~The Missing Rose~

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Camila's P.O.V.

Have you ever felt so shocked once in your life that everything seemed to freeze on its place? Like time seemed to stop and so does everyone especially your heart?

Well that was what I could picture myself with today, that’s what I could honestly feel, like my heart being frozen and then broken into million small pieces once it landed on the ground. I felt like I was betrayed, lied to or even played with at the same time after what he had just done. What I thought was such a beautiful dream has now changed into a nightmare that was trapping me, never wanting me to wake up.

That kiss was more than everything I could ask for for tonight. It was what seemed to complete this beautiful night to me as he managed to make me feel special, make me feel like I was me, the real Camila even if I was still acting like Karla. The way he caressed me, the way he held me and accompanied me for the night made me somehow feel that this party was for me and not for Aaliyah. He was looking at me all the time, never leaving my side even if I had to go use the restroom and whatsoever, he’s just stay thinking that something bad might happen and he needed to be there for me always.

I pictured myself sharing a kiss with the man I love before all the people even in the streets, somewhere lavish or casual I didn’t care as long as I am with the man I love. I was an easily embarrassed person but when I’m with the right man then I don’t care of what other people would see me as, I don’t care as long as I got to be with him and he’ll hold me the close.

That was what at least I thought was going to happen with Peter… or shall I call Shawn and I. I thought he would’ve held me close to his chest, letting me hear his beating heart longer so I can be drawn on them feeling so calm and nice. I thought he was going to hold me close, closer than ever but I guess I was wrong…

Instead he had left me in the middle of the room with everyone looking at me, they’ve all witnessed what had happened, the minute he pressed his lips on mine to claim me and then he left me as if I was a used doll he refused to even look at anymore. It was as if he regretted even looking at me, spending time with me… that was what I felt when he had left me.

His revelation didn’t even matter to me at this moment because all I could think of is seeing his retreating figure, turning his back on me and leaving me. I just wanted him near me but he didn’t even let me…

At this moment I felt like I had been swallowed by pure embarrassment, the men that were looking at me didn’t advert their eyes and soon the sounds silenced as well as everyone inside the room. Everybody seemed like they were statues, frozen in shock but was directly looking at me, I was the center of everyone’s attention after being left in the middle of the room by her partner. No one dared to say anything and I was thankful of that because if they did then I would’ve collapsed at this moment placing my hand on my aching heart.

Why you ask? Why was it aching? Because I didn’t know what actually hurts more. To know that the boy I’ve been wishing to meet all my life was actually the man I was supposed to kill or to feel like you’ve been the worst date ever now that my escort had managed to leave me all alone before the very eyes of the people standing before me.

"Karla come on, we've been celebrating for hours now I'm sure you're tired now so I think it’s time to go home. Connor" Aaliyah didn’t even hesitate to come close to me and started saying these words, her hands gripped my forearm and shoulder seemingly trying to comfort me without showing it that much to the people around us. My eyes met hers and I immediately understand that she’s trying to withdraw the attention of the men to another from what had just happened a while ago.

"I'll go and prepare the car, just wait here for a few minutes okay?" The minute she called Connor, the man was fast enough to understand what needs to be done and so I noticed him walking towards the front door with a knowing look.

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