Part 27

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It was a new school year. After school Blaine and I were at the Lima Bean with Kurt. It was all silent.

(Blaine) "You're quiet."

Kurt looked up at Blaine and put his coffee down.

(Blaine) "No, I'm being passive-aggressive. You guys promised that by the first day of school you'd make a decision. And yet, there you guys sit, cute as ever, but still in your Warbler's blazer."

(Blaine) "We can't just bail on the Warblers. Those guys are our friends."

(Kurt) "Really? Mia, are they still your friends after that whole Nick and his trashy girlfriend incident?"

(Mia) "I am still there because of Blaine. If he stays then I stay. If he goes then I go."

(Kurt) "Okay, alright, fine, alright. One final sales pitch and then we can talk about something else. If you guys stay at Dalton, we are competitors."

(Blaine) "That's true"

(Kurt) "And I'm not sure that our budding love can survive that Blaine."

(Blaine) "We have the strength. Mia and I have to transfer because you're just afraid that we are going to beat you at sectionals."

(Kurt) "No, I'm afraid that I'm 'a beat you. And I know what that does to you when I win. Look I mean honestly, I just, I just want to see you more Blaine. I want my senior year to be magic and the only way that is gonna happen is if I get to spend every minute of every day with you."

Third-wheeling, again. Great. I watch them hold hands and I clear my throat. Kurt then looks up.

(Kurt) "Oh and I miss seeing you at school Mia."

I nod my head and use a sarcastic tone.

(Mia) "Yeah thanks."


Blaine and I have decided. We are going to leave Dalton and move to McKinley. We are walking down the halls at the moment to surprise Kurt.

(Blaine) "Hey, you."

Kurt turns around to see Blaine and I.

(Kurt) "Aren't you guys a sight for these sore eyes."

"Bad day?"

We leave Kurt's locker and start to walk down the hallway.

(Kurt) "Bad week more like it. Wait what are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you be at a Warbler's practice? You know, putting the fine-tuning touches on a new Katy Perry showstopper."

(Mia) "Okay for someone who loves clothes so much, I can't believe you haven't noticed that we aren't in our Warbler outfits."

We all suddenly stop. Kurt turns to face us and then hugs us both.

(Kurt) "Wait, wait. You didn't do this for me, did you? Because if you did this for me it would be very romantic Blaine and would be amazing to have you back Mia for one but it could lead to resentment which could lead to anger which could lead to a horrible, nasty breakup. Like you know on the Bachelorette, have you watched that episode-"

Placing his hands on Kurt's shoulders Blaine interrupts Kurt.

(Blaine) "Hey, hey. We came here for us. I came here because I can't stand to be apart for the person I love."

(Mia) "And I came here because I miss this school."

Beginning to walk again, Kurt linked arms with me and grabbed Blaine's hand.

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