Bitter snacks

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"Mom, dad, I'm going to Hobi's house now." I shout out like maniac, announcing my poor parents that I'm leaving and give them the chance to heave a sigh out of relief without my ass for one night!

"Jungkook, it's too late. Why don't we call a cab for you, baby?" My mom comes to the entryway while carrying my backpack for me.

"I wanted to do this, but Hoseok asked me to buy some snacks and I forgot to do it sooner. Let's hope some supermarkets are still open. Pray for me, mom!" I basically beg and take my now heavy backpack from her. I've stuffed it with everything I'm probably going to need. I'll be in Hoseok's house for a whole night, and that's not a joke.

"Ok. I will, sweetheart. Be safe." Mom tells me with a beautiful chuckle. Everything about this woman is calmness and love. I plant a kiss on her soft cheek and leave the house.

I'm a little down about the fact that I have to walk to Hoseok's house just for some stupid snacks, but as long as the shit isn't in my house, I'm ready to tolerate anything.

Among our awkward trio, Hoseok is the richest, and their house is a lot nicer and bigger than ours. His bedroom is also big enough to have three people, and we won't lack oxygen ending up dead!

I take the longest steps I can to get there and also to find a store as fast as possible. To my for the first time good luck, I find one in a corner. I'm even surprised by the fact that why I haven't seen that supermarket before.

It's not the hugest one I've ever been to, but it's big and somehow I see just from the entrance door that they have various kinds of any snacks I crave for.

I throw myself at the place joyfully like a kid. I ride a cart and start picking everything that comes to my hand without giving a damn about money or even our stomachs.

Hoseok is going to pay for it later. And about the safety of our stomach, it's a night over where we get to be free of everything and enjoy the night the best we can.

Although, I must confess I'm a picky eater and I'm sure by the end of the day Jimin and Hoseok are both in hospital while I'm safe and sound because I couldn't reach to their speed to pig out everything on the table. Seriously, my mom is right about me being a not really normal teenage boy.

When I make sure my cart is filled enough and even more than that with various kinds of gummies, chips, candies, chocolates, and any other junks, I roll the cart along with myself to the cashier. There's no one there. The place is empty. So, I have to practically shout for someone and wait a little while.

"I'm sorry, sir. I had to help another customer back there." The boy apologizes, and even when he has his back to show me that customer he needed to help, I recognize his voice the moment he says "I'm"!

Tonight was supposed to be the time for me I could live without him; I could be free from thinking about him. However, this thing may not be possible for me in another world and in another effing body! What is Jin even doing here and in this time of the night?

"Please, put your..."

When he turns his sickening handsome face towards me, he chokes on his own saliva and his words stop coming out at once.

"Hi!" I let out awkwardly. He just gapes at me for a decent amount of time, and that just makes me more awkward and uneasy than what I am already.

"Hey!" He finally opens his mouth and the sound that he makes isn't audible. I just read his lips in that moment.

"You work here?!" I just want the ground to swallow me and I also want everything, documents, ID card, and just anything that shows there's an existing human being with the name of Jeon Jungkook in this world to be erased in a nutshell.

Why I even asked that stupid question? I just know his name and also the fact that he's a nerd, nothing more. And I act like it's my business.

It's obvious he knows I'm his classmate, or just schoolmate because he feels uncomfortable around me as well, but how can I be certain that he even knows my name.


With that he starts reading the barcodes with the scanner and I just watch him without saying anything further. What I have to tell him? That I fuck him everyday in my mind more than a porn star?!

My stuffs are that much to take a long time for him to scan, and for me to think about if he works here every weekday. How can he manage doing his schoolworks? I wonder why he have to work in here in the first place.

"Wow! You're gonna eat all of these by yourself. Even I can't eat that much!" Jin blurts out, but then he puts his hand over his mouth immediately, showing that those words just slipped over his tongue without him wanting to say them.

"No, I'm not a pig! I'm taking those to my friend's home. These are for three people." I mutter and take the bags. He rubs his neck awkwardly and looks away. He's absolutely way nervous than I am.

"Well then, have fun I guess! And the price is 130,000 won."

He busies himself with something on his table, not looking at my direction. I have to put one of the bags on the counter, so I can get my wallet out. I put the money on the counter, not wanting our hands to touch.

I literally run from the place, and for a moment I appear like a lost puppy for I don't move a muscle towards Hoseok's house.

The time is late, but I can't bring myself to care. I don't even have the passion for our night over any longer. I feel like the same shit again and I hate how he can do this to me. I hate why everything about him seems important to me.

Now I have an addicting urge to know why he works in that supermarket. I want that thought away, but there will be no way in hell that it can leave me for one actual day. The bad thing is for sure I'm never going to find an answer for the question.


I'm a fast typer, but that's the fastest chapter I've ever published and I'm kinda proud. 😅

And also another fuuny thing is I wrote this chapter on friday and the time in the story is friday, too!

What do you think about this somehow important chapter? 🤔

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