Part 39

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National is this week and I am both scared and excited. We left for Chicago last week and I was so excited but then Mercedes got sick. Really bad timing.

(Mr. Shue) "What's going on? How bad is it?"

(Sue) "Her temperature's 101 degrees. Given the fact that Weezy's complaining about an upset stomach, it's either Amazonian dengue fever or the H1N1 super virus."

(Mercedes) "Or I have food poisoning."

(Santana) "We all wanted burritos of lunch so we went to Chipotle, but Mercedes tried so dive called "Senora Salsation.""

(Sue) "Word please."

The two teacher went off and us girls tried to help Mercedes however we could.

(Mr. Shue) "So here's what's gonna happen: Mercedes, you're on bed rest, Quinn, you're stepping in."

(Quinn) "No, no, no, I can't dance that number. I can't sing it, either, not like..."

(Mr. Shue) "The Trouble Tones need you."

(Tina) "And you're better than you think you are."

(Mr. Shue) "Tina, you, too. You're in the Trouble Tones. As well as Mia."

(Mia) "What?"

(Mercedes) "Mr. Shue, this is my last competition. I don't want to miss it."

(Sue) "Amen, to that, sister. That's why I'm putting you on a vitamin B-12 drip. We're flushing your system with Pedialyte, and I'm gonna fill that bathtub with ice and see if we can't get your ambient body temperature back down to normal. Worked in Jacob's Ladder."

(Mr. Shue) "All right, we all have our marching orders. Let's do it."

Now I am stressed. I don't have long and I have to learn a whole 'nother dance now? Great....


We were in one of the rooms and everyone was doing something different. I was practicing the Trouble Tones dance with the girls and things escalated. The guys started fighting.

(Mia) "Guys stop!"

I see Mr Shue walk in and help stop the fight.

(Sam) "He's studying for geography while we're trying to rehearse! It's bogus!"

(Puck) "'Cause I already know the dance! You dance like you got your feet caught in bear traps. You're trying to gnaw them off."

(Mia) "Puck!"

(Kurt) "Mr. Shue, are you aware that while we're arguing about jazz squares, Unique is being handed the key to the city by Rahm Emanuel?"

(Mr. Shue) "Really?"

(Brittany) "And plus my pillow and my blanket fell into the pool. Disaster."

(Artie) " Look, I think everybody is just a little tired. We've been rehearsing for three straight hours."

(Finn) "Yeah, and we'll rehearse all night if we have to. We can rest after we've won!"

(Rachel) "Just because we've lost Mercedes doesn't mean we can be anything less than perfect. Perfect!"

(Artie) "That's easy for you to say."

(Santana) "Okay, you know what?You know what? Hey! I don't want to hear any of this, "We can't do it without her," because guess what? We don't have a choice. So be warned: if you are not giving this everything you've got, I will go all Lima Heights on your sorry asses."

(Mr. Shue) "Listen to yourselves."

(Santana) "I know. I'm sorry. I always go to the yelling place. I have rage."

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