Part 28

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Booty camp time!! We were in the auditorium rehearing.

(Finn) "Five, six..."

(Santana) ", eight."

Suddenly Mercedes walks in. We all stop and turn to her.

(Mr. Shue) "You're late."

(Mercedes) "I know. I overslept."

(Quinn) "It's 4:30 in the afternoon."

(Mercedes) "My alarm clock went off 30 minutes late this morning. Kind of shifted my whole schedule. Anyway, what's Santana doing here?" (Santana) "I've re-sworn my allegiance to the Glee Club, without telling Coach Sue."

(Mike) "Mercedes, I'll catch you up. Five, six, seven. Five, six..."

Mike and Mercedes begin to dance. Suddenly Mercedes runs over to the trash can and well, throws up.

(Mr. Shue) "Mercedes, you okay?"

(Mercedes) "My stomach hurts. I think I'm gonna be sick."

(Santana) "Why are you babying her? I mean, she can't do three steps without puking 'cause she ate at Quizno's before she showed up in this joint."

(Mercedes) "Mr. Shue, you have us scheduled to the second right now. With school, Glee Club and Booty Camp, when else am I supposed to eat?"

(Mia) "When the rest of us do."

(Mercedes) "Oh, like you eat!"

(Mr. Shue) "It's not about eating. It's about attitude. Sectionals are coming up, and if we don't give it our all..."

(Mercedes) "I am doing my best."

(Mr. Shue) "No, you're not. It's not about doing your best anymore. It's about doing better."

The next few hours were intense. Really intense. 


It was a few days later and in that time I had rejoined the Cheerios. Brittany had also decided to run for Senior Class President. I love Kurt and all but McKinley needs a girl in power. I was walking down the halls linking arms with Brittany and Santana. We walked up to Kurt and Rachel and stopped in front of them.

(Santana) "Nice blouse, Hummel. Really brings out the color of your pink eye."

(Brittany) "So, I assume I can rely on your vote, Rachel."

(Rachel) "I'm sorry, Brittany, but I've already pledged my fidelity to Kurt."

(Brittany) "Oh, so you're cool with flushing McKinley High's future down the magical poop-stealing water chair?"

(Rachel) "Mia, why are you voting for Brittany when you should be voting for the clear winner?"

(Mia) "I love Kurt like a brother but our school needs a girl ruler. Did you know that in six years at this school, we've only exclusively had male student council presidents?"

(Santana) "And yeah, Kurt looks like Jimmy Fallon's butch daughter, but a vote for him would only empower yet another frank and beans."

(Brittany) "Yes. Where has that patriarchy gotten us? Double-digit inflation, economic freefall, oil spills, war in Afghanistan."

(Santana) "I tweeted about Britt's flash mob pep rally in the gym, 2:48 and we're all showing up to support her with girl power."

(Brittany) " Yes, boys have made one hell of a mess in this school, and there's only one way to clean it up."

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