Part 44

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It's been a week since Sebastian and I broke up. At first it was hard. I blamed myself. I would think that it is my fault that he cheated but then, I remembered something. That it wasn't my fault. He is the idiot he. I didn't do anything wrong. I was just being friends with someone. He actually cheated. I have been a lot better lately. I feel more confident in myself. It's awesome. Blaine wasn't doing as great and he had his audition but turned down the role of Danny and is going to be the Teen Angel instead. I felt bad for him. This breakup with Kurt was really hitting him. Oh and also, Mercedes and Mike are here to help with the musical and Finn is helping direct which is awesome. I was walking down the when I saw Sam and Blaine. I walk up to them and squish myself in between the and put my arms around their shoulders.

(Mia) "How are my two favourite boys?"

(Sam) "Favourite? I thought that would be Puck?"

(Mia) "Well he graduated do now you are."

(Sam) "How lucky."

(Mia) "Oh come on. You love me."

(Sam) "Of course. You are like a sister to me."

(Mia) "Aww thank you Sammy. Hey I was thinking, maybe the three of us could sing together in glee."

(Blaine) "I don't know if I am up to it."

(Sam) "Come on. It might help. What song were you thinking?"

(Mia) "Shut up and Dance?"

Sam grabbed me by the hand and I grabbed Blaine's as we ran down the halls to the choir room. Once we got to the door of the choir room, Sam started to sing.

Sam (with Mia):

"Oh don't you dare look back

Just keep your eyes on me

I said you're holding back

She said (shut up and dance with me)

This woman is my destiny

She said oh oh oh

(Shut up and dance with me)

I grab Blaine by the hands and start to dance with him a bit when we got to the centre of the room.


"We were victims of the night

The chemical, physical, kryptonite

Helpless to the bass and the fading light

Oh we were bound to get together

Bound to get together"

I saw Blaine smile and I smiled back.


"She took my arm

I don't know how it happened

We took the floor and she said"

The three of us started to make up some choreography on the spot performing for the rest of the glee club. It was fun.

Blaine and Sam (with Mia):

"(Oh don't you dare look back

Just keep your eyes on me)

I said you're holding back

She said (shut up and dance with me)

This woman is my destiny

Mia AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now