Getting to know pt2

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Thank god I had my parents at dinner time to save my ass. After the girlfriend/boyfriend talk, my mood indeed went under zero, and I could barely keep up answering questions, let alone entertaining my supposed guest and new friend.

Jin has made a good friend with my mother in a short time rather than me and I don't know if I should get jealous and see her as a rival now!

I return back to my room with a cheerful Jin, laughing weirdly at one of my mom's lame jokes.

"Should we play a game or something, Jin?" I ask him when he sits on my bed this time without being told.

"I don't know, Jungkook. We're just two people. There aren't many games for us to do. Let's just talk. I'll be leaving in an hour too, and we didn't really get to know each other much. After all, we'll turn into the same strangers all along in school!" Jin lets out sarcastically, and I can't help but frown deeply at that.

"I've told you to come to us whenever you feel alone, Jin." I whine and sit on the small carpet in my room across him.

"You've told me to come to you, but what about your friends, Jungkook? Do they really wanna be with me, as well?" He asks, and all I can do to that is to be silent! They want to be friends with him to only use him, and I don't think that can be called a pure friendship. It can't even be called a mere friendship, scratching the word pure from it!

"See! They don't want to and I don't wanna force myself on them or someone in total, either. You don't know how far Namjoon and Taehyung, especially Taehyung can get with bullying!"

It seems like he didn't intend to say that, but he blurts it out and immediately shuts his mouth with one hand like an animated character.

"Tell me how far they can get, Jin; or at least, how far they've got with you." I ask him in a calm tone. He closes his eyes tightly and shakes his head in a manner to reveal his disapproval.

"Please. I promise I won't do something stupid, and also I won't tell it to anybody." I assure him and my voice comes out sincerely for I mean every single word.

"This is quite embarrassing, but I wanna trust in you, Jungkook, cause I find you trust worthy. They have..." Jin halts for a while, unable to finish. I'm literally dying in curiosity. I wonder what it can be to make him struggle to this extreme.

"They have nude pictures of me!" Jin speaks out fast and he covers his face with both hands as his face turns into red crimson.

Registering this shit is so difficult for me that I just stare at him like he's sucking someone else's dick in front of me; although, honestly this matter is as bad as this example!

"H-how?!" I finally get out of my daze and stutter this word with a croaky voice.

"They stripped me in the men's room forcefully. You know that fucking place doesn't have a single camera to blow their asses off.

They took some pictures of my bare body and every time I try to say something, or even just get close to someone, they remind me of them and threaten me that they'll let 'em out if I disobey."

Jin brings his innocent being to tell me everything. I clasp my hands into fists that my knuckles turn white and grit my teeth out of anger.

I knew those two can get nasty, but this... it's devilish than the devil itself. I want to choke them in their blood so badly, but I'm not strong enough to even take down one of them, and how that's nothing but a shame.

"Have you ever tried to talk to your family or even an adult?" I ask him seriously as I'm eager and I feel the need to help him. It's a stupid way, but stupid way for the weak boy at the end of the day!

"No, Jungkook. They don't get what I feel inside. They'll just blame you for being defenceless and different, and I'm tired of hearing those words." He mutters in a shaky tone, and I don't dare to go further with the situation. After all, I invited him here to have fun, but right now I'm bringing out every misery he had to endure in his life.

"I... I always thought how somebody can be as cool as you are, Jin! I've never seen you weak." I speak what I hold to make him feel good about himself even if it's for a tiny bit, and his beautiful smile melts my heart right in the moment.

"Jungkook, I lied to you!" He tells me out of blue while still aiming my poor soul with his smile.

"What do you mean, Jin?" I utter while looking at him with popped out eyes, definitely having no clue about what he said just now.

"I knew you even before Mr. Han called you to the board." He speaks and I'm on cloud nine!

"Really?! But... why?"

"Don't take offence, but I found you weird for some reasons... And I'm weird, too. So... weird attracts weird, I guess!"

How can I take offence when I feel like the happiest boy in the whole world? I grin and he giggles at my stupid face.

"It seems like I wasn't wrong about you. You really are a good person and weird above all!" He says and I think about the porn movies I make in my mind about him. Am I really good now?!

"A-and I wasn't wrong about you, either." I let out in a voice a little above whisper, but from the joyful look on his face I can see that he heard every word.

We stay in silence for a while, however it's not an uncomfortable one this time. If anything, I believe we both need this more than enough.

"I think it's time for me to take my leave." He breaks the quietness after his eyes land on the wall clock in my room accidentally.

"Jin?" I ignore his words.

"Hmm?" He hums softly and waits patiently for what I'm about to say.

"Please come to me in school, or even you can come here whenever you feel alone or I don't know... feel like it! I know it's a big risk for you, but I don't let anyone find out about us."

I don't know where I get this courage to ask something like that from him, but I do it anyway, and clearly I don't regret any of it. He smiles at me again and nods his head.

"I've never felt this good for a very long time, Jungkook. Thank you so much. I don't deserve your friendship, but I don't reject it either way." He expresses in a calm manner, and I want to zip his mouth instead of mine this time!

"It's not true. You even deserve more than me, Jin."


This chapter is just here to crush me down and powder me into the air! 😫
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