~The Arrival Of Black Rose's Beloved~ (Shawn)

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Shawn's P.O.V.

Growing up I've been told that flowers were actually girl's best friend, I've been taught and noticed that they are the ones that every woman cherishes may it differ in color, design or in scent. Mom always told me that the way to a woman's heart is by giving her things that she'd love and one of them is a flower may it be a bouquet which is very traditional and usual or just a single flower that would make it seem like they are important.

I wanted to make her feel important so every day I kept giving her a rose, letting her collect them and from what I could see she's already trying to form it into a bouquet by putting them in a vase. It actually looks so beautiful whenever I have the time to look at it when I visit her room in the morning, it's unusual for a bouquet to have a dull color like black but for me I can see how beautiful it is.

"Sometimes I wonder why do we need to take care of something when in the end they'll wilt and will get cut off by us"

Plants also have lives, they're just like us though they needed to be cared for just like the animals as they can't live by just themselves. There came a time where I almost forgot to water them and so they died, I felt like I was a failure since those things are the ones I was entrusted to take care off but now they're already withered and dead. I remember asking myself continuously, why do I have to care for something who will end up leaving me as well once? They're just like us, the people you love, the people who loves you, life is never eternal and so one of them would leave you just like what happened with Mom...

"Because in cutting them off, you're actually saving their life than killing them" I smiled softly the minute I heard Connor responding back to my question, my eye caught the blooming rose in the middle of the garden as I slowly made my way there to cut it off and to give them to the woman sleeping blissfully in her room.

I'm sure Karla is expecting another rose today, she might not say it but I know she's already looking forward to receive them everyday just how I planned it to be. I can see the way her eyes lit up whenever I give her a rose, though I might not see her personally the minute she saw the rose but whenever I manage to spend the time with her I know it's all because of the rose. She feels special and deserving, the way she should be.

"But don't you think that makes them wither more?"

Connor turned to me with his arms crossed on his chest, his eyes were busy going around the whole garden whom I, Aaliyah and Connor are the only ones who knows this location because I can say that this place is where I am most vulnerable as well as Aaliyah. Only the people whom I really trust are the ones who can enter this place, I do trust Matt, Nick and Taylor but at the same time Aaliyah and I decided that this place should only be visited by family and Connor is already a family to us. He's been there for me, I've been there for him when no one was, we're treating each other like true brothers and that's the main reason why he's already considered as a brother to me and Aaliyah.

"You can save a life once you cut them off from the main branch. Just like the flowers, if that soil is already dry and the stem couldn't sip in more water then your last resort is to cut it to spare it's life and let it sit with water and enough sunlight. It may not grow the same way it used to compared to the flower with the root but you're giving it another life even it may be just a small chance or for a short while"

"Because what matters is that it's still alive and well no matter how long or short the time is" I finished with a smile the minute I managed to cut the flower off from the main stem, it was blooming beautifully with red swirls I actually fall for. This is an unusual thing in flowers but seeing it having two beautiful colors which also are my favorite then this is rare and a sight to see.

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