Turn of events

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"Oh my god!"

Before I can even find the time to turn my body towards the direction of the voice, someone throws his entire body at me and Iym being squeezed in his tight warm embrace.

"I missed you too, buddy!" I answer my dear friend with both returning the hug and the words. There's no way one could forget about an amazing person like Hoseok.

"Think about our shit a little, man! I was worried as heck. Why didn't you pick any of our calls?"

He leads me inside the huge saloon his father has leased for my welcome party. I always keep forgetting how ass rich this boy and his entire family are!

"I'm sorry. I know I made everyone anxious, but it was all for study reasons." I don't know I could lie one day without my voice or body shaking.

As we reach to the people, I don't get the chance to scratch my head for I have to shake hands or hug friends from our school. I think besides my classmates, the whole school is here tonight. I greet people that I haven't met once in my life, and they're here all for me. That just makes me feel more like nothing.

Hoseok manages to get me out of the crowd and guides me with a hand on my back to a table in the middle where I can see the small back of someone. There's no need to see his face to know for that back can only belong to Park Jimin. The short boy turns and the same thing happens like Hoseok!

"Jk, you're so cruel!" He whines out loud and all I have is a nod in his approval.

The boy starts talking nonstop about three years of how he finally could escape Yoongi and in that moment, I feel a little bad for the other short boy. Yoongi is for certain a good guy in nature. He can be a jerk sometimes, but that's the story of all of us, isn't it?!

Hoseok more talks about their college life and his grilfriend who couldn't attend here. In between his speeches, he, at last, brings up stuffs about Jin.

Apparently, apart from managing to use the scholarship as great as anyone can expect from him, he's also now got a promising position in our previous school as a history teacher the moment he finishes off his studies.

The night goes on and my eyes are glued to the entrance door all the time. I don't dare to ask Hoseok whether Jin comes or not. I don't even know if I want him here or not. More honestly, I want him, but I'm also afraid of confronting the view of him holding Taehyung's hand or something of that sort.

My body starts itching all over when I see Taehyung opening the door. I've greeted Namjoon before him an hour ago. I assumed Taehyung wasn't here then because the only possibility for him to come is with Jin, but he gets me on that as he's all alone by himself.

The boy smiles his boxy one brightly when he spots me with my two other friends. I excuse myself from them to go to Taehyung as fast as possible.

"Welcome back, man! I'm sorry I couldn't make it sooner. Had to deal with some problems in home." He holds his hand for me to shake, and I reluctantly take it.

"You're not so happy to see me here. I get it, though! We weren't really best friends after all."

My blood starts boiling in my system when he talks like he doesn't know a damn thing about the real cause of my not so friendly manners.

"Are you really a dumb or just pretending to be one?!" I ask him through gritted teeth and pull my hand from his madly.

"What are you saying, Jk?" He gives me an offended look and furrows his brows in confusion. I'm one second away from grabbing his collar in the middle of the crowd, but instead I get a grip of myself.

"Oh yeah! You steal my boyfriend when I'm not around and now have the nerve to participate in my party and pretend like we're good and all. You really are something else, Kim Taehyung!" I growl at the boy and his face gets more baffled. This is again making it hard for me to keep my cool.

"I hope you remember as much as I find Jin a handsome guy, I'm not into dicks! I'm straight, Jk." Taehyung narrows his eyes at me and crosses his arms over his chest. Irritation is raining from his face and body.

"Then why I don't see anything straight in you kissing Jin?!" I try to make my tone as sarcastic as possible, but it just comes out angry like myself.

"Kissing Jin?!... But that didn't happen!" Taehyung squints his entire features for a while mumbling under his breath.

I take my phone out of my pocket and scrolls through it to find the picture. Anyone would think how this is a stupid idea to keep that torturous picture, but somehow my instincts never let me delete it.

On the contrary, I saved it in my new phone for tonight. I hold the device in front of the older boy, almost shoving it into his face. Taehyung watches the screen for some time and suddenly laughs out loud.

"Dude, whoever sent you that pic really wanted one of you. I don't know how they even managed to take it that fast!" He wipes a fake tear on his cheek and snorts.

"So, you kissed him?" I glare at the bastard while asking in fury. He shakes his head in disbelief.

"Yes, but It was a stupid truth and dare game that we've been all invited to. Since I'm straight, everyone decided it would be funny for me to kiss a gay guy and they all agreed on Jin.

The poor creature hated it more than me and I swear to god it took five seconds as it was the deal for my dare." For a considerable amount of time, I'm speechless, just staring at the boy with slacked jaw.

"H-how can I be sure you're not telling lies to my face?" I finally get to utter the words with so much difficulty.

"Well, thankfully the entire people who were there at that party with me are now in this one, too! You can ask your friends." Taehyung lets out with a bit of mockery.

"I'm... I... "

"I get you, man! You got all possessive, heartbroken, and shits like those, but nothing really happened between Jin and me. We are really good friends now, but just friends. Someone wants you two away from each other. Someone who's lurking inside this party now." Taehyung cuts me off and in that moment all I see is how I misjudged him.

I'm now cerain if it was someone else in the picture with Jin instead of him, I'd look into things more. His past was the mere reason as to why I gave him all the wrong in an immediate time.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung. I really do apologize." I lower my head in shame and the boy nods with a wide, weird grin.

"Well, at least I hope all the time Jin and others talked about how you disconnected things with them while being in Seoul, it wasn't for that reason." Taehyung speaks casually as he puts his hand on my shoulder. The lack of response from me answers his statement and he gasps dramatically.

"Oh shit!" He mutters and I can't do anything but to agree. I take his hand off of my shoulder and close my eyes to avoid myself from crying.

"My life is so fucked up and it's all my fault."


Almost everyone started misjudging Taehyung and putting the blame on him; the exact thing Jungkook did. We keep forgetting people can change.

Once more, guys, I repeat this: Never ever judge people, even if you know the real issue. Believe it or not it'll bring more pain to you than anything. It won't for sure bring happiness to you! Am I right in this?!

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