" Jin nudges my side and at last with so much difficulty, I force a smile out.

I did it; I signed my name on the paper today, but it's still hard for me to come along with it. Even though I had a talk with Jin yesterday, that can't stop me from missing or worrying about his well-being.

"Do you think I can get the scholarship too, Jungkook?" Jin breaks my line of nervous thoughts probably after getting a glance of my face, and I look at him as we're walking in the school yard. Today, we decided to just take a stroll instead of practicing.

"This is the only thing I have no doubt about." I answer him with a sincere voice and I absolutely mean every word. Still, nobody can be a match to him in brain I'm definite in our entire school. He'll snatch the scholarship from everyone!

"What are the things you have doubt about, Jk?!" He snorts a bit and I just shake my head dismissively, smiling bitterly.

"Oh, don't make that face! Tell me."

"Do you think the campus there is fine? Do you think the people in Seoul accept me, considering my accent and everything else, Jin?" I throw the questions at him, making the poor creature baffled for a considerable amount of time.

"Those are your doubts?! For god's sake, that university will for sure have great dorms. Since you're from a wealthy family and your dad is willing to pay for your everything, I'm positive he'll get a great dorm for his son.

And about the people, what are they, cannibals?! They may not be easy at first, but they finally become friends with the great person you are. Plus..." Suddenly, Jin stops and chuckles a little in between his serious words.

"Plus what?!" I squint my eyes at him, waiting for the waves of laughter to end.

"Plus, you kick their asses if they dare to look at you in the wrong way!" I can't bring myself to not chuckle at his silly remark.

"Everyone in that place is the best from another region of Korea. So, kicking asses won't be easy in there like here!" I wiggle my brows at him and before we can drown ourselves in our joy, misery comes!

It comes in the form of two figures that I loathe way too much in this whole world, Kim Taehyung and his more despicable friend Kim Namjoon. I wonder how these two possess the same surname as Jin, yet it seems like they're from different planets.

"So, you couldn't do anything back then. Now you've brought your little friend for help." I scoff at Taehyung when they stop right in front of our beautiful view.

"I'm not so little, just to say something!" Namjoon lets out in a mocking way and unfortunately, Jin knows me too much for he gets a hold of my forearm before I even have the plan to ruin the Eiffel tower's face!

"I'm not here for pay back. We're both here to apologize to Jin." Taehyung utters in a calm tone that it just makes it more unreal for me.

"Come again?!" I snort at him as my eye sockets are about to pop out and throw theirselves at them.

"I know you may not believe it and, Jin, it's your choice to forgive us or not. But, I just wanted to say that there was something behind all the things I've done to you in the past; more likely, there was someone who was suffering inside from weakness, so scared that he'll be weak once more."

"What do you mean, Taehyung?" Jin steps a little closer to the boy, making me move with him.

I know what Taehyung is trying to do here, but if he thinks he can get under my skin, he's so darn wrong. Jin doesn't know, but I think he's falling into the trap.

"My old man was a boozehound. Whenever he used to come back home, he'd hit my mom or me out of nowhere. Somehow bullying became the false strong wall to hide my wimp side when I was younger. So, I bullied students to make them believe I was never that person. I'm sorry."

"That doesn't sound so friendly to me, Taehyung." I snap at him and immediately send a piercing glare when he takes his eyes off of Jin to look at me.

"Oh god! You're really the bad egg now, Jungkook!" Namjoon groans and again Jin is here!

"You said your father used to come..." Jin tries to ask, but Taehyung cuts him off, answering his question before it's even completed.

"The guy is dead. No sympathy needed; my mom and I are free from the gross! What could you expect from a guy who enjoyed burning his throat with booze, anyway?!"

Taehyung stops a little, staring at us awkwardly for some time before opening his mouth again, "We're both deeply sorry for what we did to you. You are the only person I guess we bullied because somehow we were bothered or more envied you for your intelligence, and not because you wanted to get through our protection wall."

"That's not an excuse!" Once more, I'm pleased to play the role of the bad egg as I let out the sentence in annoyance.

"I know, Jungkook, and again rather than an apology, I don't know what I can do for the time being. I can probably promise Jin that we won't repeat our actions, not towards him and not towards anyone else.

I also wanna thank you for your wise words that day in the men's room, Jungkook. They were the mere reason for me and then Namjoon to come to this important realization. You were right. I wasn't smart; I was just a coward." Taehyung bows a little at us, and Namjoon follows his friend's path before they leave.


All of a sudden, Jin startles all of us as he calls for the boy. Taehyung and Namjoon turn their heads towards us, both confused just like me.

"I also don't know for the time being, but I think I'll be able to forgive you two in the future!" Jin speaks out in a loud voice to reach to the two. Namjoon grins widely while Taehyung just smiles faintly and nods.

Aftar that, Jin and I watch them getting away from us. Even after they're out of our sight, my eyes still are focused at their direction. I become so engrossed in my thoughts that I miss when he pecks my lips lightly.

"Do you know what does that mean? This is fate telling you to let a sigh out of relief and go chase after your dreams without worrying about me, dear Jungkook!"


There's a purpose behind this chapter.

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