Part 70

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Ever since I got the role as Veronica Sawyer things have been up and down. Press have been crazy trying to talk to me and it is weird. Kurt got bashed and that was insane. Sam and Mercedes is a thing I am pretty sure which I am happy about. So happy for them. Artie got an STD and was slut shamed. Don't ask. Rachel's opening night is tomorrow night and I am so excited for her. I was over at Rachel and Kurt's apartment getting ready and I saw Kurt open the door and saw Tina. I watch as Tina walks in and Rachel walks up to her.

(Tina) "Hello, big fat Broadway star. These are for you."

Tina passes Rachel some flowers and Rachel bows her head slightly and takes them.

(Tina) "Oh, no. Do you have laryngitis?"

(Kurt) "Oh, no, she's just resting her voice."

(Tina) "Oh, thank God. This would not be a good time for your tonsils to flare up again. Remember that? First year of Glee Club?"

I walk up to Tina and give her a hug.

(Tina) "Hey, where is everyone? Rachel's opening night on Broadway is a big deal. And where's Artie? I was hoping to get to see him."

(Mia) "Oh, his short film Bags in the Wind got accepted into the Ft. Lauderdale International Short Film Festival."

(Tina) "Oh, that's too bad. I mean, what about Quinn and Puck and Santana? I mean, are they just not being supportive?"

(Mercedes) "Tina! Why don't you catch us up? How's Brown University treating you? Mm."

Tina talks to much. We move down to the couches and sit down

(Tina) "Ah, I love everything about it. Except for my dorm room. My roommate... she's nice... but she's from Pakistan and she speaks almost no English and she's always watching that Al Jazeera channel. And, no, I don't have a boyfriend, but I was dating this really nice guy, but he turned out to be..."

(Everyone) "Gay. Gay. Gay."

(Kurt) "Proud homosexual."

(Tina) "No. Yes. Anyway..."

(Sam) "Knew it.

(Tina) "Rachel, I read this amazing story about you on, and they are predicting that Funny Girl is gonna be a huge hit. And so is everybody else, except for a few moronic bloggers.

(Blaine) "Oh, hey, Tina."

(Tina) "But, I mean, who are they to call you pitchy?"

(Blaine) "Let's go get an iced mocha."

(Tina) "And do not get me started on those anonymous comment trolls. I mean, that... You are not that short."

(Mia) "Shut up!"

I rest my head in my hand shaking my head slightly. What the hell is wrong with her...? There is a moment of silence and everyone feels awkward. Then Rachel fakes a smile.

(Rachel) "It's fine. It's fine. Frankly, the only opinions that I care about are you guys. And I love you guys and you love me. So, you know, if I ever need any validation, I just... turn to my buffet of people right in front of me. If you don't mind, I am going to take a nap. This diva needs her beauty rest. So..."

Rachel gets up and walks to her room. Mercedes then gets up and walks over to Tina.

(Mercedes) "All right. Tina. Get your bags. You're coming to my place."

I then get up and walk with Tina.

(Tina) "But I thought I was staying here. What if Rachel needs my love and validation from the buffet?"

Mia AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now