~The Traitor's Call~

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Camila’s P.O.V.

It was already 3 at midnight when I was once again awake without no particular reason at all. It was pitch black in my room and there were no other source of light other than the close to invisible moonlight outside, it was so dark that I once again felt slightly suffocated as my heart raced and several thoughts ran in my head. I couldn’t find my sleep no matter how I kept trying to toss and turn around the bed, seems like I really had to be awake at this certain time to my advantage.

One is that I needed to do something in order to get a hold of my father who might already been so dead worried of me. It’s been almost half a week after I had left Crystal Fire and yet he still received no news from me, I’m pretty sure John might be informing him about how I am but we’ve never even met each other after Shawn had taken me from the mansion. I need to have to connect to him, to talk to my father personally because I know he might already been losing his mind at this point having no news from me nor hearing my voice for more than a week.

Standing up from bed, I made my way to the door, pressing my ear on it just to check if some people are still awake at this hour. I opened the door slightly, leaving a small gap just for me to see the hallway if I am safe or not. So far no one was making their way here and the hallway was quiet just as I assumed it would be, I know for sure that with how Shawn was tired from cutting the woods I know that he’s probably sleeping soundly at this point.

Having my small clearance and approval, I quickly dashed to the small fireplace on the wall, one where I usually lit it up whenever I couldn’t sleep when it’s pitch dark. My hand slowly detached the glass box on wall, peering slightly to the door and turning my hearing mode on to the critical level just so I would be able to know if ever someone might come and catch me with what I am going to do. Quickly, I took the hidden phone inside the small space which was always hidden by the fire every time I opened it just so hide the phone.

John was at the port the last time when I did my last task, incredibly he managed to slip the phone on my pocket without anyone noticing it. Shawn wasn’t there inside the yacht when I talked to Mr. Demopoulos for the deal, only Voight was there together with John and another man whom I don’t even know off, I’m guessing he is a man of Alexandros. Shawn and the rest of the men were just told to wait outside the yacht as I formed the deal with Voight just listening to me silently, and John used it as the time to slip the phone to me letting me know that I really need to call my father and report to him how I am.

Quickly, I returned to my position earlier, my back flat on the wall just as I peeked at the hallway again to check for anyone who might suddenly wake up at this time and caught me doing this. I dialed the only number on the phone which I’m sure was Papa’s non traceable and one use phone, something we really need when things might get out of hand. It took the phone a few rings probably because Papa might already been asleep at this time, I was praying dearly that he would wake up and answer my call as I think I wouldn’t be able to find the perfect time to call him again next time.

“Hello, who is this?” My heart leaped in joy the minute I heard his voice, I almost shirked in happiness hearing my Papa’s voice as I missed him so much. Tears gathered in my eyes but I refused to let them fall knowing that he might only worry more as my voice will start quivering and then I’d cry the whole time nonstop if I do.

“Papa, it’s me”

Camila and not Karla…

“Camila! My precious señorita how are you? You took so long to contact me, is everything alright? Are you doing okay there?” Papa’s groggy and tired voice suddenly turned loud and clear, it seemed like I had woken him up from his sleep and I was slightly thankful because I really need to hear his voice to soothe and comfort me.

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