~The Past Of The Rose~

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Camila's P.O.V.

Soft tunes coming from my small music box filled my ears indicating that someone is with me inside my small pink room designed by my Mama. The once dimly lit room suddenly brightened, cold morning air blew inside my room making me slightly shiver even if my whole body was covered with the cream mattress that I have. I cuddled Snow, my white teddy bear closer to me as I closed my eyes and waited until someone comes close to me.

Even if I was awake I refused to move and kept my eyes closed, waiting for whoever inside the room to approach me as I know I've slept way beyond my healthy nap time. Mama made sure that I would only have enough 8 to 9 hours of sleep during the night because sleeping long would make your body feel so weak as you've completely done nothing for so many hours. I made sure to do that all of the time but I think I did something bad last night...

"Señorita, it's time to wake up" Mama's sweet and cheerful voice was so soft against my ear, I could feel her hands caressing my long black hair, one where I definitely got from my Papa.

Every night Mama would always caress comb them with the brush telling me how much she loves how much I take almost everything from papa even the way I think and do. She told me several times that she feels so happy seeing me be with my Papa all the time, I am like his mini me and she loves seeing how we interact, how I choose to be with Papa more than being with her.

At first I thought she's going to get mad or jealous because I care for Papa more but whenever I ask her about it she tells me 'You and your Papa are always the same Camila, both of you are confident, strong willed and kind but both of you also do rational things that can lead to yourselves hurting other people and even you, yourselves'. I thought that there was something wrong between me and Papa but Mama assured us that we both are perfect in her eyes.

"5 more minutes Mama, I'm still sleepy" I argued, trying to bring myself back to sleep even if I know that I would be in trouble. The comfy pillow and cold breeze was so tempting to lull me back to sleep, if I could only decide for myself I'd love to sleep for the rest of the day but that would mean that I am being so so lazy and it's bad.

"We can't wait for 5 more minutes Señorita, you have to wake up"

A small smile appeared on my lips as I acted as if I am still sleepy even though I am not, I just wanted to know how Mama would act if ever she sees me acting and if I ever try to not follow her words. She doesn't really hit me but if I really did something bad, she'd make sure to discipline me with hits and words right after, she'll explain what I did wrong and on why she had to do that.

There was a few minutes of silence, I could feel my left side of the bed getting heavy and warm which means Mama had just took a seat beside me. I tried so hard to suppress my laugh, pouting my lips just in case to look as if I am still sleeping but in reality all I wanted to do was to burst out laughing.

"Is my baby not going to wake up? Okay, I'll just head down and tell Papa to finish eating up all the banana pancakes I cooked-"

I gasped and opened my eyes as wide as I can. Banana pancakes!

"I'm up! I'm up!" As if my body was possessed, I immediately sat up on my bed while putting my slippers on. I didn't even care if Mama's in the same room with me, all I did was to run downstairs, my small hand held on the railings just to have support.

I cannot let Papa have all my banana pancakes! Half of them are mine!

"Camila be careful baby girl" I could hear Mama's worried voice behind me as I continued running down the long stairs, my short legs are getting so much used in running up and down this favorite palace like stairs of ours.

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