Lunch time

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"Oh gosh! We're all screwed. I hope they don't call out for our parents."

While Jimin and Hoseok are still whining about what happened in the geography class, I'm thinking about the fact how extremely Taehyung was pissed off at Jin.

His every single word to Jin comes to my mind without having a second stop. They prevent me from eating my lunch properly. Thankfully, these two idiot friends of mine think I don't eat because I'm sad about the same matter they are upset for.

"I try to keep my job as the source of happiness and hope for my friends here, but it's just getting more and more impossible everyday because of that little scum Jin. I really wish painfully for him to leave our school."

As soon as I hear those words coming out of Hoseok's mouth, I lift my head from my lunch, and send a shooting glare towards him.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Jungkook? It sends shivers to my body, pal." Hoseok croaks out in a dramatic voice.

"I don't know... Maybe because you just said bunch of words that shouldn't have been told!" I let out in an ugly tone. It sounds terribly raspy and bad in my own ears.

"What the hell do you mean by this shit?!" Hoseok narrows his eyes at me which makes me more annoyed than before with him.

"The things you said about Jin right now, they were fucking mean." I retort back at him.

"Why are you defending Jin, Kookie?" Jimin's shocked tone makes me realize I'm this close to rat myself out.

"What I'm saying is just that you shouldn't say horrible things about people even if you don't like them, or even if they are mean." In that moment, I sound like a stupid five-year-old kid, but at least that saves my ass.

"You're so pathetic, man." Jimin laughs out at Hoseok's comment, and I just look at them tiredly.


Just right then, I see Jin entering the school café as I have the view to the entrance door. I eye him throwing his backpack on his usual table and then going to the food section to pick his lunch. He always carries around his backpack with himself even when our seats are given (assigned) in almost every class. He probably doesn't trust other students for stealing his assighnments.

"What has gotten into your soul like that, Kookie?! He's totally spaced out, hehe! Hey, Kookie?!" Jimin waves his hand in front of my face to get my attention back.

"Nothing." I whisper along with a sigh, and lower my head to pick at my lunch again.

"You guys are for a night over, ha?" Totally excited, Hoseok suggests the idea out of blue.

"I'm not sure, Hoseok. I mean..."

"In my place. You don't have to worry your pretty small brain for that, Jimin." Hoseok cuts the boy off knowing exactly why he acts like that! He then pats the short guy's shoulder playfully.

"Ha, so funny, dear Hoseok! Ok, at your place. This friday is good, hmm?" Jimin asks, waiting expectantly.

"It's good."

"I can come, too. Count me in." I utter quickly after Hoseok. It has been quite a long since we haven't spent time together outside school. Maybe, it'll take my mind off of all the shits that are eating me inside nonstop for a short time at least.

Suddenly, I see Jin rushing out of the café. I start making assumptions in my head. I look over at his food and just like I guessed, it's unfinished and almost untouched from my point of view.

"Guys, I have to go now. See you in class later." I stand up on my feet while having my eyes straight on the entrance door.

"Something happened? Do you need help, man?" Hoseok asks, absolutely concerned with my sudden odd action.

"If you wanna help me in pissing, then let's go to the bathroom together now!" I use this poor lie, knowing it rids me of him in an instant. It always works on Hoseok.

"Fuck you! Go now, you shitty full of farts!" Hoseok wrinkles his whole face in pure disgust as he pushes me away from the table with his hands.

I run out of the café. I can identify Jin's back in matter of seconds as his shoulders are wide like the Pacific ocean itself!

To my utmost surprise, he's going straight to the bathroom, my told destination. Without thinking over the fact why am I doing what I'm doing, I follow him to the bathroom. Still, before I reach there someone else beats me sooner at the job in hand... Taehyung.

Even from afar, I can hear the word trouble shouting out from the mouth of the place to the whole school. I sneakily go to the men's room entrance and find an angle for my head to see what's happening inside, and the first thing I see is Jin flinching visibly by Taehyung's presence.

"Now about what I said in class, Jin... I think you really didn't believe I was serious about the whole thing." Taehyung opens his mouth. Even though he has his back to me, I can see through he has a smirk on his sickening handsome face!

"I can't lie to our teachers, Taehyung." Jin states in a voice a little above whisper. I'm definite I couldn't hear him if the place wasn't empty of a soul except for the two.

"I know, you sweet thing! The bad part is that I can't break my promise here, either. I always have to keep on my words." With that being said, Taehyung snatches Jin's backpack in an instant.

Jin tries desperately to have it back, but it's all in vain. Taehyung is a man of gym, and Jin doesn't have the strength to fight back the other. The horrible thing is he doesn't even shout or scream for help, not at all.

My feet are itching to go and help Jin there, but I just can't. What will happen to me after that? I'll be exactly like Jin; I'll be lonely.

Taehyung unzips the maroon, old backpack and takes out a notebook. He throws the backpack on the floor while holding the notebook in front of Jin's face.

"Taehyung, please give it back to me." For the first time in my life, I hear Jin plead; I see him weak and vulnerable.

"Beg for it!" Taehyung stresses out on each word in a nasty tone.

"Please! I-I beg you!" Jin closes his eyes tightly. It seems like he's in a fight with his insides more than the bully as saying every word takes a toll on him.

"Good boy... Oops!" Taehyung tears the notebook intentionally and throws it at Jin's face after pretending he was about to give it back to him.

"Sorry. I told you I have to keep to my words!" Taehyung utters in his deep voice. If looks could kill, Taehyung would've been a goner in that moment. Jin's intense glare is even reaching to me, piercing my skin.

"I won't be this kind next time, you piece of shit." Taehyung let's out his last words to an angry Jin. I run away from there at the speed of light when Taehyung moves his feet towards the entrance.


What do you think about the whole situation? 🤔

PS: I really hate some schools for letting things like bullying happen. It just pains me; it makes me cry out loud when I see its effects on kids later on in their lives.

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