~The Faults And Nightmares~

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Shawn's P.O.V.

I was walking around the playground, busily trying to look for the puppy that I had played yesterday when I came here at this park. Mom was so ecstatic to see me this happy just by playing with the dog since Dad never wanted me to have a pet, I kept asking for just one small puppy but he told me that those things would only make me go soft.

Mom hushed me in my room when I was crying and told me that she would take me to the park again hoping that I can see the puppy and play with him, his owner was very nice and let me pet him yesterday so I think he’ll let me play with it again. The minute the car stopped I wasted no time in getting out and running to find that cute puppy, I know we only have a few minutes to stay here as Dad would get angry knowing that I was out of our house.

He never wants Mom and I to get out of our house, he told me it was for my protection so that no one will ever come and hurt me as well as Mom. I love her so much so despite my want to head out and play with some of the kids at the park, I choose to stay at home fearing that Mom and I might only be in danger. But today, it’s her birthday and Dad was busy with his work, Mom thought that this is a great opportunity to take me out since it was her own wish so she made me get ready right away.

My small feet almost made me stumble as I ran around the whole ground, the small specks of dust were now covering my shoes, one that will somehow make Mom quite angry with me. I tried looking everywhere but it seemed like he wasn’t here today, with a dejected sigh I frowned and slump my shoulders yet that quickly changed the minute a small little girl suddenly ran up to me. I almost lost my footing and fell with her but she received the impact more seeing how tiny she is compared to my body.

"Are you okay? You should be careful" She has her hands on her face with her hair tied into two with ribbons, red ribbons in each. I quickly extended my hand, hoping for her to take so I can help her up but she wasn’t looking at me no matter what I do.

Worry started coming to me, I didn’t hurt her that much did I? Have I done something wrong? Did I hurt her when she fell? Was I supposed to catch her? Several questions corrupted my head but all I did was to kneel before her, my hand slowly trying to touch her shoulder to calm her down. Being this close to her just made me realize how small she really is compared to me. It was like with just one small touch from me she can easily break and I don’t want that to happen.

It wasn’t long before I realized that she was crying, I can see her shoulders rising up and down as she tries to catch her breath. At that moment I couldn’t help myself but to place my right hand on her shoulder and rub it, wanting to give her comfort no matter what she’s crying over. My other hand came to grab her wrist, trying to pull it away from her face which she keeps covering the whole time. The minute I saw her tears falling down her red flushed face, I almost immediately felt my heart shattering and this protective feeling started appearing in me.

"Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" I asked with a soft tone, it took her quite a while to calm down as all I could hear her say was gibberish words. Her breathing was so shallow, her face was red as she tried to catch her breath still, it looked like she had been crying so much for the last few minutes over something.

"I lost it, I lost my teddy, I lost it!"

A small smile appeared on my face seeing how cute she is, despite her tears and the reason behind those I still find her so cute. The mere fact that something so small made her cry gave me the idea that she can be a cry baby, something quite annoying from what I can guess but then again, maybe that bear held such significance to her and that’s the main reason why she was crying.

I suddenly had this urge of wanting to protect her at all cost, like I wanted to become her knight in shining armor as they say just so I would never see her cry again. This is the first time I ever felt this feeling, I just wanted to stop her from crying, all I ever wanted to do was to give her that smile and just imagining that brought such warmth in my heart.

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