Part 45

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I walk into the choir room and saw Mr. Shue and Finn at the piano. I went to sit in between Blaine and Sam. Blaine is still not over the break up.

(Mr. Shue) "All right, guys, listen up. I have an announcement to make."

(Brittany) "Adele is dead."

(Mr. Shue) "No. I have been asked to join a blue ribbon panel to rewrite the arts curriculum nationwide."

I smile wide for him. This is amazing.

(Mia) "Wow! Congratulations."

(Mr. Shue) "Thank you. I'll be taking a short sabbatical, which means I'm leaving McKinley at the end of the week."

(Tina) "What? This is crazy."

(Artie) "But Glee Club is your life."

(Mr. Shue) "Which is why this is only temporary. I'll be back right after sectionals."

(Tina) "Wait... after sectionals?! Whoa!"

(Mia) "Calm down Tina. This is Mr. Shue. He probably thought of an amazing plan."

(Mr. Shue) "Guys, guys, calm down. Look, I knew I needed to find a replacement, which is why I brought in Finn Hudson."

(Tina) "Mr. Shue, Finn cannot take over Glee Club. He doesn't know what he's doing at all. Sorry, Finn."

(Finn) "Guys, I know I can do this. And I've got some really great ideas for sectionals."

Everyone started to yell and freak out. Am I seriously like the only person who is okay with this?

(Tina) "We'll all be dead by then!"

(Mia) "Tina!"

(Tina) "Finn doesn't know how to direct a musical!"

(Artie) "No, that's fine."

(Sugar) "No, we can't win without him. Who's going to drive the bus?"

(Mia) "Okay shut up!"

Everyone went silent. I stood up from my chair and went to the front of the room.

(Mia) "Finn is going to do well. Who saved our asses when the other two schools stole our setlist at sectionals? Finn. Who went to hell and back to get Unique the dream role of Rizzo? Finn. So if I hear anyone of you disrespect Finn again then, from the words of Santana Lopez, go all Lima Heights on all of you. Someone's gotta be the new HBIC, why not that be me? Don't disrespect Finn."

(Sue) "Finn Hudson, Schuester. Figgins' office, right now."

I turn around to se Sue standing at the door. She looks pissed.


It was Grease rehearsals and I was just practicing one of the songs on stage by myself.


"Look at me, there has to be

Something more than what they see

Wholesome and pure

Oh so scared and unsure

A poor man's Sandra Dee"

(Kitty) "Is it possible that you are getting worse?"

I turn to face behind me and see Kitty and cross my arms.

(Kitty) "Usually people get better over time but in your case maybe worse."

(Mia) "Well at least I have some talent unlike you."

I put on a fake shocked look on my face and then walk off stage to Tina smiling. I walk up to Tina and she shoved a costume in my face.

Mia AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now