~The Owner Of The Rose~

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Jesse’s P.O.V.

One thing I really don’t understand about love is why does it have to be so complicated? Based from all the people I’ve seen who have had a very serious relationship and even crushes, confessing your feelings for someone was probably the hardest thing they’ve ever done or will ever do because there’s no assurance that the same person you love or like will have the same emotion or will like you back.

And then comes the conflicts, in every relationship there should be conflicts because we have two people who doesn’t have the same way of thinking. Both of them should be trying to make the other realize what they are thinking about or what they’re trying to tell them, no one should be passive and submissive because two people are in a relationship and not just one. If they didn’t have a fight for even once then there’s something indeed wrong.

Now at this case, this whole main girl falling in love with the enemy she vowed to kill was something out of the equation. I don’t even know if the two had been in a relationship throughout her one month stay there since none of us truly was able to know what kind of man Shawn is to Camila. There were several questions in my head that were still left unanswered especially if he had tried to force himself to her more than once or if he had purposely gotten her pregnant, but with Camila’s words I’ll trust her that the man she claims to love never hurt her when they were there together.

I wanted to go on and have a talk with Camila to gather more information about this guy especially with the wedding bomb she just dropped after her pregnancy reveal. I couldn’t understand if she was reacting like that to let me know that she’s moving on since that’s pretty unbelievable or she was just trying to divert her attention elsewhere just to forget about everything that has happened. There’s just no way that she would’ve just wanted to marry me right after hearing the news that she’s carrying the child of the man she loves…

And where the hell is that guy? If I know how mafia men reacts and how possessive men can be I know he must’ve sent some of his men or even told Matt to report everything that’s happening here back at him so he would be aware of what Camila’s state here. If Camila’s thoughts were right, which always was, I know that man love her as well and so hearing the wedding news I think he should already been planning several things in order to take his woman back or to prevent the wedding from happening. It’s been one hell of 4 days and the wedding is tomorrow yet I still see no one crossing the boundary and trying to take Camila? What the heck is that man thinking?! He needs to take her now for all I know!

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a full supporter of them being a couple for what he did to my baby sister. I really would’ve killed that man if only Sir. Alonzo stopped me and told me to focus on Camila’s health instead, no woman should ever be treated that way, no man should ever raise their hand even just a finger to hurt women and to force themselves to them with any other excuses. Abuse is still abuse no matter what and rape is still rape even if they keep trying to say that they did that because of this and that. I don’t like men doing that to women, just because you’re stronger than them doesn’t mean you can start bossing them around and hurting them like toys and using them whenever you want. They’re very fragile and even the most strongest woman would still feel traumatized even the slightest bit whenever that happens.

I’m not saying that Shawn’s that worse but I just don’t like men like that. I don’t like Camila falling in the arms of a man like that who promised to never hurt her but then now it turns out it was him, himself who hurt her so bad. This is probably one thing I would end up regretting but I do think that Camila shouldn’t marry me nor we push through with the wedding. I know that she will never be happy with me nor will I be because a marriage is a very sacred sacrament for the two of us, we believed that once we marry that person he or she is the one we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with and there’s no turning back.

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