Part 21

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It has been a couple of weeks since my brother Derek got arrested. I feel weird but also safe. At Dalton I feel cared about and I have so many caring friends. I was heading off to Warblers practice when I got a call from Kurt. I stopped walking to answer the phone.

Mia: "Hey Kurt."

Kurt: "Omg! Guess what?"

Mia: "What?"

Kurt: "Dad and Carol are getting married!"

Mia: "Wait really? Burt and Carol are getting married!?"

Kurt: "Yes!"

Mia: "Omg! I am so happy for you Kurt!"

Kurt: "I was wondering if you would want to come and you could possibly sing a solo at the wedding and maybe another few songs? You can bring a few people as well."

Mia: "Kurt! I would be honoured and I will definitely be there."

Kurt: "Yay thank you!"

Mia: "I should go. I have warbler practice."

Kurt: "Ok bye."

Mia: "Bye."

I hung up the phone and placed it in my black shoulder bag happily. I started to walk the rest of the way to the choir room. I entered the room and went over to sit in between Nick and Blaine. Wes then started the meeting.

(Wes) "Good afternoon everyone. I would like to start today's meeting with some exciting news. I have calculated the votes from everyone."

'Votes? Did I miss something?'

(Wes) "Mia and Blaine will be doing a duet together for Sectionals. But just so we can confirm this idea we would like to her Mia and Blaine perform a duet."

I look towards Blaine. I was shocked. Surprised. I am doing a duet at sectionals? This is awesome.

(Mia) "Blaine? Did you know about this?"

All Blaine did was give me a hug and laugh. He stood up and held his hand out to me.

(Blaine) "You deserve this."

The warblers started harmonising.

"I stand in the corner like a tired boxer
One hand on my cheekbone, one hand on the rope
And all my veins pump blood into my throat
So I can hit the note, go do it all again"

Mia (warblers):
"Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)
Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)"

"And I lay half awake, thinking what's it's gonna take
For my moment to arrive, so sick and paralyzed
And I chew my gum on the left side of my mouth
Wonder when I'll spit it out, yeah, I'm just getting started"

Blaine and Mia (warblers):
"Tell 'em all I said hi, hope you've been well
You've been asleep while I've been in hell
Tell 'em all I said hi, have a nice day
I'll be just fine, don't worry 'bout me
Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)
Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)"

"I stand in the corner like a tired boxer
One hand on my cheekbone, one hand on the rope
And all my veins pump blood into my throat
So I can hit the note, go do it all again"

Mia and Blaine (warblers):
"Tell 'em all I said hi, hope you've been well
You've been asleep while I've been in hell
Tell 'em all I said hi, have a nice day
I'll be just fine, don't worry 'bout me
Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)
Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)"

Mia AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now