~The Silent Misunderstanding~

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Camila's P.O.V.

This is the second morning that I've been in Black Rose, the beautiful sunrise woke me up again and it was really such a breathtaking sight. If I have my phone with me then I would've snapped a picture of it just so I can include it to my collection of pictures that I would love to look at whenever I miss home. Somehow I'm starting to feel home sick, not being able to see the people whom I'm very fond with. Sure people like Connor and some of Peter's men take care of me here but I'm not sure whether or not those are their true color or they're just following Peter's instructions simply because he fancies me.

If he thinks I'm one dumb woman to easily believe his men's goodness to me are in their own freewill then I'm not. Seeing how he has such a high respected position here in Black Rose easily means that some of the people close to him might only be leeching on him just like in politics. He might either be so stupid to let this happen or either he just really trusts them, I have no problem with Matt, Taylor Nick and especially Connor but I still need to have my guard up not knowing if they still are suspicious of me or not.

As expected, there was a black rose on my nightstand again. It was neatly placed there in replacement of the dress that I had worn yesterday, it seems like we're trading things for the other which was kind of cute if we weren't in this kind of context. Peter still hasn't told me everything especially on where I should place the clothes for laundry or where the hell is the laundry so I can do it myself, I just can't walk elsewhere knowing that he or Connor might even be monitoring my every move so I have to act obedient like a little puppy.

But something else is different from this rose... it has a mixture of red and black, one that I'm sure only exists in the rose called Black Baccara Roses. Mama wanted to plant them before but even before we could do it she was gone. I wasn't exactly good in handling soils and the last time I attempted to plant one it ended up not even growing or a stem so the roses at home were always being taken care by Papa. This rose...

I think I'm going to fall for it because of it's unique and exotic beauty

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I think I'm going to fall for it because of it's unique and exotic beauty...

Honestly speaking, I think it would've felt so good to receive a rose like this every day. I was kind of hoping that it would be red roses or white since those were beautiful when combined together but then again, this isn't fairytale where we would have our happy endings. This life is all about hatred and revenge, one that I am executing at this point.

It was so silent that it seems like this time I am very positive that no one else is with me in this floor or it seems like Connor might still not yet be awake. But Peter, I'm sure he is because he's already placed a rose on my nightstand, sometimes I even wonder if he ever sleep. Not that he can easily pass as a vampire or some mythical tall handsome creature at some point but there's something about his aura that makes it a bit alluring, makes him a bit unreadable no matter how I try. Like he's built a force field in him that shuts down every person who tries to read his mind or even his actions. He's just...

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