~The Different Choices~

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Camila's P.O.V.

I don’t think I could ever get used to receiving a rose every morning. This sweet gesture seemed to really make any woman feel as if she is special to the person who’s giving it to her. It was as if she’s deserving of all the beautiful things in life, deserving to always smile, deserving to always be happy no matter what the circumstances are because that was how women should be treated and not by bullying or by harassment. When women receives a small gift even it may be a rose then it would already mean everything to her, she’d be able to find confidence in herself because those little gifts are like reminders to her that she’s worth it and completely a beautiful woman no matter the race, size and color.

Peter didn’t exactly made a promise of giving me these roses everyday but he’s actions were louder and clearer than his words. He doesn’t talk that much and instead does things in his own way, he’s mysterious and incorrigible, I can read his emotions at times but rarely and vaguely. No matter what I do it seems like he’s bringing certain barriers up to either protect himself or just because he doesn’t want other people reading his mind. There’s definitely something wrong, no, different from him, I can’t seem to find a certain part of evilness in him nor the wrath of wanting to keep killing other people…

He’s the next mafia boss in Black Rose and for him to have a heart as soft as this…

I keep remembering Papa. His caring ways to his men, the bond they have, he’s so kind to them that they also can see him as their own father or brother. He’s helped several men during his reign as Crystal Fire’s boss, he’s lost several men of his but not once had he turned his back on them, he keeps giving their families financial anonymous aids. Somehow looking at Peter at this kind of time, he seems to be good, or at least that’s what he’s showing me because he keeps calling me as his ‘woman’

Maybe his dark side still haven’t been unleashed or I still haven’t able to see that ruthless side of him.

Sometimes really I just find myself getting surprised with people who does the exact opposite of what they say, sometimes people would say they hate this person but in reality they actually love them. For me it is true that actions does speak louder than words. If you can’t bring yourself to profess what you want then show it through actions, if you’re so much angry and can’t hold it in then just break anything, if you’re feeling so down and can’t share it to anyone then just cry it out, let your emotions out because in that way people would be able to understand you more.

So far there are 5 roses on my vase which means I’ve been here for almost a week, tomorrow will mark as my first week here in Black Rose after my arrival last Monday. I can’t believe I managed to survive almost a week here, I honestly thought I would be dead the minute I entered this vicinity but here I am, safe and alive thanks of course to the man I should be killing. He didn’t know that the woman he’s protecting was the one who was actually the woman who’s going to kill him.

A knock from the door brought me out of my thoughts, clearly it wasn’t Peter as he would’ve just head inside my room without even caring to knock at all. It’s as if he’s telling me that he owns this whole times and doesn’t need any sort of privacy or lock especially to my room, it’s like he should have a full access in my room. He literally can just waltz in and out of my room whenever he wants, it was a bit annoying but I can’t do anything about it, he’s the boss here and I’m just nobody.

"Matt, Taylor, good morning" I greeted them the minute I found them both standing behind the door with their eyes looking strictly and directly at me. I wasn’t that surprised to see them here since they really come here at this early but what I couldn’t understand is why they’re knocking on my door room when it’s still this early, I didn’t oversleep by the way.

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