Part 42

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And we are back! Well we have been for a week but still. It's great to be back. It is weird to not have the graduates here but I am excited for this year. I can't wait. Cheerios has been weird without Santana and Quinn but at least I still have Brittany. Brittany and I are the new co-captains which is awesome. There is the new chick, Kitty, who is an absolute bitch. She kind of reminds me of a bitchier version of Quinn. I was alone at my locker. I wore my Cheerios uniform, like I always did, and looked down to flatten it out and from the corner of my eye I saw Jacob with as camera guy next to Artie. Jacob was looking into the camera.

(Jacob) "What's up, blogosphere? Jacob Ben Israel here, back on the street with an exclusive look at McKinley's newest celebrities, the New Directions!"

He turns his head to face Artie.

(Jacob) "Artie Abrams, lunch room sources tell me you've been seen sitting with Cheerios!"

(Artie) "Well, I'm usually sitting. But, yes, and I can tell you it is great to finally be popular. National champs, baby! Whoo!"

I couldn't help but smile. I grabbed a few things from it and the shut my locker door. I turn around to see Jacob and the camera guy near me.

(Jacob) "Here we have another one of McKinley's celebrities and also hottest girl in school Mia Anderson. How does it feel to be you at the moment?"

(Mia) "It feels great. National champs for both New Directions and Cheerios. It is an amazing feeling. Wait, did you say hottest girl?"

(Jacob) "Polls are sky rocketing saying that you are now the hottest girl here."

(Mia) "Really? Wow... Anything else you wanted to ask?"

(Jacob) "Do you think we are looking at the next Prom Queen?"

(Mia) "That is a difficult question. There are probably other girls here who also deserve it but I would be lying if I didn't say I wanted to be Prom Queen. It would be amazing."

Jacob and the camera guy walked off looking for someone else to harass and I started to walk down the halls. Then I saw someone I think I recognised. Someone I haven't seen in a really long time. I don't know if it is here but it would be awesome if it was. I walk up behind her and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around it is exactly who I thought it was. Her face brightens up and she hugs me and I hug her back. We pull back smiling and I grab a hold of her hands.

(Mia) "Marley Rose! It has been so long! How are you?"

(Marley) "I am good! How have you been? You are a cheerleader. Wow. I would never have guessed."

(Mia) "I am great now. And yeah I am. I was just as surprised as you."

(Marley) "You are so pretty now. Well even prettier."

(Mia) "You have grown so much and wow you are pretty yourself. How's mum?"

(Marley) "Still getting picked on.."

(Mia) "I am going to see you at the glee auditions right."

(Marley) "I don't know... I am still kind of shy."

(Mia) "Come on. You have a great voice."

(Marley) "I really do want to audition it's just... wait... what if you sang with me?"

(Mia) "Hmm...?"

(Marley) "I don't get as nervous when singing with someone. Maybe you could sing with me?"

(Mia) "That's not a bad idea actually. I will find out. I should go. Classes are about to start."

I walk away heading over to where I had geography. I hate geography...

Mia AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now