Part 53

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So... I haven't been talking to Blaine, haven't been replying to Sebastian's text messages and once again I am alone on Valentine's week... Is there something wrong with me? Am I messed up or something? Am I just the repulsing that no one wants to date me? What did I do wrong? One good thing though, Mr. Shue is back and we have glee club now. I was up at the back of the room sitting next to Kitty.

(Mr. Shue) "Glee Club!"

We all cheer for him.

(Artie) "Mr. Shue, how was D.C.?"

(Mr. Shue) "D.C. was great, but now I am back to stay. And so, for my first order of business, I want to give a big shout-out to the guy who made sure I had something to come back to... Mr. Finn Hudson. Now... for this week's assignment..."

(Brittany) "I hope it's Britney again."

(Mr. Shue) "Ha, ha, ha! Miss Pillsbury and I are finally getting married. Which makes me the happiest, luckiest man alive. Now, Emma has been handling all the prep, so to help out, I thought I'd take charge of the entertainment for the reception. And though this goes against tradition, it would mean the world to me and to Emma if, instead of giving your best man's speech, Finn, you sing for us. What do you think?"

(Finn) "Uh... uh, yeah, of course."

(Mr. Shue) "Perfect. For everyone else who isn't out with Asian bird flu... it's a Valentine's Day wedding, which means, we need some great romantic love songs at the reception."

(Tina) "Wait. You want us to be your wedding singers? That is so..."

(Blaine) "Awesome. We'd be honored."

(Mr. Shue) "Great. I have some great ideas."

I have a song idea but I don't know if it is the best. Oh well.


And it is now time for the wedding. I walked in with Santana and Quinn and we sat down.

(Santana) "It is a Carrot Top convention. I am so over this, and it hasn't even started yet. I am clearly the hottest bitch in this lousy joint, but I'm all alone, stuck here sitting with you two."

(Mia) "Rude."

(Quinn) "Do you want me to slap you again?"

(Santana) "I hate weddings and I hate Valentine's day. They were invented by breeders to sell cheap chocolate and false hope."

(Quinn) "Do you know what I hate? Men. Every single one of them is a pig, except maybe Mr. Shue and Al Roker. What the hell are you doing here?"

Santana and I look at Quinn confused and she points behind me. Sebastian. I quickly stand up from my seat and stop myself from slapping him across the face and causing a scene.

(Mia) "What the hell are you doing here? You weren't invited. Mr. Shue doesn't even know you."

(Sebastian) "I was actually. Blaine asked Ms Pillsbury? I think that is her name. I told Blaine that I really need to talk to you."

(Mia) "I don't want to talk to you."

(Sebastian) "Please, I don't want to cause a scene."

I look over at Quinn and Santana and nod my head to the side slightly gesturing them to move over.

I sit back down and Sebastian sits next to me. We then start to speak a little softer trying to not have to many people hear us.

(Mia) "You wanted to talk. Talk."

(Sebastian) "I didn't take any of the human growth hormones."

I looked at Sebastian confused.

(Mia) "What? How did you get out of taking it?"

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