Part 17

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I just found out that Puck has been sent to juvie. Glee club this week is doing Duets and I don't particularly want to so Mr Shue allowed me to skip glee this week. I was called to the Principal Figgins' office and honestly I was scared. I had my Cheerios uniform on and just before I entered the office I straightened my uniform then entered the room. I saw Coach Sylvester and Mr Shue sitting in the room as well as this other teacher I haven't seen before. Principal Figgins was the first to speak up.

(Figgins) "Mia Smith Anderson come sit down. This here is the headmaster of Dalton Academy."

I turn towards the headmaster and shook his hand. The headmaster then looked to me.

(Dalton Headmaster) "I would like for you to come to our school for the week. I understand that your brother goes to the school and if you don't that is perfectly ok. I have looked at the files of all the students and I thought that you would be the best for this. You would join Glee club for the week and tag along to one of our students classes-"

(Sue) "Excuse me! You are going to take away one of my Cheerios??"

If you didn't know who that was then you are insane but that was Coach by the way. Figgins then tries to reason with Coach.

(Figgins) "Sue it is just for a week and you have lots of other girls."

(Sue) "If my girls don't train everyday then they will not be able to function properly."

I look at Mr Shue and he the nods his head to me.

(Mr Shue) "Headmaster? Is there anywhere that Mia could train?"

The Headmaster nodded his head and informed us that there was a large oval. I put my hand in the air and everyone looks up at me.

(Mia) "Coach. Please let me go and stay on the Cheerios. How many of your Cheerios can do a front handspring step out round off back handspring step out round off back full twisting layout?"

Coach's response was leaving the room. She didn't push anyone or anything she just left which I am hoping means that she is allowing me to go. I look towards the Headmaster.

(Mia) "What do I wear?"

The Headmaster smiled at me.

(Dalton Headmaster) "Anything you want but if you do want to change you might want to wear that uniform. We don't have girl change rooms obviously. You will also have to wear this blazer. Afterwards you can keep it if you would like."

(Mia) "Thank you and yes wearing my Cheerios uniform might be best. When do I go there?"

(Dalton Headmater) "I will be taking you there right now."

The Headmaster then handed me the blazer. I put the blazer on and it fit me well.

(Mia) "I will just grab my things and say bye to my friends and then we can go?"

(Dalton Headmaster) "Of course."


After telling glee club that I am going to Dalton for the week the school's Headmaster drove us to Dalton. I saw Blaine waiting outside for me. I got out of the car grabbed my stuff and ran to Blaine to give him a hug and he gave me a hug in return. He grabbed my stuff and lead me inside. When we walked inside I saw two people with slushy cups. I saw them look like they are about to throw them at me so I quickly covered my face. After a while I couldn't feel anything cold but something that felt like... paper? I move my hands away from my face and I see confetti flying over me.

(Blaine) "Sis are you ok?"

I look at Blaine.

(Mia) "I'm used to having slushy in it not confetti..."

Mia AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now